An old member says G'day .. yes he is alive.

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Oh my! Do take care!

Well, this angmoh from hell has generated a thread with the most replies from members since 2002! Bravo! :)

Thanks Darren. Sadly I didn't have much choice in the dissapearing act as I was nearly 6 months in hosptial after Africa and since then it's been pretty much in and out as various bits of me have failed since.

The tally...
Spider bite (kicked off the whole shooting match)..
Pneumonia (masked by drugs used to combat spider bite) which ran for 7 months
Respiritory failure
Cardiac failure
Atrial Fibrillation (result of cardiac failure)
Collapsed lung
Blood build up in thighs and haematoma in leg muscles (due to so much time in hosptial)
Deep vein Thrombosis (due to being stuck in hospital bed for months).
Broken hip (fell over in hospital, that !@#@'ed)...
Odema (result of respiritory and cardiac failure)

Ain't life grand....

To the others who replied!

Thanks guys, It's good to see a lot of old and familiar names including a couple I used to jump on regularly when I was a moderator (those were the days). I'll be around regularly from now on, provided I don't have more time in hosptial doing the illness bit.

The Ang Moh from Hell.

Ian the moderator from Nikon ! :thumbsup:

Ahem Ex Moderator ;p

Wow! Quite a number of old timers reappear... :bsmilie:

Trying to recall when was the last time IAN debating with fellow forum members on equipments.... :bsmilie:

Wow! Quite a number of old timers reappear... :bsmilie:

Trying to recall when was the last time IAN debating with fellow forum members on equipments.... :bsmilie:

About 2.5 years ago haha!

Me debate????? I just used to let the uninformed rabbit on (talkin' kok) before laying down the plain unadulterated truth from my perspective as a working pro. I kind of miss those days but it's long gone and times change. Debates were saved for the likes of Ellery, Jed and the other pro's and advanced amateurs who'd grown out of gear measurebation.

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Hello Ian,

Great to hear from one so obviously strong of mind and determination.

A man that will not take life lying down :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Stay well and strong for many many more years to come.

Peter :)


You are one tough bugger mate. Must have been all the beer drunk down in days gone by that kept you hanging in there. Most poisonous insect bites are neuro toxins and complex ones at that.

Africa is a nice place to visit but just too much dam danger all around, was extremely careful when I was there for 5 months on a work assignment. Even then I lost 20 kg by the time I got back.

Let see more of you for a long while more.

warm regards


Thanks Darren. Sadly I didn't have much choice in the dissapearing act as I was nearly 6 months in hosptial after Africa and since then it's been pretty much in and out as various bits of me have failed since.

The tally...
Spider bite (kicked off the whole shooting match)..
Pneumonia (masked by drugs used to combat spider bite) which ran for 7 months
Respiritory failure
Cardiac failure
Atrial Fibrillation (result of cardiac failure)
Collapsed lung
Blood build up in thighs and haematoma in leg muscles (due to so much time in hosptial)
Deep vein Thrombosis (due to being stuck in hospital bed for months).
Broken hip (fell over in hospital, that !@#@'ed)...
Odema (result of respiritory and cardiac failure)

Ain't life grand....

To the others who replied!

Thanks guys, It's good to see a lot of old and familiar names including a couple I used to jump on regularly when I was a moderator (those were the days). I'll be around regularly from now on, provided I don't have more time in hosptial doing the illness bit.

The Ang Moh from Hell.

Welcome come back!! will all the drama-mama old timers come back again?
Take care! You WILL recover and come back kick some /\55 again!

Thanks to everyone who replied

Burger it i've just had another month in the slammer erm hopsital with a recurring nightmare in the left lung.

A special note to Ellery, yep mate I sure am tough, and no kidding on Africa, the number of times I've nearly been killed there in the past 28 years is almost beyond counting, if it's not some loony with an AK-47 then it's a rampaging bull elephant or better yet a loony-tunes rhino or hippo, or a suicidal taxi or bus driver ;)

Thanks to everyone who replied

Burger it i've just had another month in the slammer erm hopsital with a recurring nightmare in the left lung.

A special note to Ellery, yep mate I sure am tough, and no kidding on Africa, the number of times I've nearly been killed there in the past 28 years is almost beyond counting, if it's not some loony with an AK-47 then it's a rampaging bull elephant or better yet a loony-tunes rhino or hippo, or a suicidal taxi or bus driver ;)
But the things you had seen and experience is more than many people most places had.


Hey Ian, I was wondering what happened to you. Sounds like a pretty eventful last few years for you.. do take care! Cheers

Hmm... CS is a safer place again :D

Hmm... CS is a safer place again :D

Dunno about that Jed my old friend, with you and me back here there could be some lively bashing of idiots.... ahem should I say "over enthusiastic amateurs" hehe.

:eek: what kinda spider is that? sounds dangerous

:eek: what kinda spider is that? sounds dangerous

I don't rightly know as I just splattered it with a hit from my hat. What ever it was its fangs were dripping with nasty bacteria.

think the scientific name is ...."flatened" arachinda....

get well soon bro!!!!

welcome back ian, hope to see more of your postings in CS.

always good to hear sound and practical advice from a battle-hardened pro. :)

Dunno about that Jed my old friend, with you and me back here there could be some lively bashing of idiots.... ahem should I say "over enthusiastic amateurs" hehe.
Ian, good to see you're coming back. Hear more often from you in future. :)

Speedy recovery.

I don't know how many users will be here from a few years ago but I thought I'd drop in and say G'day from the ang moh from hell, Ian.

For those of you who were wondering where I got to for the past couple of years, well I had some family illnesses to deal with and then a short assignment to Africa, where I was bitten by something decidedly not friendly. The upshot was the past 2 years have been spent in and out of hospital while the doctors attempt to get me back to something resembling healthy.


Howdy!!! Ang Moh from down under(and I don't mean Perth):bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie: Don't know how I missed this.

Wow it must have been what(?) 3 years or so? Happy to hear that you are doing well. Jed's back and we met last week together with the rest. What are the chances of you dropping by sometime? Next GP maybe? Now that you are back, perhaps its time to put a lid on some "over-enthusiastic amateurs"? ;)

Howdy!!! Ang Moh from down under(and I don't mean Perth):bsmilie::bsmilie::bsmilie: Don't know how I missed this.

Wow it must have been what(?) 3 years or so? Happy to hear that you are doing well. Jed's back and we met last week together with the rest. What are the chances of you dropping by sometime? Next GP maybe? Now that you are back, perhaps its time to put a lid on some "over-enthusiastic amateurs"? ;)

G'day Kit my old friend.

Sadly there's not chance of me visiting SG for at least 2 years as my doctors have banned me from flying due to the inherant dangers of low pressure on what ails me. I'm somewhat narked by that as the g/f and I wanted to go see her parents in China next year as there's a high possiblity that the old ang moh might just have met his match, literally and metaphorically.

Glad to hear that you and the others have caught up with Jed, he's a top bloke and an old old friend of mine. One of the most talented youngsters (back then) That the old AP and early CS ever produced. A true credit to the industry as a whole. Sheesh I hope he's not reading this :sticktong

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