Recent content by xpgel

  1. X

    Any reports on the P5100 image quality ?

    G9 no wide angel lens, and for that G9 price + 100$ more can get a DSLR
  2. X

    Any reports on the P5100 image quality ?

    No Raw support If only this camera had RAW and Wide Angel lens, waiting to replace my coolpix 5400 Nikon P50 , no reviews yet, this has less manual control, no raw but comes with wide angel lens. I really liked the FZ18 from Panasonic, it has everything you can ask for in a camera, too...
  3. X

    Any reports on the P5100 image quality ?

    finally time to upgrade my coolpix 5400 to 5100 going to miss the wide angle in 5400 :(
  4. X

    A Bridal in Paris, Summer 2006

    I love your pics :thumbsup:
  5. X

    Road Trip - USA

    simply amazing, good job :thumbsup:
  6. X

    Mysore Palace, India

    :thumbsup: Nice pic do you have more pics of mysore ;p
  7. X

    IR on SMRT 060507

    Amazing :thumbsup:
  8. X

    Nikon Year End Christmas Promotion

    is the lens offer good? very tempting :bigeyes:
  9. X

    D50, D70s or EOS350D?

    i already own from my previous canon SLR camera 2 lenses 28-80 mm and 75-300 mm both are EF lenses both can be used on 350D :) i would like to buy D70 but my old lenses will go waste, or should i forget abt the D70 and get 350D? thanks
  10. X

    IR @ Egypt

    nice pics, :thumbsup: how do you make the background and the borders for the photo, which software to use? any links will be good
  11. X

    Coolpix Recommendation

    be warned of the SLOW write speed when you use RAW mode on coolpix cameras :thumbsd:, i own a 5400 and its very slow, esp when you shoot RAW.
  12. X

    Do you use manual/custom WB?

    when in doubt , if your camera supports RAW format use it ;p
  13. X

    Nikon Coolpix 4200

    Most of the coolpix camera are slow untill you want to throw the camera away. I'm using a coolpix 5400, the camera is rock solid, it takes good pic but the speed puts me off, i did check on this forum, the guys here said no point in getting a high speed card when your camera IO system too...
  14. X

    new to DSLR - should I get old 300D or new 350D

    20d or 350d this review says that get 350D and buy good lenses for the $ saved on buying 20D ??
  15. X

    Fujifilm E550 vs Panasonic LZ-2

    Pana is easy to use. not mnay manual controls. pana uses 2x AA batteries which i like the most, cause if you compare other brands just to replace the battery you need pay arround 90$ + some more if your camera lasts for longer years and cannot find the orginal battery.