Airbus A380

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Aircraft landed at 10:02 at 02C. So my guess was right, they did use the longer runway. Sadly, it was too far from my hangar, on the other side of the airport... Only saw the tail taxi by.

EDIT: YAY!!! It actually taxied one round around the airport and went past in front of my hangar! Had a great view!!

philliptan said:
Aircraft landed at 10:02 at 02C. So my guess was right, they did use the longer runway. Sadly, it was too far from my hangar, on the other side of the airport... Only saw the tail taxi by.

EDIT: YAY!!! It actually taxied one round around the airport and went past in front of my hangar! Had a great view!!
cool that's good for u...did u take a pic of it.

PIC PIC any PIC, post post post..;p


Reversers on...


Full flaps and speedbrakes


Going past B777-200

Pity I couldn't get to see the plane in the air just prior to landing....

I wake up today 9.30am still at home...:(

Will it be parked at the gate for the whole day? Maybe going this afternoon to see see look look.

weg said:

Reversers on...


Full flaps and speedbrakes


Going past B777-200

Pity I couldn't get to see the plane in the air just prior to landing....

Nice, how you manage to shoot the pics?

Weg, where did you take the shots from?

I was at Viewing mall, and all I can say is: CRAP!

After renovation it's just crap! No longer clear glass windows. Very squeezy too!

A few observations:

1. The plane did not taxi to the gate immediately. It went one big round
2. The passing by Garuda B737 & Silk Air A320 looks like an ant compared to the A380
3. After docking at gate F31, the wings still flapping very slightly
4. Seems to me that no other planes the size of B777 and above can park beside A380

I was standing near the fence along coastal road.. there were actually quite a lot of pple spread out along the length of RWY02C, and the police didn't chase anyone (not so heartless after all haha). too bad i misjudged where the plane wld touch down...

now i wld love to see it taking off! :)

HydroPoP said:
The head of the plane reminds me of the luohan fish.;p
Luohan... lol! A lady commented "It's so huge! It looks like a dolphin"

weg said:
I was standing near the fence along coastal road.. there were actually quite a lot of pple spread out along the length of RWY02C, and the police didn't chase anyone (not so heartless after all haha). too bad i misjudged where the plane wld touch down...

now i wld love to see it taking off! :)
Wah! That's a great place.

Take off? Be at the Airport by about 8.30PM

I'm estimating it will leave between 9 ~ 10 PM (With DST accounted for)

Sydney time is 2hrs ahead of Singapore.

8AM Sydney = 6AM Singapore.

6AM minus seven and half hours is 10.30PM

With DST, IIRC the time difference would be 3 hours. So with DST accounted for, the plane would depart approx. 9.30PM

No guarantee of specific time. So if you wanna shoot it departing/leaving the gate, then 8.30PM would be the time to reach airport viewing mall or changi coastal road

Just came back from the Viewing Mall as well... Totally agree with Rinaldi that it's crap. Bad enough with two pieces of glass in the way... now have to make do with another set of windows AND that ugly metal frame.

I suspect T3's viewing mall will be the same design unfortunately.

philliptan said:
Just came back from the Viewing Mall as well... Totally agree with Rinaldi that it's crap. Bad enough with two pieces of glass in the way... now have to make do with another set of windows AND that ugly metal frame.

I suspect T3's viewing mall will be the same design unfortunately.
Oh my.. I hope in future they have an open air smoking area right at the side of viewing mall. I wouldn't mind inhaling some of the smokes in exchange for a better view

I was at the apron side. Took a few up close and personal shots





wah...the flight price will come with fighter escorts also? Impressive dude:thumbsup: :bsmilie:

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