A Singaporean in Afghanistan

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New Member
Feb 27, 2005
Beijing, China
Hello all!

For those of you photogs out there who want to get into serious photojournalism, do something interesting, different and perhaps have a client base who buy photos from you, I suggest you do an embed with the US or Coalition Forces in Afghanistan or Iraq.

Depending who you are embed with and the region you go to, it can be boring, a big adrenaline rush or a bit of both. However, it is an opportunity to learn about PJ work in a conflict zone.

Do check out my blog at www.beijingclick.blogspot.com. It may come across as some sort of self promotion to many but rest assured that it's the furthest thing from my mind. Simply put, aspiring photogs out there who wants to give PJ a shot and are interested in covering stories from conflict zones should take the plunge. I only wish my blog will be of use to someone new to conflict zone journalism.

Good luck!;)

Good on you mate! Stay safe!

Self promotion or not, I like the images in blog! Will check it out further later.


Pretty interesting shots! How did you actually hook up with the coalition forces there to actually secure a spot?

Good photos, stay alive and stay sharp. Hope your embed goes well. :thumbsup:

Stay sharp.. Stay alive.. Keep your head down and your armour on..

Carry on shooting, brother! ;)

You mean anyone can just go and be an embed? What are the requirements? What's the pay like?
I've always wanted to do something like that, but thought that only newspaper photographers get to go. haha

Very cool, but i think they only allow professionals.. :(

Can you provide more details on this?

I'm deeply interested in this, and would really, really hope for more details- for example, how you manage to get the embedding, through what means of communication, etc.

Your photographs was deeply inspiring; would really love to shoot something like that.

Thanks in advance.

Thanks for sharing! It takes a lot of curage, commitment and passion to do this PJ job. And I see high level of professionalism in your good works!

Keep it up and be safe.

Cool....exciting job! :thumbsup:


i'm sorry but this one caught my eyes. the semi-nudity is part of the reason yet not the reason. i'm an amateur infrequent travel photographer, so often interested in the contents of the subject. what is the background story behind it? is the show all about using chocholate as attire, but this one happens to be as such?

and i thought the below is a better link to all your pictures?


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oops sorry, saw more photos that relay the storytelling .... but it would be interesting to know who's the organiser and designers.... from what kind of background....


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Getting embedded is not that difficult really. You have a choice of embed with the US, Canadian and British forces. Embed space are few with the Brits and they are usually booked well in advance.

The US and Canadian remains the easiest. Get in touch with their respective Media Ops Center for the Armed Forces. Then there will be paperwork required and these can be usually sorted out by emails. It's important that you need to know who you want to embed with, the region, the stories you want to cover and the the duration of embed. You put all of that in writing and then hope for the best with the assignment.

It is not imperative that you go with a media organisation but it helps. You will find many independent PJs going there to shoot and do their own feature stories as well as PJs with magazines, agencies, wire services, etc.

Then comes the visa, the medical insurance (required for work in a war zone) and body armor. Singapore doesn't have an Afghan Embassy so you may have to find out how to apply. Visas are valid for 1 month but can be easily extended.

Insurance can be tough to get but Reporters Sans Frontier (Reporters Without Borders) do a good one. There are also other organisations offering these specialised insurance.

Body armor can be ordered in the US from several specialised companies but they will cost you an arm and leg and most usually don't ship ceramic plates (vital to protect against armor piecing or AK rounds) overseas. I got mine from a surplus store in the US who was willing to send them to Afghanistan for me. No body armor (including helmet) no embed. For those who can arrange to go with an agency such as AP, Reuters or AFP, they will provide you with the insurance and armor. Once you are with the military, there is almost no expenses unless you want to spend your $ at the PX! I know I did!

Filing photos can be problematic when you are embed with a unit in a FOB that doesn't really have good internet access. COB (Combat Operation Base) are even more unreliable so be ready to come with a BGAN satellite if you know you are going to need one. You can't rent one in Afghanistan.

So the entire process is a little tedious but not impossible. Give yourself at least a month to sort things out. And to answer someone's question about getting paid - I came as a freelance PJ so I get paid only if I sell photos. Nothing glam about being a PJ in a war zone!

So that's it in a nutshell! I found most of the necessary info online but get in touch with me if you have any questions.

Stay cool, people! How I miss good old Singapore food!:cry:

Wow, truly amazing! I'd love to that one day. Thanks for sharing the info bro. Keep low & stay safe:)

Anyways, the nearest Afghan embassy is in KL, Malaysia.

I salute you for the courage you have. Few Singaporeans would give up the comfort and safety to venture out of the comfort zone.
My ex-boss said he drove from London to Singapore, passing through Afghanistan, after he graduated his university studies in London. Afghanistan was (still is, I hope) beautiful with friendly and beautiful people.

Asianshepherd, take care and be well.

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