Will you buy the New V1 & J1???

Will you buy the V1 or J1?

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I just came back from a short Bintan trip recently, and I had my D7000 with only a 24mm lens, because the 18-200VR is too heavy for me to bring around the beach area. End of the day, I miss many tele shots, and I have to shoot wide and crop it down later.

When I got back, it motivates me to look at mirror less compact camera with their small lens again. I have tried the GF1 and EPL1 before, and I find that their shutter lag was bad, low light performance was crap, and the creative filters takes forever to process, therefore I did not get one during that time.
When I did my research recently, things had change, it is already GF3, and more brands join the mirror less competition, and I saw Nikon. And I kind of like have confident in this brand, cos I have a F90, D70, D300, & D7000, all are good cameras, and they did their job well.

I look at the specs of Nikon V1, and immediately I have associated with it, cos, its using the same battery pack as my D7000, yahoo, I can share the batteries. Other than that the fps is impressive and the d-movie functions improves even over the D7000, of cos, still behind D4. This is an impressive camera. But when I went to the Buy & Sell sub forum, I saw many, not a lot, but many people selling V1 with their lens away in just less than a month, is it really that bad in the real world application?

After reading so much comments and feedback, I am still thinking so which compact or mirror less can become my all rounder travel camera? Is it V1 or other brand out there? or even iPhone, but iPhone can't perform well in low light situation, and usually ran out of battery very quickly due to playing games and doing other thing on it.

Which other mirror less compact is worth looking into?

tkp77 said:
Which other mirror less compact is worth looking into?

Just get a travel zoom compact. Many models can reach 200mm. An APS-C mirror less with a high power zoom nearly as bulky. Go into the stores and just hold one in your hands and see.

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UncleFai said:
Just get a travel zoom compact. Many models can reach 200mm. An APS-C mirror less with a high power zoom nearly as bulky. Go into the stores and just hold one in your hands and see.

A GF3 with the 14-42 powerzoom should be very compact. Just ordered the pz so hopefully will know for myself before cny.

The Fuji X10 looks damn sexy.

A GF3 with the 14-42 powerzoom should be very compact. Just ordered the pz so hopefully will know for myself before cny.

The Fuji X10 looks damn sexy.

On a D7000, the far end of the 18-200 will get you 300mm equivalent reach.

On the GF3, the 14-42 will reach 84mm equivalent at most. You need the 14-140 to get close. But when you fixed that lens on your GF3, the whole thing is not that small or light anymore. Worse, the ergonomics always feels "off balance" to me - esp. with my need for reading glasses... operating it without a EVF is a challenge.

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On a D7000, the far end of the 18-200 will get you 300mm equivalent reach.

On the GF3, the 14-42 will reach 84mm equivalent at most. You need the 14-140 to get close. But when you fixed that lens on your GF3, the whole thing is not that small or light anymore. Worse, the ergonomics always feels "off balance" to me - esp. with my need for reading glasses... operating it without a EVF is a challenge.

Guess whether 84mm is enough depends on personal style. I've been shooting largely with a 35mm prime on my d7k (~50mm equiv) so gotten quite use to "zooming with my legs", and now rarely zoom past maybe 75mm equiv even on my 18-200 lens, so 84mm is plenty for me.

May not be the case for the TS though, in which case yes the 14-42 X won't help much.

Guess whether 84mm is enough depends on personal style. I've been shooting largely with a 35mm prime on my d7k (~50mm equiv) so gotten quite use to "zooming with my legs", and now rarely zoom past maybe 75mm equiv even on my 18-200 lens, so 84mm is plenty for me.

May not be the case for the TS though, in which case yes the 14-42 X won't help much.

For me, I am also a person who likes to zoom with my legs, I am using my 24mm most of the time, occasionally 50mm. I use my 18-200 for activities happening at a distance away whereby I cannot soon in by legs... e.g.. water sports or aero show.

I still love my D7k, and if I am in Singapore, I will still bring it around, it is only challenging when I goes oversea, especially holidays with wife, cos she will start complaining on the number of gears I carry for a vacation. I just wish to get a camera, that can fulfill as much as (not all of cos) my D7k, and at the same time light and compact.

What really stop me for considering so much for V1 is actually the price also... wonder why so expensive, I can get micro 4/3 or entry level DSLR at that price. I think I will need to go window shopping after the CNY holidays when the shops are open again.

For a camera that sports a sensor smaller than m43, the price does not justify the size. Olympus EP-3 would be better, and perhaps the upcoming Fujifilm X-Pro1 which has APS-C. But definitely not V1 and J1. Sorry Nikon, these 2 are complete duds...

ayatokamina said:
For a camera that sports a sensor smaller than m43, the price does not justify the size. Olympus EP-3 would be better, and perhaps the upcoming Fujifilm X-Pro1 which has APS-C. But definitely not V1 and J1. Sorry Nikon, these 2 are complete duds...

Fujifilm X-Pro1? Body alone US$1700! That price justifiable?

still justifiable compared to leica x1. and the hybrid viewfinder is something the other players don't have.

ayatokamina said:
still justifiable compared to leica x1. and the hybrid viewfinder is something the other players don't have.

Then you are not being fair to the Nikon 1. Compared to a Leica, lots of things are justifiable.

Then you are not being fair to the Nikon 1. Compared to a Leica, lots of things are justifiable.

The Leica M9 is full-frame though. :D Still I don't really understand why a 50mm prime would cost $12k.

I'm always a little bit torn about mounting APS-C in a mirrorless. On the one hand the big sensor is nice, on the other hand it means stupidly big lenses on a small body (which is the entire point of mirrorless).

pbear1973 said:
The Leica M9 is full-frame though. :D Still I don't really understand why a 50mm prime would cost $12k.

I'm always a little bit torn about mounting APS-C in a mirrorless. On the one hand the big sensor is nice, on the other hand it means stupidly big lenses on a small body (which is the entire point of mirrorless).

Leica m9 is a full frame sensor in a body similar size to a mirrorless body, their expensive lenses? Pretty much smaller than most cropped body lenses! The quality of leica lenses is mostly because of the glass, the price however, is a result of supply and demand.

Leica m9 is a full frame sensor in a body similar size to a mirrorless body, their expensive lenses? Pretty much smaller than most cropped body lenses! The quality of leica lenses is mostly because of the glass, the price however, is a result of supply and demand.

Bingo! It's because people are willing to pay! I doubt if the IQ alone can justify the price.

pbear1973 said:
Bingo! It's because people are willing to pay! I doubt if the IQ alone can justify the price.

I have never use a Leica before, but I've a friend who is a big fan of Leica, selling his 80-200mm F/2.8 D in order to afford a Leica M1 (not sure if this is the correct model number) film RF

Imho Nikon 1 is Nikon's marketing experiment. It's great if it sells, okay if it fails. That's why it's not priced to go... I think Nikon can't be bothered with our comments about "justifiable pricing".

Notice that most of the Nikon 1 products are 100% made in wuxi, china... Inside the Nikon 1 factory - Pocket-lint... low labour cost, low parts cost. Can close shop anytime no problem.

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[Can close shop anytime no problem.]

Who want to buy please fast. :angel: :devil:

well, there's sony's NEX range too which has been around for a while for APS-C in mirrorless for a better pricing if X Pro 1 is too expensive.
the point i want to make is of course, for such small sensors why so expensive?

Justification and logical decisions are really subjective. There is a lens selling for S$15.9K.. see for yourself. What do you want a watch for? Telling time. Waterproof. Sure! G shock, Timex can do that too. Pay $20K for a well known brand? It all depends on your affordability as well. If you have money then cost/price has no bearing. When you are like me nearing 60, you understand this relative issue. Unfortunately this debate is endless. My old teacher said the best photographer is the one with the best shot, never mind about the equipment used for the shot. My friend is a well known fashion designer. He wears only black pants and white t shirt without any prints or logo. If a shirt is required, he wears a white one without brand or logo shown. His designs sell all over the world!

Justification and logical decisions are really subjective. There is a lens selling for S$15.9K.. see for yourself. What do you want a watch for? Telling time. Waterproof. Sure! G shock, Timex can do that too. Pay $20K for a well known brand? It all depends on your affordability as well. If you have money then cost/price has no bearing. When you are like me nearing 60, you understand this relative issue. Unfortunately this debate is endless. My old teacher said the best photographer is the one with the best shot, never mind about the equipment used for the shot. My friend is a well known fashion designer. He wears only black pants and white t shirt without any prints or logo. If a shirt is required, he wears a white one without brand or logo shown. His designs sell all over the world!

Noctilux 50mm f/0.95, $17,328. Of course if I get paid $1m a year, this is no problem for me.

So like I say lor.. got demand that's why prices can be so high.

Leica Noctilux M 50mm f0.95 50/0.95 ASPH 6-bit *new* M5 M6 M7 M8 M8.2 M9 M9-P | eBay

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DPreview just published a full review. Less than stellar.