IR on SMRT 060507

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Dec 5, 2003
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Hi IR friendz

Like to share these few picts taken recently on SMRT. Can recognize along which station? ;p As usual, comments r welcome.





#1 &#2 good shots...good use of the trees leaves against the MRT structure and train.
Is this a combi IR or color IR?

100% Bobby's disciple? PP technique identical, even the frame.

All shots good exposure :thumbsup: But the sky a bit too saturated for me. Good that you're able to freeze the train.

Good work Hweechwee,
but agree with Teerex, the sky is a bit oversaturated.
Try to tone down the blues....

Nice series.


Wonderful series! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

Can print out and sell to the ang mo tourists already! make some $$ so that you can get better equipment and accessories. ;p

Anyway, care to share your workflow? How do you maintain the red as red, and blue as blue??

Brilliant !!! :thumbsup:

Francis247 said:
Hi Poh,

Very nice series. :thumbsup:
#1 and #2 is better.
It looks like it is those MRT stations from AMK to Yishun.

Thanks francis. U r almost rite, between khatib & yck.

leews2001 said:
Khatib? recognise that overhead bridge. However, i was puzzled, how to you get up to the same level as the tracks?

Thanks leews2001. Yes, u r rite. B'coz i'm oso on overhead bridge. heehee

ullyss said:
wow, what did you do to get that shot!


Thanks ullyss. I have taken 2 picts, IR & color, then blend them into 1.

quekky said:
nice :thumbsup:

Thanks quekky.

Hosea said:
#1 &#2 good shots...good use of the trees leaves against the MRT structure and train.
Is this a combi IR or color IR?

Thanks stan. IR mono + color combi. I used this when I want the to emphasis the subject.

photoexpress said:
Nice series, Poh! :thumbsup:
Good pp work with nice compo!


Thanks bobby. Still learning very hard....... :sweat:

teerex said:
100% Bobby's disciple? PP technique identical, even the frame.

All shots good exposure :thumbsup: But the sky a bit too saturated for me. Good that you're able to freeze the train.

Thanks teerex. I learnt from all of u guys. U didn't see ur style there meh? :bsmilie:
I'm still trying to get better sky. I know it is no good yet, sure will continue to try. ;p

Dennis said:
Wah :thumbsup: , even MRT can look so good.
Thanks Dennis. IR works on a lot of things.

ark19 said:
Good work Hweechwee,
but agree with Teerex, the sky is a bit oversaturated.
Try to tone down the blues....
Thanks Ark. I'm working hard on this. :sweat: cheers!

thl said:
Nice series.

Thanks thl.

JimDavis said:
Wonderful series! :thumbsup:

Can print out and sell to the ang mo tourists already! make some $$ so that you can get better equipment and accessories. ;p

Anyway, care to share your workflow? How do you maintain the red as red, and blue as blue??
Thanks JimDavis. heehee, me not there yet.
I took 2 picts IR & color. Then blend them into 1.

Amazing :thumbsup:

yyD70S said:
Brilliant !!! :thumbsup:
Thanks yyD70s for viewing my picts.

mechplas said:
Very interesting. :thumbsup:
Thanks mechplas. :D

jcho said:
So I guess the colour pic is with the train right? That how you freeze the train? :thumbsup:
Thanks jcho. U r rite. No trick rite. :D

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