30k savings, 35 y-o

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SGD indeed. That means around 30% less for many things than here in Australia. You make the valid point, it depends on your personal circumstances and what you like to do with your money. There is no right or wrong numbers and contrary to what Jeanie thinks owning 4 vehicles is no big deal where I'm from, infact it would hardly make most tradesmen raise an eyebrow as it's no big issue here. Boat ownership (quite large) is no big deal either, nor is owning a large house etc. Different places different outlooks.

Women and their ways are however universal and that also applies to men. Different cultures, same old problems.

hi hi,

i didnt and had NEVER said that owning 4 vehicles is a big deal.
i'm sorry if I gave you that impression.
and i didnt choose to tell csers that.
just that someone asked.
so what's wrong with telling a fellow cser the answer?

and please, stop comparing the lifestyle here and in aussie.

when i was there, a wrx only cost 45k.
in singapore?
a wrx at that same time cost 140k.

wats your point really???!??!?

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I think she is referring to SGD.

It depends, I have a colleague who earns $3000 and save $2700 and another who has $10,000 and still ...'money not enough'

Quick quick, share, how to earn 3k but save 2.7k. chicken rice everyday for a month ($2.5*2*30 = 150) Than MRT 2 trips a day, assume go work and than go home ($2*2*20 = 80)

:think: that leave me 70 bucks ......... So maybe I need to shave my head, have kopi and teh from the office pantry, always take sweets and tibit from my colleagues stash, use only company phone for all purposes, use office toliet paper only, brush teeth and wash up in the office toilet, never get married and continue to sponge on my parents and avoid paying electrical bills, housing load and all other basic necessity in life. I think I have enough to spend to go out with my friends once a month.

Now I think I can survive on 300 bucks :sweatsm:

Quick quick, share, how to earn 3k but save 2.7k. chicken rice everyday for a month ($2.5*2*30 = 150) Than MRT 2 trips a day, assume go work and than go home ($2*2*20 = 80)

:think: that leave me 70 bucks ......... So maybe I need to shave my head, have kopi and teh from the office pantry, always take sweets and tibit from my colleagues stash, use only company phone for all purposes, use office toliet paper only, brush teeth and wash up in the office toilet, never get married and continue to sponge on my parents and avoid paying electrical bills, housing load and all other basic necessity in life. I think I have enough to spend to go out with my friends once a month.

Now I think I can survive on 300 bucks :sweatsm:

i dont mean to disbelieve yappy, but to take home 3k and save 2.7k, i find it really really ...errr...impossible.
i think transport alone easily $300 liao.unless you stay so near to office, and weekends you dont even go out.
share the secret, i wanna know too

but honestly it is really quite sthg to own 4 vehicle in singapore and to be able to buy a few ''black penny''...haha....

but to be fair locally other than houses/cars are expensive, i think the rest are cheaper than overseas

i also now recall earlier on, there's a student with 30k savings...
how the hell do you achieve that in singapore unless your parents constantly gives you alot of pocket $?

else for a student, HOW on earth to save 30k?!?!???!?!??!

i have hardly 3k in my bank when i was in uni.

i dont mean to disbelieve yappy, but to take home 3k and save 2.7k, i find it really really ...errr...impossible.
i think transport alone easily $300 liao.unless you stay so near to office, and weekends you dont even go out.
share the secret, i wanna know too

my cab fare a month is alr 600++ and with my bus/mrt is almost 700-800++..the friend either cycle to work or has a transport completely pay off....

but honestly it is really quite sthg to own 4 vehicle in singapore and to be able to buy a few ''black penny''...haha....

but to be fair locally other than houses/cars are expensive, i think the rest are cheaper than overseas

dont keep saying penny penny lah...

later people say australia penny black $0.01 cent can buy liao.

still, to think someone actually compares sgp and aussieland ESPECIALLY on car prices...
it's freaking hard to swallow.
buy me a vodka please...

my cab fare a month is alr 600++ and with my bus/mrt is almost 700-800++..the friend either cycle to work or has a transport completely pay off....

even if transport free hor...
no need to eat meh?
1 month $300 on meals ENOUGH meh?!?!?!?
seriously, what the hell is the secret?

my petrol cost alone per month is about near 1k already.

i also now recall earlier on, there's a student with 30k savings...
how the hell do you achieve that in singapore unless your parents constantly gives you alot of pocket $?

else for a student, HOW on earth to save 30k?!?!???!?!??!

i have hardly 3k in my bank when i was in uni.

I admit that I did get some pocket money from parents and ang bao over the years but 30k is possible.

even if transport free hor...
no need to eat meh?
1 month $300 on meals ENOUGH meh?!?!?!?
seriously, what the hell is the secret?

my petrol cost alone per month is about near 1k already.

ahem, your cars gulp mah. ours sip ;p

I admit that I did get some pocket money from parents and ang bao over the years but 30k is possible.

if possible, good for you.
and i envy you.
it's really NOT easy for a student to have 30k in savings.
worth my penny respect.

dont keep saying penny penny lah...

later people say australia penny black $0.01 cent can buy liao.

still, to think someone actually compares sgp and aussieland ESPECIALLY on car prices...
it's freaking hard to swallow.
buy me a vodka please...

i know i am certainly not in the same league but pardon me for asking what is 'penny black' that you people are referring to? surely it is not that stamp right ?

ahem, your cars gulp mah. ours sip ;p

oh please,
my friend's mitsubishi lancer 2.0 already petrol $500 per month.
but he drives alot.
ferrrying wife, kids.

i know i am certainly not in the same league but pardon me for asking what is 'penny black' that you people are referring to? surely it is not that stamp right ?

it INDEED IS...my dear fren.

i know i am certainly not in the same league but pardon me for asking what is 'penny black' that you people are referring to? surely it is not that stamp right ?


I don't think Jeanie is trying to show off her assets or anything in the beginning...but things diverted so much when everybody brings in their view on partners,on financial planning etc...

at least let's not have the ''tall poppy syndrome''

not many ppl in uni had this kind of saving...i din..i enter with loan and deficit...

just treasure your family and the blessing you have.....

so many students took loan.
and after joining workforce, working a few years still paying the god damn loan.

that's why i said, for a student with 30k savings,
either he has a remarkable financial discipline, or he's just bull shitting.

no offense.

oh please,
my friend's mitsubishi lancer 2.0 already petrol $500 per month.
but he drives alot.
ferrrying wife, kids.

haha, you said it yourself :p his 1 car, 2 litre, drives alot consumes $500 petrol a month. yours presumably bigger cc cars (GTR already so) certainly gulp.

it INDEED IS...my dear fren.

wow :)


I don't think Jeanie is trying to show off her assets or anything in the beginning...but things diverted so much when everybody brings in their view on partners,on financial planning etc...

at least let's not have the ''tall poppy syndrome''

yup, i never read it that way. people who work hard gets rewarded.

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