WOMAD 2003, 30th August 2003 Saturday

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Senior Member
Mar 16, 2002
Some equitorial, tropical isle
Some shots of WOMAD 2003 on 30th August 2003.



The rest are found here: http://zplus.clubsnap.org/images/20030830_womad03/


Lucky you... I was told sternly from the organizers not to take photos last year and wasted 10 rolls of slide film... Maybe they see my big setup and thought I was a press photog but I'm not. Only press photog can take photos there (plus their licensed photog oso) My last WOMAD pics were on 2001 and they can be viewed at http://www.pbase.com/tasha241/womad_2001

The organizers weren't very stern this time round and we were all there for a night of fun. Its not like we are videoing the performance to sell. In any case, I shot mostly without flash.

There were a few other photogs who went up close with their BIG lenses who got told off by the organizers. I just shot from where I was seated. I wuz busying enjoying the music and just shot off and on.

Btw, visited your site.... I missed WOMAD last yeah. How wuz it??

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