YSS - Yishun ppl pls stand up IV

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Kopi @ 848
Date: Friday, 7 March 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

Kopi @ 848
Date: Friday, 7 March 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

1. Nicholas Wee
2. Xing
3. William

Closing this interest check by 31 March 2008......
anyone interested please state your nick or name. Need one more for the trip.

This is just an interest check on a photography trip to:

Location: Yogjakata & Bali
number of days: estimated around 8 days.
Costing: estimated $1k to $1.5k
When: around last week of July to first week of August.

We will look for more details about the trip once 4-6 or more have expressed their interest.

Expressed interest:
1) Xing
2) NMSS_2
3) Merciless_Knight (At least must chop a place :sweat:)

Anyone free during 2nd and 3rd week of june to go somewhere for a short trip?

Anyone free during 2nd and 3rd week of june to go somewhere for a short trip?
June / July is out for me, office going thru a major international audit exercise.

Note - never recommend cameras to women... tsk tsk... it's a painstaking experience over and over again.

Last Sunday @ PC Show...
Women - " can you recommend me a good camera"
Me - " what do you prefer? looks, built or functionality"
Women - " i want one that can take nice pictures indoors, at parties or dinner appts"

you guys shd know my answer....
Women - " not nice leh... how abt this Casxx, that Samxxxx, this Panaxxxxx, thatSoxx, etc etc...

guess what she gotten finally ... Soxx T70.
Women - " looks nice and sleek leh :) "
Me - lost for words....

Today, 3 days later
Women - " any recommendations for camera that can shoot well in dim conditions... blah blah"

been there, done it so many times liaozzzz... wondering why they even bother to ask over and over again.... arghhhhh.....

June / July is out for me, office going thru a major international audit exercise.

Note - never recommend cameras to women... tsk tsk... it's a painstaking experience over and over again.

Last Sunday @ PC Show...
Women - " can you recommend me a good camera"
Me - " what do you prefer? looks, built or functionality"
Women - " i want one that can take nice pictures indoors, at parties or dinner appts"

you guys shd know my answer....
Women - " not nice leh... how abt this Casxx, that Samxxxx, this Panaxxxxx, thatSoxx, etc etc...

guess what she gotten finally ... Soxx T70.
Women - " looks nice and sleek leh :) "
Me - lost for words....

Today, 3 days later
Women - " any recommendations for camera that can shoot well in dim conditions... blah blah"

been there, done it so many times liaozzzz... wondering why they even bother to ask over and over again.... arghhhhh.....

you always display nice pic on ur desk of course they ask u la
somemore u so cute, auntie killer, maybe they trying to pick u up leh..

Note - never recommend cameras to women... tsk tsk... it's a painstaking experience over and over again.

Last Sunday @ PC Show...
Women - " can you recommend me a good camera"
Me - " what do you prefer? looks, built or functionality"
Women - " i want one that can take nice pictures indoors, at parties or dinner appts"

you guys shd know my answer....
Women - " not nice leh... how abt this Casxx, that Samxxxx, this Panaxxxxx, thatSoxx, etc etc...

guess what she gotten finally ... Soxx T70.
Women - " looks nice and sleek leh :) "
Me - lost for words....

Today, 3 days later
Women - " any recommendations for camera that can shoot well in dim conditions... blah blah"

been there, done it so many times liaozzzz... wondering why they even bother to ask over and over again.... arghhhhh.....

hihi, cannot be so bad..............many ladies may see u cute to ask soooooooooo many dumb questions !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i had more crazy questions.............

lady a - wht is a polaxxxx and why does the pics come out at the bottom?
me - miss, that why they call it instant pics and the design for these few models are like this.

lady a - why instant? its takes more than a few seconds for the pic to show? can the flim size be bigger like a 4r?
me - ***sigh**** (speechless...............!!) the cam models pics are of this one only size unless u use a fuji fb100 film on another type of model polarxxx cam.

lady a - hur??????????? now u said fuji film??????????? that is 4r size?????????
me - sliently #$%@!%@%##!^^$@##@$%@$%


June / July is out for me, office going thru a major international audit exercise.

Note - never recommend cameras to women... tsk tsk... it's a painstaking experience over and over again.

Last Sunday @ PC Show...
Women - " can you recommend me a good camera"
Me - " what do you prefer? looks, built or functionality"
Women - " i want one that can take nice pictures indoors, at parties or dinner appts"

you guys shd know my answer....
Women - " not nice leh... how abt this Casxx, that Samxxxx, this Panaxxxxx, thatSoxx, etc etc...

guess what she gotten finally ... Soxx T70.
Women - " looks nice and sleek leh :) "
Me - lost for words....

Today, 3 days later
Women - " any recommendations for camera that can shoot well in dim conditions... blah blah"

been there, done it so many times liaozzzz... wondering why they even bother to ask over and over again.... arghhhhh.....

Ha ha... Been there, done that. :p

Kopi @ 848
Date: Friday, 14 March 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

Let me know your shopping list in ShangHai (films, antique seagull cameras, etc etc), do not last minute sms or make me call you while I'm there, hahaha :bsmilie: I dont want to foot the overseas charges.

part II of women buying camera...
Women - how do you find the performance of this Samxxxx NVXX camera, etc etc...
Me - :sweat: i give up

Kopi @ 848
Date: Friday, 14 March 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

Let me know your shopping list in ShangHai (films, antique seagull cameras, etc etc), do not last minute sms or make me call you while I'm there, hahaha :bsmilie: I dont want to foot the overseas charges.

1. Uncle Xing
2. Little Boy Randall (Who in shanghai?)
3. Uncle Jimmy

part II of women buying camera...
Women - how do you find the performance of this Samxxxx NVXX camera, etc etc...
Me - :sweat: i give up
Me - performance, buy & let me try, will feedback to you later :bigeyes:

Kopi @ 848
Date: Friday, 14 March 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

Let me know your shopping list in ShangHai (films, antique seagull cameras, etc etc), do not last minute sms or make me call you while I'm there, hahaha :bsmilie: I dont want to foot the overseas charges.

1. Uncle Xing
2. Little Boy Randall (Who in shanghai?)
3. Uncle Jimmy
4. Jiajie (if convenient, cheap and interesting film would be good!)

part II of women buying camera...
Women - how do you find the performance of this Samxxxx NVXX camera, etc etc...
Me - :sweat: i give up
Me - performance, buy & let me try, will feedback to you later :bigeyes:
Jiajie- Don't know leh, i shoot film leh.

Kopi @ 848
Date: Friday, 14 March 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop

I'm going there next Thursday la.... okay will look out for films (B&W ones ;p)

Kopi @ 848
Date: Friday, 22 March 2008
Time | Location | Information:
10pm @ Yishun Blk 848 Coffee Shop..

1. Nicholas Wee
2. William

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