Aircon main switch must off?

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Jan 20, 2003
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Since there is a question for computer main switch, which I find it draws very little current, I like to know about the aircon.

I notice that the temperature gets cold much faster if I leave the aircon main switch on.
If I were to switch off the mains in the morning and at night I switch on the mains and on the aircon straight away, the temperature takes longer to get cold.

Hence I think if the mains is on, current could be sent to compressor or aircon to keep it idling.
Since aircon consumes rather a lot of power, I am tempted to turn off the mains everyday after I off the aircon.

Is it good to turn off the aircon main switch everyday?

I read the aircon manual, it says to turn off mains if aircon is not to be used for a long period of time. No mention if it is ok to turn off everyday.

depends on your definition of "a long period of time"

thats why I dunno if I off every morning then at night switch on again is it ok or not.

I suspect by leaving the mains on quite a lot of current is used, its not just the LEDs on the aircon blinking that consumes the power, maybe even compressor is kept idling.

thats why I dunno if I off every morning then at night switch on again is it ok or not.

I suspect by leaving the mains on quite a lot of current is used, its not just the LEDs on the aircon blinking that consumes the power, maybe even compressor is kept idling.

zho le bo eng nia...

if it makes u happy, y not just put a timer? but then timer also consume electricity... :bsmilie:

we need a technical expert in here.. there's one around lately.

I leave my main switch on as I use the air-con everyday and will only switch off if I don't use it for extended days e.g. going on holiday. Less hassle this way.

I leave my main switch on as I use the air-con everyday and will only switch off if I don't use it for extended days e.g. going on holiday. Less hassle this way.

Thats what I used to do. But now suspect it consumes quite a bit of power if I leave mains on, hence thinking to off it.
Now gotto pay utility bills myself :sweat: last month gas & electricity $130+ :sweat:

Eh .. what's with the "xxx main switch must off?" threads :bsmilie:

Anyway for airconditioners especially split systems - LEAVE THEM ON.

For window units (box type) no choice - you have no remote to switch them on or off (or is there an off switch now?)

Power consumption for split units in off mode should be minimal.

Is yours an inverter?

I leave it off as i rarely use it.

If it is frequent usage, no harm leaving it on (the electricity usage when off is minimal compare to when the air con is on )

Eh .. what's with the "xxx main switch must off?" threads :bsmilie:

Anyway for airconditioners especially split systems - LEAVE THEM ON.

For window units (box type) no choice - you have no remote to switch them on or off (or is there an off switch now?)

Power consumption for split units in off mode should be minimal.

Is yours an inverter?

Yup an inverter.
Any particular reason to LEAVE THEM ON?

Read from a SP Services pamphlet that the electric water flask/airpot (for drinking) consumes a lot of power when it is left ON. It was suggested that we heat the water up and then transfer it to a thermos flask. Daily stand-by mode power consumption could be as high as $3.44 per day! So, I am thinking, since I do not need hot water throughout the day, why don't I buy a timer to regulate the electric flask to only switch on during the hours which I normally needs them, eg. in the morning.


Read from a SP Services pamphlet that the electric water flask/airpot (for drinking) consumes a lot of power when it is left ON. It was suggested that we heat the water up and then transfer it to a thermos flask. Daily stand-by mode power consumption could be as high as $3.44 per day! So, I am thinking, since I do not need hot water throughout the day, why don't I buy a timer to regulate the electric flask to only switch on during the hours which I normally needs them, eg. in the morning.


:eek: so big difference.
Its a good idea to use a timer to regulate the electric flask to switch on, but can it do so.
Pardon my ignorance, I only notice those timers which is like an adapter that will switch off after the preset time. Is there something that can switch it on at certain timing?

Anyway I boil water using gas and transfer to a thermos flask.

Just a thought... using electric kettle boils water faster than using gas.
But electricity is more expensive than gas.

I wonder which is a cheaper option to boil water, longer time using gas or short time using electricity :think:

Bro gryphon, there are timers (eg.:\u) Timer 037.jpg) that will enable you to control the ON time and the OFF time. For example, ON at 7 am, OFF at 10 am, ON at 5 pm, OFF at 9 pm, and so on...

Why don't you use a Induction cooker to boil water? It has been shown to be more economical than using gas. Furthermore, it has an auto off feature. (TAIYO Induction cooker, for example)

Yup an inverter.
Any particular reason to LEAVE THEM ON?

Just leave it on. No worries.

Running an inverter in my home too, but large capacity. Leave the power to it on 24/7 also no issues.

:eek: so big difference.
Its a good idea to use a timer to regulate the electric flask to switch on, but can it do so.
Pardon my ignorance, I only notice those timers which is like an adapter that will switch off after the preset time. Is there something that can switch it on at certain timing?

Anyway I boil water using gas and transfer to a thermos flask.

Just a thought... using electric kettle boils water faster than using gas.
But electricity is more expensive than gas.

I wonder which is a cheaper option to boil water, longer time using gas or short time using electricity :think:

not really, in same condition, 20degreeC water, you use electric heater to boil might be even slower than using gas... depending on the watt of the heater and also the gas output. typically, i find gas faster than normal electric heater from cold.

but electric heater are good for maintaining temperature. you can't on gas whole day...

and ya, definitely more exp...

Thats what I used to do. But now suspect it consumes quite a bit of power if I leave mains on, hence thinking to off it.
Now gotto pay utility bills myself :sweat: last month gas & electricity $130+ :sweat:

my mom kpkb me say my house bill 400+

cos i on PC 24/7, then got 2 fridge, etc...

but i told her i wanna change my room TV, she zip... from 29"CRT to 32"LCD... :bsmilie: i poor boi bo pian...

my mom kpkb me say my house bill 400+

cos i on PC 24/7, then got 2 fridge, etc...

but i told her i wanna change my room TV, she zip... from 29"CRT to 32"LCD... :bsmilie: i poor boi bo pian...

Wah $400+ wait till next time you have your own place & gotto pay the bills & everything else then :sweat:
Actually I think CRT uses more power than LCD. So tell your mum, in the long run you save on bills

blowers are electrically linked from the compressors to the mains.No advantage if it is left standby even no turbo fast cooling.Some designs may left some gas discharge along the piping to cool faster the moment you on the remote!!!

Since there is a question for computer main switch, which I find it draws very little current, I like to know about the aircon.

I notice that the temperature gets cold much faster if I leave the aircon main switch on.
If I were to switch off the mains in the morning and at night I switch on the mains and on the aircon straight away, the temperature takes longer to get cold.

Hence I think if the mains is on, current could be sent to compressor or aircon to keep it idling.
Since aircon consumes rather a lot of power, I am tempted to turn off the mains everyday after I off the aircon.

Is it good to turn off the aircon main switch everyday?

I read the aircon manual, it says to turn off mains if aircon is not to be used for a long period of time. No mention if it is ok to turn off everyday.

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