30k savings, 35 y-o

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heartbreakers :heart::heart:

Ah yes. Dream dream dream... unfortunately, neither a sweet nor young thing I am.

More like nightmare. Err.. not meaning you, ok? :sweatsm:


so simple also don't know...... you still don't believe, just walk around orchard when you have leave, early in the mornings.... you will see 50+ year olds walking around with 20+ year old SYTs......... so tell me, what's in it for the SYTs? love? :bsmilie:

either that or, daddy and mommy giving wayyyy too much pocket money :bsmilie:

包 your head lah....:bsmilie::bsmilie:

I'm a guy, how to get baoed? Unless got old milf's looking for younger chaps...:nono:

包 your head lah....:bsmilie:

I'm a guy, how to get baoed? Unless got old milf's looking for younger chaps...:nono:

i not talking about you la! :bsmilie:

jeanie asking how to do that as student, i answering general question. :p

anyways, to answer YOUR question......


please search for "i am looking for a sugar mommy" :bsmilie:

How come got no option for "I am looking for a Sugar Mummy who looks like a Sugar Baby (Female)?"

And how do I apply to be a Sugar Baby (Male)? :dunno:

How come got no option for "I am looking for a Sugar Mummy who looks like a Sugar Baby (Female)?"

And how do I apply to be a Sugar Baby (Male)? :dunno:

i won't know, i haven't signed up :bsmilie:

i won't know, i haven't signed up :bsmilie:

I hope my lack of response to your post will not be interpreted as trying to sign up (or struggling badly to do so, due to lack of a good portrait photo of Tom Cruise readily available from Google)

you win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

rednecks can find their way to australia? :bsmilie:
Plenty of them around. :bsmilie:



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ROTFLMAO ... I wish I was a) a Redneck and b) Aussie but I'm not either.

If you aren't Australian, I'm guessing you're British. I can vaguely sense some UK in you. No pun intended.


Anyways back to the topic, I would say it depends on the kind of work the guy does, how good his future is, and how his lifestyle is.

Here in the USA you have the executives and finance people living on the romanticized California oceanside, or in some loft in Manhattan, with the hot Cadillac or any other car which sucks a gallon of fuel per mile. They also spend every buck and end up bankrupt. On the other hand there are the lower placed guys who earn a modest salary, live the american dream with that lovely SUV, wife and two kids, and gets f**ked in times of recession. Car doesn't really matter as you can get a used BMW roadster for less than 10 grand (My housemate has one which he bought for $7500) so it also depends on what country you live in. From the American perspective, 30 grand is really not bad at all considering the financial crisis created by the same guys in my previous lines. With 30 grand on just the guy , he can ACTUALLY AFFORD HEALTHCARE! :devil: . Most people in the states happen to have a house through inheritance so here it isn't bad at all to have 30k in the bank. What matters here are the assets and how stable they are during recession time. As Ian said earlier there are countries like Australia and USA included where people can't afford housing easily like in Singapore. That's what makes Singapore so developed, it's financially well off as well as the provisions and subsidies made for the citizens. Whereas in other countries, it would be great to have 30 grand in the bank because of the amount of debt incurred.

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If you aren't Australian, I'm guessing you're British. I can vaguely sense some UK in you. No pun intended.

Perhaps, perhaps not. What I will tell you is that my country of birth, nationality and the country I reside in are all different.

If you aren't Australian, I'm guessing you're British. I can vaguely sense some UK in you. No pun intended.


Anyways back to the topic, I would say it depends on the kind of work the guy does, how good his future is, and how his lifestyle is.

Here in the USA you have the executives and finance people living on the romanticized California oceanside, or in some loft in Manhattan, with the hot Cadillac or any other car which sucks a gallon of fuel per mile. They also spend every buck and end up bankrupt. On the other hand there are the lower placed guys who earn a modest salary, live the american dream with that lovely SUV, wife and two kids, and gets f**ked in times of recession. Car doesn't really matter as you can get a used BMW roadster for less than 10 grand (My housemate has one which he bought for $7500) so it also depends on what country you live in. From the American perspective, 30 grand is really not bad at all considering the financial crisis created by the same guys in my previous lines. With 30 grand on just the guy , he can ACTUALLY AFFORD HEALTHCARE! :devil: . Most people in the states happen to have a house through inheritance so here it isn't bad at all to have 30k in the bank. What matters here are the assets and how stable they are during recession time. As Ian said earlier there are countries like Australia and USA included where people can't afford housing easily like in Singapore. That's what makes Singapore so developed, it's financially well off as well as the provisions and subsidies made for the citizens. Whereas in other countries, it would be great to have 30 grand in the bank because of the amount of debt incurred.

i want a camaro SS!:lovegrin:

i want a camaro SS!:lovegrin:

Why on gods green earth do you want a vehicle that doesn't go around corners, doesn't brake, has handling and suspension from the dark ages and drinks more fuel than an aussie football team? It does not compute :devil: Oh and the interior feels like it's make from the same krap as a cheap KTV lounge.

Why on gods green earth do you want a vehicle that doesn't go around corners, doesn't brake, has handling and suspension from the dark ages and drinks more fuel than an aussie football team? It does not compute :devil: Oh and the interior feels like it's make from the same krap as a cheap KTV lounge.



Why on gods green earth do you want a vehicle that doesn't go around corners, doesn't brake, has handling and suspension from the dark ages and drinks more fuel than an aussie football team? It does not compute :devil: Oh and the interior feels like it's make from the same krap as a cheap KTV lounge.

to each their own lah aiyo.
till now you still dont get it?

would u spend 1 mil on a spyker that looks like crap when u can get a f430 scud?

would you buy a lv wallet when you can dump your cards and cash into a NTUC plastic bag?

would you buy a durex condom when you can use saran wrap?

it's all about personal preference.

most importantly, maybe you might want to ask tengku sultan of johor why he has a camaro ss and why on earth would he want to drive this 'crap' car into singapore when a rolls will suffice.

why why why?
why why tell me why:dunno::dunno::dunno:

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