Admiralty Park

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New Member
Apr 14, 2009
went to admiralty park last weekend.
3rd macro shoot trying, 2nd try with my FL36 flash.
this time i place a white paper in front to act as a diffuser,
it result a better light source this time as the light are too harsh in previous try without a diffuser.
welcome C&C..









The shots look a bit soft and over to me, hope u dont mind. Perhaps can diffuse it more like with a plastic milk bottle, improve focusing as well as apply slight pp.

Just my 2 cents worth

Nice try:thumbsup: I think the 1st problem here is not lighting not diffuse, your subject
mostly soft, not fully in focus. I see your f-number is too small to get the whole subject
sharp. Try with higher f-number, say f11 or so.

Happy shooting!:D

The shots look a bit soft and over to me, hope u dont mind. Perhaps can diffuse it more like with a plastic milk bottle, improve focusing as well as apply slight pp.

Just my 2 cents worth

thanks thunderflash!
i think next time i will buy a diffuse from shops. DIY milk bottle a bit difficult for me. ;p
thanks for you comment, next time i will do better!;)

Nice try:thumbsup: I think the 1st problem here is not lighting not diffuse, your subject
mostly soft, not fully in focus. I see your f-number is too small to get the whole subject
sharp. Try with higher f-number, say f11 or so.

Happy shooting!:D

thanks kohhy6!
ya, you're rite! i found this problem also..
whole subject is soft.
so the key is increase the F-number to make it sharp.

but i am wondering y people are particular on the F number when choosing a macro lens?
since it is not so important to hav a big aperture when shooting insects..

thanks kohhy6!
ya, you're rite! i found this problem also..
whole subject is soft.
so the key is increase the F-number to make it sharp.

but i am wondering y people are particular on the F number when choosing a macro lens?
since it is not so important to hav a big aperture when shooting insects..

Higher f-number give you better DOF but with that it will sacrifice your background bokeh.
So, you will need to judge for yourself whether up the f-number or down the f-number
depending on what subject you are shooting.

Forget about diffusing the lighting 1st, get the correct focus subject before you move on to
the next obstacle.:D

Practice make perfect!

Yea master kohy is right, another tip will be keeping the subject "parallel" to the lens, will get a better dof this way as well! So some of the shots you may need to tilt your camera if using a bigger aperture, for me i m using f 8.0 as that my smallest (Lx3)

Have fun shooting ;)

No. 8 is beautiful! :thumbsup:

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