30k savings, 35 y-o

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i can buy them for 25 pounds here, you just need to know where to look. :angel::angel:

Yeah. We know you look for it here: :bsmilie:


and you're the right man for Jeanie? :bsmilie:

no, i don't think so

1) i'm not 35 years old
2) i don't have 30k savings

fail fail fail

and i only want to drive vios....... she will roll it over with ferrari...... :bsmilie:

no, i don't think so

1) i'm not 35 years old
2) i don't have 30k savings

fail fail fail

and i only want to drive vios....... she will roll it over with ferrari...... :bsmilie:

I think she is looking for a man with the heart of gold.

In every sense you may be just the man vios regardless. :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

and i only want to drive vios....... she will roll it over with ferrari...... :bsmilie:

Nah a Ferrari doesn't have the ground clearance haha - What I drive does though! :vhappy:

you don't make enemies online

it is usually the troublemakers who decide that somehow, through some random words you type on the internet, you have become their main purpose in life. :bsmilie:

oh, thankfully right now, all the troublemakers have got eaten up by the ghostbusters because they got too smart. :bsmilie: especially one blue one from japan with a bell..... :bsmilie:

You surprise me.

You got enemies online?

Everybody seems to love you: :bsmilie:

i'm sure he is.
he's in my 'nice guy' list btw.:bsmilie:

You surprise me.

You got enemies online?

Everybody seems to love you: :bsmilie:

no no, everybody love uncle sion

could you bear to roll over a goat as cute as me?


Hell Yes! Nothing like a bit o' roadkill for a good wholesome meal, n that goad luks mighty purdee. Why it kinda reminds me of Bobby-Joe-Beth my cousin, she's a mighty purdie wiman and one days i's gonna marry her. Why just this aftnoone I was telling my unkle an cuz back in Kentucky bout the qalidy of tha roadkill here in aussie.

Signed - da rednek

But I always advise the young girls...... dont go looking for a rich guy...... you'll do better with a guy who has his head screwed on right side up , is capable, hardworking ...and loves you. The rest will fall into place

If I were SYT, I will marry a rich guy, wait for him to cheat on me, then divorce him taking half his savings, and move on.. repeat.

Oh wait. Wasn't that the storyline from Black Widow? :p

If I were SYT, I will marry a rich guy, wait for him to cheat on me, then divorce him taking half his savings, and move on.. repeat.

Oh wait. Wasn't that the storyline from Black Widow? :p

heartbreakers :heart::heart:

Not according to the poll.

Nai Meh has got 4,590 votes.

Tupi Guy 3,904 votes.

Sion 219 votes.


where all these come from??:bsmilie:

You're right.

They all love Nai Meh, Sion and Tupi Guy. :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

i can quote you many many many posts in kopitiam to suggest the contrary about nai meh :bsmilie:

Hell Yes! Nothing like a bit o' roadkill for a good wholesome meal, n that goad luks mighty purdee. Why it kinda reminds me of Bobby-Joe-Beth my cousin, she's a mighty purdie wiman and one days i's gonna marry her. Why just this aftnoone I was telling my unkle an cuz back in Kentucky bout the qalidy of tha roadkill here in aussie.

Signed - da rednek

you win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rednecks can find their way to australia? :bsmilie:

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