17-35mm f2.8 VS 17-55mm f2.8

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Jimbotan said:

That's why I said depends on the individual lor..... it you need backward compatibility, then go ahead and buy the non-G lenses. I never said which is better and which is nonsense.

If you have the more modern bodies and feel comfortable adjusting aperture settings via the camera body, then buying the G-lenses is OK.

To say without qualification that G lenses, VR and DX lenses are "crippled" or something similar is really quite childish.

Anyway, to each his own.... I own and use DX, VR, G, non-G lenses..... and I am happy with all...... :)

Of course it is crippled if the lenses fail to meter with older equipment. What is the point of having a lens mount that allows new lenses to fit onto older bodies but does not allow meter coupling with them? Pointless.

Nikon might as well do what Canon did back in 1986/87- bite the bullet and come up with a larger diameter mount.

You are fortunate enough to have deep enough pockets that allow you the luxury of owning different types of lenses but there are many out there that aren't so lucky.

Tetrode said:
Of course it is crippled if the lenses fail to meter with older equipment. What is the point of having a lens mount that allows new lenses to fit onto older bodies but does not allow meter coupling with them? Pointless.

Nikon might as well do what Canon did back in 1986/87- bite the bullet and come up with a larger diameter mount.

You are fortunate enough to have deep enough pockets that allow you the luxury of owning different types of lenses but there are many out there that aren't so lucky.

Like I said (dunno how many times I have repeated this), if you need backward compatibility with your older equipment, go ahead and buy the lenses with the aperture ring... people without older equipment can buy the G lenses if they choose to (why do they need compatibility to older equipment if they don't have it and don't intend to buy any?).... easy to understand???

Whether people have deep pockets or not is none of your concern....

Now I know what espn is warning against.... sigh..... hahaha... :)

Anyway, freedom of choice, buy whatever you think is fit for yourself. No one can tell you how you spend your money (in fact no one did). :)

Time to "Zen"...... :)

Jimbotan said:
Like I said (dunno how many times I have repeated this), if you need backward compatibility with your older equipment, go ahead and buy the lenses with the aperture ring... people without older equipment can buy the G lenses if they choose to (why do they need compatibility to older equipment if they don't have it and don't intend to buy any?).... easy to understand???

Whether people have deep pockets or not is none of your concern....

Now I know what espn is warning against.... sigh..... hahaha... :)

Anyway, freedom of choice, buy whatever you think is fit for yourself. No one can tell you how you spend your money (in fact no one did). :)

Then why buy Nikon in the first place if you don't have older equipment?

And what freedom is there if the new lenses being introduced are no longer compatible? Freedom of choice - nah.

Be a fool,follow the masses, buy into the hype. Don't think (disconnect the brain) - (and to quote someone here) just Buy Buy Buy! That is what Nikon wishes everyone was like.

You MUST have ("the latest and greatest") G lenses with VR and Nano coating, ED elements in order to take better pictures (the more acronyms on the lens the better - it means I can take better photos). YES! Woohoo!:thumbsup: :bsmilie:

Jimbotan said:
Time to "Zen"...... :)

But you have already disconnected your brain - so are are already in that state. :)

while i'm trying to be polite, tetrode, u are the epitome of the word "bigot".

even IF you are right that nikon is only good becos of it's backward compatibility and all that stuff you said, it does not mean that people (like myself) that stick with nikon's newer bodies and G lenses are blindly following the masses with a brainless attitude.

i've never needed to blow my own horn, but if you click on my website below u will see POSITIVE example of a nikon "newbie" using G and VR and all that acronyms.

so u may say, "i'm sure u can do just as well with canon. at a much lower cost", to which i can agree. but wat am i supposed to do now bro, sell 30k (historical cost) worth of equipment for 15k and convert to canon?

and of course, there are other REAL reasons why (i feel) nikon is better than canon for MY USE. it's not just the lens system. i'll throw just one at you. how about the FLASH system?

just becos u have a vendetta against espn doesn't mean all nikon "newbies" that use G lenses are brainless. watch your mouth, cos i too belong to that "clan".

that is why i called u a bigot.

i'm sure you know the meaning, but for those who don't:

One who is strongly partial to one's own group, religion, race, or politics and is intolerant of those who differ.

taken from : http://dictionary.reference.com/search?q=bigot

jOhO said:
oh sorree.. i forgot, steven seagal in under seige : assumption is the mother of all fxxk ups... :bsmilie:
jOhO :kok: :kok:

Tetrode said:
Then why buy Nikon in the first place if you don't have older equipment?

And what freedom is there if the new lenses being introduced are no longer compatible? Freedom of choice - nah.

Be a fool,follow the masses, buy into the hype. Don't think (disconnect the brain) - (and to quote someone here) just Buy Buy Buy! That is what Nikon wishes everyone was like.

You MUST have ("the latest and greatest") G lenses with VR and Nano coating, ED elements in order to take better pictures (the more acronyms on the lens the better - it means I can take better photos). YES! Woohoo!:thumbsup: :bsmilie:


Not that I dont see your point about the G lenses but you gave a pretty absurd idea there. There are a lot of new users that do not own older nikon equipment and that really doesnt apply to them. Buying Nikon is not about having an aperture ring and older nikon equipment to be backward compatible with. There would be some that buy it because of the flash system, the UI or the build of a nikon.

A G lens might be "crippled" to you but there are a lot out there that would disagree with you. They dont use the aperture ring to begin with, why bother turning the ring when you can use the command dial? That feature is not essential to them as they might/prob wont be using a film/manual body at all in future. Image quality, build and price would be what that matters to them. Thus "crippled" would only apply in your case or others similar. I would hardly call a 70-200 or the 105 "crippled", they deliver excellent image quality and demands for speed, aperture is control is relegated to the command dial, which made it easier in my case.

Ease up.

Dennis said:
Lai liow, drinks drinks curry puff curry puff and now pop corn :bsmilie:
I want curry puff!!! :thumbsup: Old Chang Kee one can? :D

Dennis said:
Lai liow, drinks drinks curry puff curry puff and now pop corn :bsmilie:

where is my teh si? :dunno:

it would seem dat tetrode's hobby horse is this no-ring G-lens. let him be if he wants to be CS' curmudgeon over this. frankly, it would do the rest of us a lot of good if u dun rise to his baiting, yah?

tetrode - u have your own beliefs, fine. if u wanna mix ur beliefs with a personal vendetta, do it offline. i believe i commented on your opinions b4 - u can have ur beliefs. but dun shove it down people's throats. if u hate G-lenses, then dun buy. period. and frankly, AFAIK locally, no one really give 2 hoots abt a no-aperture ring lens.

Tetrode said:
But you have already disconnected your brain - so are are already in that state. :)

Say what you want. You are hopeless..... :sticktong

nightwolf75 said:
where is my teh si? :dunno:

it would seem dat tetrode's hobby horse is this no-ring G-lens. let him be if he wants to be CS' curmudgeon over this. frankly, it would do the rest of us a lot of good if u dun rise to his baiting, yah?

tetrode - u have your own beliefs, fine. if u wanna mix ur beliefs with a personal vendetta, do it offline. i believe i commented on your opinions b4 - u can have ur beliefs. but dun shove it down people's throats. if u hate G-lenses, then dun buy. period. and frankly, AFAIK locally, no one really give 2 hoots abt a no-aperture ring lens.
coz there is only 1 person capable of giving hoots in CS :bsmilie:

nightwolf75 said:
where is my teh si? :dunno:

it would seem dat tetrode's hobby horse is this no-ring G-lens. let him be if he wants to be CS' curmudgeon over this. frankly, it would do the rest of us a lot of good if u dun rise to his baiting, yah?
Your teh si coming up this sat :bsmilie: the baits are there, just avoid stepping on it will do, the ranting of SWM, VR, G is going nowhere, I just happen to like SWM, VR, G. And I can accept the views of cheesecake that he's dismayed about Gs. :D

jOhO said:
eh.. i want coke light... too fat liow. :thumbsup:
Since already fat, just take root beer la :lovegrin: :devil: indulge in the sin...

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