Armed SAF serviceman caught...

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And all NSFs carry baton and wicker shield... :think:

cisco armed guards are doing a full-time paid job whereas the other group are doing it due to signing "extras", so u can expect a certain difference in morale, commitment and attitude towards their assigned roles.

cisco armed guards are doing a full-time paid job whereas the other group are doing it due to signing "extras", so u can expect a certain difference in morale, commitment and attitude towards their assigned roles.

I think Gurkhas will be a better choice more garang can react better.......

During my time, the enemy was supposed to be communist guerilla, "Charlie" or Vietcong.

Today, we are talking about terrorist.

Now, this is called the Danger within.

cisco armed guards are doing a full-time paid job whereas the other group are doing it due to signing "extras", so u can expect a certain difference in morale, commitment and attitude towards their assigned roles.

Don't get me wrong, this is a great idea.

I see the way the NSFs handle the rifle... - it'll be safer for everyone if they stick to the baton and wicker shield! :bsmilie:

And all NSFs carry baton and wicker shield... :think:

If liddat, army camp may kena rob.
Last time got 1 malaysian army camp kena robbed of rifles (don't know got ammo or not). The robbers just drive in and grab.

Since he got break up with his gf, he feel sad n got mental problem liao.

Then he remember that his officer told him before, your rifle is your "Wife"

So, he want to stay with his "wife" forever and don't want other mate to use it.

He went AWOL with "wife" but in the end, that was not allow in SG.

So, police go n capture him n return his "wife" back to camp n for he, go to hougang "chalet" lor.

Sad Sad....

For me, I also got into marriage problem last year n even worst, I going for reservist. Luckily I can control myself as we did have SAR21 training. If I can't control my emotion, I might have use the rifle n end my life liao. :eek: :sweat:

hmmmm............. anyone excuse firearms here?

Then he remember that his officer told him before, your rifle is your "Wife"
haha .......... :bsmilie::sweatsm:
rifle is usually girlfriend la...
wife is canon .:sweat:

hmmmm............. anyone excuse firearms here?

Only Jehovah Witnesses don't carry firearms, but then they have to serve three years at DB. :)

perhaps, a mental case as likely to be claimed by saf.

i remembered a fellow soldier from my active unit, who, near his rod date, started waking up at odd hours, including after midnight, parading himself alone at the parade square. after a few times, he was send to the MO, who eventually sent him to woodbrighe hosp. later, he came back and told us that they used electric current to 'shock' him. i suspect that the entire plan was hatched to escape reservist duties. later, do not know what happen to him.

Only Jehovah Witnesses don't carry firearms, but then they have to serve three years at DB. :)

dunno, but i have quie alot of people in my unit excused firearms. one due to phobia of it, one due to psychotic reasons.

excused firearm? nonsense. still call a soldier!

dunno, but i have quie alot of people in my unit excused firearms. one due to phobia of it, one due to psychotic reasons.

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