Yashica electro 35G

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Senior Member
Apr 30, 2007
hi guys. i just got myself a yashica 35 G.

i know that the traffic light indicator mean the correct exposure. and the camera runs on aperture mode.

so how do i know if the shutter speed needs 30 sec? or even more than 1 sec?

let say i shoot at night at f8, surely it will give me a 'SLOW' light. Then how do i expose it properly w/o putting the aperture to f1.7?

sorry for the noob questions. new to this camera and of course, fantastic rangefinders. :)


hey dude just wondering where did u get your camera because im interested in getting one also thanks :)

hey dude just wondering where did u get your camera because im interested in getting one also thanks :)

I got it from shuttergal. Look out for her post. She has some good stuff!

I've never used the Yashica 35G, but is there a B or Bulb setting on the camera?

Yup. I have. But how do i know how much to expose? hand held light meter? :)

A meter will be useless as you have zero control with shutter speed anyway. The fact that the GSN/GTN's shutter is stepless, you'll have no clue what shutter speed it'll use.

The underexposure arrow will appear pretty much when the shutter speed is BELOW 1/30th of a second, use that as a reference. Basically, that's your only indicator of shutter approximation, above or below 1/30th of a second.

The cam takes WONDERFUL shots, exposures are very well calculated, don't think it's any less than the more expensive counterparts... : )

Check out some of mine






For long exposure, you need to trial & test on tripod and get experience. I don't do much long exposure shots. Boochap will give you a good indication on what settings to use.

Don't get too technical on details. For anything that's more than 4s, plus minus 1sec doesn't make a lot of difference at f22.

The Yashica 35G is a great camera. Consider yourself very lucky if you get hold of one that has a working meter!

yo yo yo...

when using a yashica...you must know the limits of the cam...dont be afraid to
try of f1.7...

you can actually shoot indoor at (approx) 1/30 sec...
set the cam to flash mode, then shoot at ard f1.7-f2.8 with iso 400 film.

the yashica compact RF are strange cams...you'd always wonder what you'd get
even when you thought you knew what you'd get.

For long exposure, you need to trial & test on tripod and get experience. I don't do much long exposure shots. Boochap will give you a good indication on what settings to use.

Don't get too technical on details. For anything that's more than 4s, plus minus 1sec doesn't make a lot of difference at f22.

The Yashica 35G is a great camera. Consider yourself very lucky if you get hold of one that has a working meter!

Thanks bro!

Yup! Got myself a excellent condition one from shuttergal. Really cannot wait to finish up the roll of film! ;)

yo yo yo...

when using a yashica...you must know the limits of the cam...dont be afraid to
try of f1.7...

you can actually shoot indoor at (approx) 1/30 sec...
set the cam to flash mode, then shoot at ard f1.7-f2.8 with iso 400 film.

the yashica compact RF are strange cams...you'd always wonder what you'd get
even when you thought you knew what you'd get.

(this information is way too cool!! ;))

I see. So if I set to flash mode, shutter speed will be 1/30?

What if I f1.7-2.8 w/o flash mode, any idea what will be the shutter speed like? Or it depends on the ambiance?

What if I f1.7-2.8 w/o flash mode, any idea what will be the shutter speed like? Or it depends on the ambiance?

the camera works on aperture priority auto exposure. therefore you set the aperture, and the camera selects the shutter speed based on the inbuilt meter's reading.

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