24-105 F4 L

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My BW uv filters have PR status on my 2 lenses.

Lol, and I'm the unjust tyrant! only Hoya for the 70-200 but B+W for the 24-70!

Lol, and I'm the unjust tyrant! only Hoya for the 70-200 but B+W for the 24-70!

I would do that if I used my 24-70 more than my tele (if I had a 24-70 to begin with).

ever since i got my 70-200 F/4L, now im finding my 24-105 F/4 seems 'inferior'. surprised to find im not the only after reading thru this thread. is this really the case or just need to do more post-processing with the 24-105? which wide-to-short-telephoto zoom would be as good as the 70-200 F/4L in sharpness? was thinking of the 17-40 F/4L...

ever since i got my 70-200 F/4L, now im finding my 24-105 F/4 seems 'inferior'. surprised to find im not the only after reading thru this thread. is this really the case or just need to do more post-processing with the 24-105? which wide-to-short-telephoto zoom would be as good as the 70-200 F/4L in sharpness? was thinking of the 17-40 F/4L...

Both 17-40 f/4 and 70-200 f/4 are very sharp. With these 2 lens, usually most of the general shoots will suffice.

ever since i got my 70-200 F/4L, now im finding my 24-105 F/4 seems 'inferior'. surprised to find im not the only after reading thru this thread. is this really the case or just need to do more post-processing with the 24-105? which wide-to-short-telephoto zoom would be as good as the 70-200 F/4L in sharpness? was thinking of the 17-40 F/4L...

I agree 70-200f4L produce razor sharp image. But 24-105 is very sharp to me too.. can't really compare different focal length unless you are talking about the 70-105 range :dunno:

ever since i got my 70-200 F/4L, now im finding my 24-105 F/4 seems 'inferior'. surprised to find im not the only after reading thru this thread. is this really the case or just need to do more post-processing with the 24-105? which wide-to-short-telephoto zoom would be as good as the 70-200 F/4L in sharpness? was thinking of the 17-40 F/4L...

Both 24-105 and 70-200 are fantastic lenses, both attributed to Canon's innovation. :kiss:

I too was thinking of the 17-40 now that I got the 70-200 but 24-105 offers a good all round range.

To get 17-40 I would recommend the 16-35, which means a hefty top up.

So keep the 24-105

Both 24-105 and 70-200 are fantastic lenses, both attributed to Canon's innovation. :kiss:

I too was thinking of the 17-40 now that I got the 70-200 but 24-105 offers a good all round range.

To get 17-40 I would recommend the 16-35, which means a hefty top up.

So keep the 24-105

unless you use FF... 17-40 doesn't work for me as a general walkaround.. it is neither here nor there to me.. I end up selling it and go for 24-105 :thumbsup: go 10-22 to cover the wide end.. then you have a trinity ;) (And don't think about "what-if" I upgrade to FF)

yup the 24-105's focal range is its main forte. the pics are smooth and clear, just not as razor sharp as the 70-200's. i usually check www.fredmiranda.com for user reviews for lenses and it seems both the 24-105 and 17-40 has soft copy issues (while the 70-200 is a consistent sharp performer). prime lenses wld be a safe bet but i can't live without zooms :( think i'll have to take more time to find the len's sweet spot settings or more likely, lighting conditions for it to perform better.

confirm if 24-105mm not as sharp 70-200mm? both are L lens.. difference in focal length and aperture... newer copies of the 24-105mm has the soft copies solved or bring the lenses to the csc for calibration...

confirm if 24-105mm not as sharp 70-200mm? both are L lens.. difference in focal length and aperture... newer copies of the 24-105mm has the soft copies solved or bring the lenses to the csc for calibration...

I find that 70-200 is a wee little more sharp than 24-105.

Personally speaking, I find the "sharpness" of the lens relatively unimportant. This is as most of us aren't in the business of making A3+ sized prints regularly. Most of our photos (beginners, dun flame me :D) usually end up stored on our computer, or on the web, where resolution and sharpness isn't the main factor in a great photo anyway.

Personally speaking, I find the "sharpness" of the lens relatively unimportant. This is as most of us aren't in the business of making A3+ sized prints regularly. Most of our photos (beginners, dun flame me :D) usually end up stored on our computer, or on the web, where resolution and sharpness isn't the main factor in a great photo anyway.

Maybe a sharper monitor will help out more!!! haha..... ;)

Personally speaking, I find the "sharpness" of the lens relatively unimportant. This is as most of us aren't in the business of making A3+ sized prints regularly. Most of our photos (beginners, dun flame me :D) usually end up stored on our computer, or on the web, where resolution and sharpness isn't the main factor in a great photo anyway.

so far i store my photos in my HDD.. maybe i print them out for job interview..hehe..

After testing out the 24-70, 24-105, 70-200 F4IS, I can say that they are all sharp lens.

To split hairs, the newer 24-105 and 70-200 are VERY sharp, as of all recent Canon L lens releases. The 24-70 is very slightly less sharp than the 24-105 at similar apertures wide open and at the extreme corners, but hey we are comparing F2.8 to a F4 lens.
The F4 lens are very sharp at the corners, tats impresive.

But prime still best, a 50mm 1.4 at F2.8 beats all these lens in terms of sharpness.

After testing out the 24-70, 24-105, 70-200 F4IS, I can say that they are all sharp lens.

To split hairs, the newer 24-105 and 70-200 are VERY sharp, as of all recent Canon L lens releases. The 24-70 is very slightly less sharp than the 24-105 at similar apertures wide open and at the extreme corners, but hey we are comparing F2.8 to a F4 lens.
The F4 lens are very sharp at the corners, tats impresive.

But prime still best, a 50mm 1.4 at F2.8 beats all these lens in terms of sharpness.

prime lenses are the sharpest lenses and has the least distortion compared to the zoom lenses.. from reviews that I have read the 24-70mm would be the prefer choice for photojournalism due to its f/2.8 bokeh where 24-105mm would be 1 of the best general purpose and walkabout lens.

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