
Sony Alpha still has the unique advantage over Nikon or even Canon bodies on the same FF league.
The image clarity with faithful color is the key....

Agreed. The tonality, light falloff and just overall "quality of the pixels" of the A900 is wonderful. If the A99 sensor takes that to another level I'll be happy.

More often than not, when you have too many lenses, you end up not knowing which one to deploy ........ You confuse yourself........ The cause of it ......LBA. :p

Then proved to me to shoot a birds with 50 meter away with a 50mm f 1.4 or may be 70-200mm F2.8 lens . I don't think u can make it . The wide angle lens is more for landscape, try shooting with 100mm Macro and get the same effect as the wide angle.........????Sorry to says, is more sour grape then then anything else.


the problem is, i don't think many of us can understand your first sentence :bsmilie:

O yeah! I almost forgotten that a bird of feathers flock together. Ppl who speak good bombastic English and written in queen Shakespeare will not understand a Chinese man like me. LOL. I m sorry even to introduce myself here...........Paiseh. Very paiseh super good English man.My apology.

So you're saying that if you go to an "Ang Mo" country, you're second-class citizen because of your skin color?

Then how are you classified when you go to China ? would they, the mainlanders welcome you with open arms and hail you as one of their own ? ...I've seen Chinese going to China get treated much worst by the locals than in a western country.

So what does that makes you?

Ur some one who know china better than me.In china there is only one things are the same ,I believe doesn't need to elaborate . Perhaps u need to studies more of theirs cultures before making comparison, I m Chinese Singaporean,Aren't u?? If u are others races then there is no comparison.

Then proved to me to shoot a birds with 50 meter away with a 50mm f 1.4 or may be 70-200mm F2.8 lens . I don't think u can make it . The wide angle lens is more for landscape, try shooting with 100mm Macro and get the same effect as the wide angle.........????Sorry to says, is more sour grape then then anything else.

In case, you didn't know, I wasn't talking about you...... Don't take it too personal ..... :)

In case, you didn't know, I wasn't talking about you...... Don't take it too personal ..... :)

Paiseh , I know u are not talking about me,just to use as a gliders to others whom they are so superb in all lenses. Kindly accept my sincere apologies. LOL,As I had know u so well for so many years Hahahah. LOL Really paiseh,As we Chinese like to use opposite meaning.


Paiseh , I know u are not talking about me,just to use as a gliders to others whom they are so superb in all lenses. Kindly accept my sincere apologies. LOL,As I had know u so well for so many years Hahahah. LOL Really paiseh,As we Chinese like to use opposite meaning.

........ :cool:

O yeah! I almost forgotten that a bird of feathers flock together. Ppl who speak good bombastic English and written in queen Shakespeare will not understand a Chinese man like me. LOL. I m sorry even to introduce myself here...........Paiseh. Very paiseh super good English man.My apology.

sorry. i don't use the Queen's English. last i checked, colonies do not exist.

Somehow I doubt there will be a F1.2 from Sony for the A-mount in these times, Sony is way to conservative.

If they were conservative, they'd never have gone SLT or created a 500mm f/4

F1.2 will surely make it more special and stands out from the crowd.
But on a serious note. Does 1.4 or 1.2 make any big differences? I never use experiences before. lol.

If they were conservative, they'd never have gone SLT or created a 500mm f/4

I don't consider 500mm f/4 anything special and SLT is just a makeshift solution to offer video without loosing PDAF in liveview, pretty conservative.

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I don't consider 500mm f/4 anything special and SLT is just a makeshift solution to offer video without loosing PDAF in liveview, pretty conservative.

Maybe you can give an example of "radical" camera that was introduced recently ?

I don't consider 500mm f/4 anything special and SLT is just a makeshift solution to offer video without loosing PDAF in liveview, pretty conservative.

haha... once you've used an SLT you'll realize how good it is.

in fact, sales of the SLT cameras are better than the Sony DSLRs :bsmilie:

kei1309 said:
haha... once you've used an SLT you'll realize how good it is.

in fact, sales of the SLT cameras are better than the Sony DSLRs :bsmilie:

Agreed been using SLT since the 1st SLT was release A33 and upgraded now to A77 so far I find this cam one of the best feature pack cam out there, sadly it has some issue which I hope the future firmware would be able to correct one of them the ISO or noise level of its raw file.

Ghostfit said:
Maybe you can give an example of "radical" camera that was introduced recently ?

A77? I find for the price and feature it makes other high end dslr to shame