Armed SAF serviceman caught...

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damn, those orcifers always haf it easy.

they shud sleep in together with the men and specs.

orcifers do DO damn sian one leh..any small matter also report here report there.

imagine how many units of the police and army the cpl dave activated...all the operational unit kena real action. :p

He carried a rifle to Orchard somemore? :bigeyes::eek:Kena possessed ah? Wah. Shocking :eek:

Yeah, this is still 7th month in full swing. Wonderful reason to tell the judge, both civilian and court martial - saying he din know what he was doing - possessed by the most evil devil in town, roaming around. Somemore, is Mandai camp a former cemetery?

some folks might think there is an Army Open House or Recruitment in Orchard Road... ;)

In serious-enough cases the SAF will discharge the offender dishonourably and then hand him over to the civilian authorities.

His unit CO will find this case too hot to handly, also, not qualified to handle. Even the Court Martial at CCK most likely dun wanna to deal with such a BiG case. Most appropriate to be charged in the High Court.

Will he also be charge for stealing, apart from illegal possession of an weapon?

Even if he can prove that he is a looney, what he did was very dangerous act. Its very scary to imagine a lunatic with weapon running around town....

Maybe no more guard duty for NSF next time..all use CISCO guards..

Haha, we'd be laughing stock of the world. Or least of the neighbours north. "62 year-old retiree finds part time job as 'jaga' in [insert camp name]".

But serious MINDEF would have to rethink this. It is very very easy for some guarding the GATE of the camp to just walk out; after all, the guards on duty are in charge of opening and closing the doors to the camp. That, coupled with the fact that our guards are NSF in the 18-21 yrs range, possibly disgrunted, a little immature, over-influenced by FPS games... we have a situation. This guy could likely the tip of the arms-kidnapping iceberg to come.

i guess the army chiefs must be suffering like mad now, the general public will now question and demand why a weapon and live rounds can just go out shopping like that.

Yeah, this is still 7th month in full swing. Wonderful reason to tell the judge, both civilian and court martial - saying he din know what he was doing - possessed by the most evil devil in town, roaming around. Somemore, is Mandai camp a former cemetery?

you mean CPT Ho is back??? 7 days!! his spirit returned!!! :eek:

from such a case, the discipline of the army is now in question in the eyes of the general public.


Haha, we'd be laughing stock of the world. Or least of the neighbours north. "62 year-old retiree finds part time job as 'jaga' in [insert camp name]".

But serious MINDEF would have to rethink this. It is very very easy for some guarding the GATE of the camp to just walk out; after all, the guards on duty are in charge of opening and closing the doors to the camp. That, coupled with the fact that our guards are NSF in the 18-21 yrs range, possibly disgrunted, a little immature, over-influenced by FPS games... we have a situation. This guy could likely the tip of the arms-kidnapping iceberg to come.
This is gonna to change the standing orders for guard duty forever.
Likely to have LTA as guard commander, each detail consist of 1 sect commander plus 3 riflemen. Double the number of guards on duty. And sect cmdr report every 10min. So, more weekend kenna burnt. Somemore, now, weekend 2 full days leh.

This is gonna to change the standing orders for guard duty forever.
Likely to have LTA as guard commander, each detail consist of 1 sect commander plus 3 riflemen. Double the number of guards on duty. And sect cmdr report every 10min. So, more weekend kenna burnt. Somemore, now, weekend 2 full days leh. dat u need a company to man one guard room...:bsmilie:

Maybe no more guard duty for NSF next time..all use CISCO guards..

CISCO armed guards ? not a bad idea. They are professionally trained security guards, decently salaried, insurance covered and experienced.. :thumbsup:

i guess the army chiefs must be suffering like mad now, the general public will now question and demand why a weapon and live rounds can just go out shopping like that.

Even better still, he was on the run for 20 hours yet the public keep in the dark. :sweat:

CISCO armed guards ? not a bad idea. They are professionally trained security guards, decently salaried, insurance covered and experienced.. :thumbsup:

And all NSFs carry baton and wicker shield... :think:

His unit CO will find this case too hot to handly, also, not qualified to handle. Even the Court Martial at CCK most likely dun wanna to deal with such a BiG case. Most appropriate to be charged in the High Court.

wah even at this time they still can taichi shoot arrow all the way until high court settle lol..

wah even at this time they still can taichi shoot arrow all the way until high court settle lol..

AG must justify his pay... :bsmilie:

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