7D Mark II

same ISO performance as the 5D3

same may not be possible for now (i am guessing) but if it is 2stops improvement from current 7d along with other improvement highlighted in my earlier post, it is indeed worthy to consider in my opinion

That's a definite. Although 6D is higher than 7D in the naming nomenclature, it's only higher because it's a FF. My all means the features of the 7D line must be better than the 6D line. Like you've said, the 7D line is the flagship crop camera and is always seen as the alternative to the 1D series sports camera such as 1D4 and 1DX. If Canon slips up on this, they're done for LOL.

i think for telephotos lens user, the demand for a good 7d2/1d4 is there and combine market for lens & cam can be sizable sales in term of value

I think we have to remember that the 7D Mark II, or by any other name, will represent Canon as their flagship APS-C dSLR. I don't think Canon can afford to be slack on this aspect.

There don't seem to be any interest in the high-end APS-C development of late, but I think Canon has learnt (from Nikon's then fairly-incredible D300) that any slip up with be costly to them.

From this train of thought, I am expecting some good stuff, similar to what they have done to improve the 5D series, from Mark II to Mark III, instead of the run-of-the-mill improvements we have seen in the xx0D and the x0D series.

I agree. The 7D is Canon's flagship crop camera. It is arguably the best crop camera on the market. Canon cannot afford to lose market share to competitors. When I bought my 7D the first week it came to market, I paid $2700. I predict the that the 7D Mk ii will be well-featured and at a price of over $3,000. For professionals needing the advantages of a crop, the 7D will meet those needs.

Nikon D4, D3 (D700), D800, D7000 and Canon 5D, 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III and Fuji X-Pro 1 and X100 High ISO Sample Image Comparison

I think we cannot underestimate the image quality of the APS-C given today's technological advances. Just look at the Fuji X-Trans CMOS (APS-C) vs Canon's 5D2 and 5D3 (both FF). It resolves slightly better than the 5D2 with lower noise and just loses out ever-so slightly to the 5D3.

Nikon D4, D3 (D700), D800, D7000 and Canon 5D, 5D Mark II, 5D Mark III and Fuji X-Pro 1 and X100 High ISO Sample Image Comparison

I think we cannot underestimate the image quality of the APS-C given today's technological advances. Just look at the Fuji X-Trans CMOS (APS-C) vs Canon's 5D2 and 5D3 (both FF). It resolves slightly better than the 5D2 with lower noise and just loses out ever-so slightly to the 5D3.

Lets hope 7D II can match the fuji and have better DR and lower noise too... I seldom shoot above 800 ISO with 7D.... even try not to touch 1600ISO...

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I got to agree with most of you guys/gals here that Canon cannot afford to mess up the aps-c sensor user end of the dslr cams. 7D was and still is Canon's flagship and benchmark of crop sensor cams for the past 3 years? It would be a sad day if they did minimal improvement to such a fantastic cam. I hope they would follow in the trend with the 5D MRK II to the MRK III where much improvement was made. Which bring to the point where they don't make so much improvement on one end just to sacrifice the other. Eg. video or even consumer cost. Really hoping for good news on all points so I can decide on what's my next crop sensor cam to upgrade to.

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l think that IQ is pretty much a given. Although sensor technology can still be improved, what we see with the current camera offerings within the limits of the human eye is about as good as its going to get. There is not a lot of difference in IQ between camera brands and camera models. If we were to post photos taken from such diverse camera models as say the Nikon D300, Canon 7D, Canon 650D, Canon 5D Mkii, Nikon D700 and the Sony A700 we'd be hard pressed to tell which photo came from which camera.

Where improvements are needed, are low light capabilities and AF sensitivities. These are the areas I would expect Canon to improve with the Canon 7D Mk II.

same may not be possible for now (i am guessing) but if it is 2stops improvement from current 7d along with other improvement highlighted in my earlier post, it is indeed worthy to consider in my opinion

i think for telephotos lens user, the demand for a good 7d2/1d4 is there and combine market for lens & cam can be sizable sales in term of value

Hmm 2 stops improvement can be good, and also they need to check the AF since there's claims of 7D inaccuracies. There should be enough X points and the center X point should be at least sensitive to -2EV and maybe they can consider f/8 autofocus on center point.

avsquare said:
Hmm 2 stops improvement can be good, and also they need to check the AF since there's claims of 7D inaccuracies. There should be enough X points and the center X point should be at least sensitive to -2EV and maybe they can consider f/8 autofocus on center point.

Yeah. I was about to raise that point - lens rental has already some data against the 7D on that aspect.

Yeah. I was about to raise that point - lens rental has already some data against the 7D on that aspect.

This is one part that I find it questionable. Is this a user issue or cam issue?

Too complex af that some people dunno how to use it? Did not read instruction?

It has been good to me the 2 yrs.... no focus issue.. I use zonal af.

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Halfmoon said:
This is one part that I find it questionable. Is this a user issue or cam issue?

To complex af that some people dunno how to use it? Did not read instruction?

It has been good to me the 2 yrs.... no focus issue.. I use zonal af.

Unfortunately, I cannot verify that as I only used the Canon 7D very sporadically in the past.

I have a couple of professional photographer friends who use the Canon 7D and they have also mentioned that the AF is fine.

Of course, I think the good folks at Lens Rental now their stuff as well, so the data is quite damning against the 7D.

In any case, I would also like to point out that shooting styles matter. Maybe the shooting styles adopted by you and my friends are such that the weakness of the camera is not revealed.

Unfortunately, I cannot verify that as I only used the Canon 7D very sporadically in the past.

I have a couple of professional photographer friends who use the Canon 7D and they have also mentioned that the AF is fine.

Of course, I think the good folks at Lens Rental now their stuff as well, so the data is quite damning against the 7D.

In any case, I would also like to point out that shooting styles matter. Maybe the shooting styles adopted by you and my friends are such that the weakness of the camera is not revealed.

mine initially has back focusing issue under dim light (indoor), sent to csc and they tuned the chip and it is as good as new. but i tend agree the selection of af on the nature of subject & light situation does impact on the accuracy

mine initially has back focusing issue under dim light (indoor), sent to csc and they tuned the chip and it is as good as new. but i tend agree the selection of af on the nature of subject & light situation does impact on the accuracy

OIC.... hope the new 7D II will not have this issue. I am more concern with the usable ISO...... :think:

But I am also interested in the 6D too......... lol.........

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Unfortunately, I cannot verify that as I only used the Canon 7D very sporadically in the past.

I have a couple of professional photographer friends who use the Canon 7D and they have also mentioned that the AF is fine.

Of course, I think the good folks at Lens Rental now their stuff as well, so the data is quite damning against the 7D.

In any case, I would also like to point out that shooting styles matter. Maybe the shooting styles adopted by you and my friends are such that the weakness of the camera is not revealed.

Ok... in any case, mine was bought 2 yrs after 7D launched, so I think maybe the AF issues have been solved. That's why I will usually not buy any newly launched product.

I think the production dates of the 7D also matters, and your friends and mine could be the later batch.

One reason why I thought could be user problem, as it have a complex AF system.... and some people might not have been able to handle it.

those 7Dmk1 user must feel their money worth a lot. its shelf life is really loong. new firmware to extend its life somemore.

Yes, and it still a gd camera. Even now I have the mk3, I still cant bear to sell it away.

I sold my 7D last summer. It was hard to part with it. It was a great camera.

I bought from John 3:16 during the first week after launch. At that time everyone was talking about AF issues. So I brought mine into the Canon Service Centre and had it calibrated. They told me that it was within spec, but they did some minor adjustments anyway. I think they did this because the 7D was getting a lot of negativity at that time on it's AF system. When I got it back it was super sharp. Coupled with my EF-S 17-55 lens it was a perfect system.

I bought it for $2700 and sold it for $1350 (50% of what I originally paid). That works out to be a rental of $1.23 per day. I am now 'renting' the 5D3 for a few years and am equally happy.

those 7Dmk1 user must feel their money worth a lot. its shelf life is really loong. new firmware to extend its life somemore.

I do feel my money is worth it.... just that I am unable to shoot as much as I wish.....:cry:

My feelings exactly. Must find way to shoot more often... :think:

I done my sum, and was suppose to depreciate it over 4 years... like my 400D.... however, with the 6D.... I am tempted...... sigh......

But work, study and hobby..... work first, and study (part time) second... and hobby...... when I have the time after I rested........:(