Why so many Panasonic Lx3 for sale?.. Any new model coming up soon?

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They bought the LX3 because everybody says it's good but they are not aware that it's a complex camera.

My friend keeps complaining that all the pictures he took of buildings, lamp post and trees are tilted.

The lens is a very wide angle lens, causes much distortion at the 24mm end, so gotta be more careful when photographing people at they tend to look a bit "stretched out" at the edges. Very unflattering. Must zoom in slightly then can.

I would still stick with the LX-3 because of its compactnes compared to the EP-1 or GF-1, plus on top of the fact that getting the latter two cameras would mean committing to another system.

Then again, maybe six months down the road, I may change my mind. Sony has also hinted in producing a camera of this type, and if price gap between micro 4/3 and high-end compacts narrow further, then more people might make the switch?

Got LX4 coming up boh?

I think 2010 will be the year for Micro Four Thirds cameras.

After a while it becomes like any good cam should be. Intuitive to use.

While results do not compare to DSLR, that is the whole point really, it's an advanced P&S.

Sellers may be trying to cash-in on it's current status and relatively good resale value however I treat any cam I purchase as a tool to be used to the full, not an investment. I won't be parting with mine to keep up with the neighbors.

They bought the LX3 because everybody says it's good but they are not aware that it's a complex camera.

My friend keeps complaining that all the pictures he took of buildings, lamp post and trees are tilted.

So what is gd PNS camera, with Zoome, HD video?

I am thinking to get Fz38..

So what is gd PNS camera, with Zoome, HD video?

I am thinking to get Fz38..

You can look at the Panasonic FZ38 or Sony HX1. They are both prosumer camera.

Canon and Nikon also have prosumer cameras but I'm not familiar with them.

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called alan photo...

guy said no have bye..slam down..

so realistic;(

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