Who will win WORLD CUP 2006?

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Ng L.T. said:
If England were to play the same style as their previous matches,they will never smell the Semi Finals !!!! They can never cop up the speed and accuracy in passing as the other teams which qualified!!!!!

No need to smell the way they played Figo n gang will send them packing for the next flight back to England!:bsmilie:

Poor aussies...if they only converted a goal in the second half..:(

Poor swiss, they were made swiss cheese in the penalty shoot out.:(

I think the Swiss were not trained to do penalty kicks? Wasted all the efforts to defend until the last minute of the Extra Time!!!
Sad, Sad, Sad endings.!!!! Who knows, may be England may end up the same way!

Ng L.T. said:
I think the Swiss were not trained to do penalty kicks? Wasted all the efforts to defend until the last minute of the Extra Time!!!
Sad, Sad, Sad endings.!!!! Who knows, may be England may end up the same way!

think they eat too much swiss chocolate before the penalty..:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

the world cup has make me sad and poorer...:what:

it is so hard top predict....did not expect France to tumble spain...haiz...$$$ fly again...

hard to say....no clear favourites this year!

eikin said:
Brazil will win :thumbsup:

scarli they lose to france.


zaren said:
scarli they lose to france.



ok lor, i never gamble anyway, doesn't affect me :bsmilie:

btw you also win, so many people kena 'tricked' by you :sticktong

zaren said:
scarli they lose to france.


The last time Brazil met France in WC, they lost to France. Lightning strikes twice??:dunno:

sjourn brother, i suggest u to stop betting already at this quarter finals stage, because now all the teams are on quite equal terms and its so hard to see who will win..
dun plunge in further already... [by right the time to bet should be in the grp stages where there is lousy teams]

kcuf2 said:
sjourn brother, i suggest u to stop betting already at this quarter finals stage, because now all the teams are on quite equal terms and its so hard to see who will win..
dun plunge in further already... [by right the time to bet should be in the grp stages where there is lousy teams]

Good advice. But I guess that is the thrill of gambling..so un predictable...:devil:

Germany-Argentina: Argentina win
Italy-Ukraine: Ukraine win
England- Portugal: England win
Brazil- France: Brazil win

Sjourn said:
Good advice. But I guess that is the thrill of gambling..so un predictable...:devil:

Germany-Argentina: Argentina win
Italy-Ukraine: Ukraine win
England- Portugal: England win
Brazil- France: Brazil win

Refer to this -> http://forums.clubsnap.org/showpost.php?p=2181301&postcount=42

& this -> http://forums.clubsnap.org/showpost.php?p=2256394&postcount=213

My 70-200mm VR is on the way..;p

How come noe one side Germany? :dunno:
Afterall the ball that all the matches r using is newly re-designed by Addidas leh :bsmilie:
Did you read the report from some England Uni, that this new ball is quite different and difficult to catch... :bigeyes:

Don't worry Germany will beat Argentina to-night!
It will be 2-1 score. Arg.Team facing too much pressure at home.For
Germeny, they have been improving each time they played moreover,
they are the host Team and with the support of the home crowd,they
will definitely put up a tough fight!!!!

actually I would have wish tat argentina would nt meet germany so soon...I like both their style of play leh....spain also kanna kick out so fast..sianz..

but guess the final will most probably be argentina / germany VS brazil / france....

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