YSS - Yishun ppl pls stand up IV

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Date: Friday, 4 April 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

1. Nicholas Wee
2. William
3. Jiajie (will be late)
4. Xing (will be late too)

ur new camera battery lor

i am still in japan
hmm seem like here get camera also not cheap
almost same like singapore
yeah lor, hehe... this time round the price similarity is really surprising too. i realised you are still not back yet too, hehehe... when are you coming back?

Date: Friday, 4 April 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

1. Nicholas Wee
2. William
3. Jiajie (will be late)
4. Xing (will be late too)

yeah lor, hehe... this time round the price similarity is really surprising too. i realised you are still not back yet too, hehehe... when are you coming back?

Uncle Xing, what time are you coming? got qns for the bali trip.

Uncle Xing, what time are you coming? got qns for the bali trip.
Alamak... when did i become uncle to you har... uncle jim... will be back ard 11pm. you okay or not? will u be bitten by the zzz monster? ;p

Dear Sir,

How much for sigma DP-1? Can help me to check?

very ex leh you really want to buy ar, cow now i cannot order from internet liao coming back this wed if i buy direct from shop its not cheap at all. even the fuji i ordered online also not cheap compared to singapore

very ex leh you really want to buy ar, cow now i cannot order from internet liao coming back this wed if i buy direct from shop its not cheap at all. even the fuji i ordered online also not cheap compared to singapore

Thank you Sir for saving my money! :bsmilie: bring back pics from japan hor! share share at kopi session.

Date: Friday, 11 April 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

1. Nicholas Wee
2. William

Date: Friday, 11 April 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

1. Nicholas Wee
2. William
3. Xing

just to share some photos taken last sunday





Closing this interest check by 31 March 2008......
anyone interested please state your nick or name. Need one more for the trip.

This is just an interest check on a photography trip to:

Location: Yogjakata & Bali
number of days: estimated around 8 days.
Costing: estimated $1k to $1.5k
When: around last week of July to first week of August.

We will look for more details about the trip once 4-6 or more have expressed their interest.

Expressed interest:
1) Xing
2) NMSS_2
3) Merciless_Knight (At least must chop a place :sweat:)
4) MK's Friend

Manage to get one more, BTW is this trip still on?

This is just an interest check on a photography trip to:

Location: Yogjakata & Bali
number of days: estimated around 8 days.
Costing: estimated $1k to $1.5k
When: around last week of July to first week of August.

We will look for more details about the trip once 4-6 or more have expressed their interest.

Expressed interest:
1) Xing
2) NMSS_2
3) Merciless_Knight (At least must chop a place )
4) MK's Friend

Manage to get one more, BTW is this trip still on?

Yes Sir,

Still onz whether if it is 3 or more! just a bit lazy to compile for the itinerary. Please do give inputs for the trip if u found anything interesting.

hi ppl.. i'm new to fotography.. but i'm not usin pro cam.. jus gotten s5 would like some advise or help... i'm at yis too..

Yes Sir,

Still onz whether if it is 3 or more! just a bit lazy to compile for the itinerary. Please do give inputs for the trip if u found anything interesting.
itinerary quite simple.
Day 1 arrive Bali, Kuta Beach
Day 2 get a guide & 4-wheel drive to drive us around all the famous sights in Bali
cost ~ S$250 a guide and a 4-wheel drive for 3 days
Day 3 famous sights in Bali
Day 4 famous sights in Bali
Day 5 stay at Ubud
Day 6 stay at Ubud, proceed to Java
Day 7 Yogjakata
Day 8 Yogjakata
Day 9 Home sweet home

hi ppl.. i'm new to fotography.. but i'm not usin pro cam.. jus gotten s5 would like some advise or help... i'm at yis too..
do join us at our kopi sessions, bring your camera along if you have any queries on how to use your camera.

This is just an interest check on a photography trip to:

Location: Yogjakata & Bali
number of days: estimated around 8 days.
Costing: estimated $1k to $1.5k
When: around last week of July to first week of August.

We will look for more details about the trip once 4-6 or more have expressed their interest.

Expressed interest:
1) Xing
2) NMSS_2
3) Merciless_Knight (At least must chop a place )
4) fridakohlo

Manage to get one more, BTW is this trip still on?

Yes Sir,

Still onz whether if it is 3 or more! just a bit lazy to compile for the itinerary. Please do give inputs for the trip if u found anything interesting.

Putting his CS nick now...;p

This is just an interest check on a photography trip to:

Location: Yogjakata & Bali
number of days: estimated around 8 days.
Costing: estimated $1k to $1.5k
When: around last week of July to first week of August.

We will look for more details about the trip once 4-6 or more have expressed their interest.

Expressed interest:
1) Xing
2) NMSS_2
3) Merciless_Knight (At least must chop a place )
4) MK's Friend
5) wong_se

Manage to get one more, BTW is this trip still on?

Yes Sir,

Still onz whether if it is 3 or more! just a bit lazy to compile for the itinerary. Please do give inputs for the trip if u found anything interesting.

Sound interesting. When can we confirme the date ? btw. is the itinerary confirmed...?

Cityscape / Architectural Shoot
20 Apr 08
Meet at Khatib MRT

Raffles Place - Raffles City - Raffles Hotel - SMU campus area

1. Eugene
2. Xing
3. Nic

Cityscape / Architectural Shoot
20 Apr 08
Meet at Khatib MRT

Raffles Place - Raffles City - Raffles Hotel - SMU campus area

1. Eugene
2. Xing
3. Nic

and Singapore Arts Musuem..

Cityscape / Architectural Shoot
20 Apr 08/ Sunday
Meet at Khatib MRT

Raffles Place - Raffles City - Raffles Hotel - SMU campus area

1. Eugene
2. Xing
3. Nic
4. Jiajie

just booked my flight to bangkok, tigerairways, cheap cheap, $86.99 one way. xing, i think tiger even cheaper than airasia!

NOT-TO-BE-MISSED Exhibition: Xu Beihong in Nanyang

Now showing at the Singapore Art Museum: the world's most expensive modern Chinese painting to be sold at an auction.

Entrance: $8.00

anyone interested after the shoot?

interesting... but i'm total newbie n using prosumer cam. whahahaa luv my cam anyways..

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