Who will shoot for free for Charity?

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jsbn said:
I know this is going to end up in flames but at the end of the day...

Can u fill ur stomach with 'spiritual food'? :sweat: No. I'm not stopping anyone to shoot for religious events for free.

But den again, if someone in need of money gets 10 or 20 photoshoots for temples or churches, all for free, for this 'spiritual food', the only reward this poor chap is going to get is to meet his Maker faster den the usual route. :sweat:

Just a thought.
Actually, my post was saying the church or temple that you are getting the spiritual food from, not any and every church or temple that comes your way. :)
jsbn said:
We can give free stuff, put in effort for free. But then there's a limit to everything giving or doing free. In this crazy, hypocritical world, count our blessings if the ppl whom we'd once helped with all our hearts just say a simple 'thank you' and not later turn around to say things behind ur back.
Agree with what you say, but ultimately, it is more of a transaction between you and God, not men...

SnapSnap said:
Agree with what you say, but ultimately, it is more of a transaction between you and God, not men...
Lets just say I'm quite disillusioned now to actually believe that there's a higher power who's aimed at doing good, weeding out evil-doers, bringing justice and stuff like dat. Dat's me. So whatever 'transaction' there may be, I dun really care much for it.

But that's me.

Now... back to topic. "Who will shoot for free for Charity?"

SnapSnap said:
Actually, my post was saying the church or temple that you are getting the spiritual food from, not any and every church or temple that comes your way. :)

Agree with what you say, but ultimately, it is more of a transaction between you and God, not men...

god 1 my photos 4 free? :devil:

die oso wont shoot 4 free! :nono:

Paul_Yeo said:
I am just thinking aloud....

if someone is willing to shoot for free, what about the other stuff?

- will the food caterer do for free?
- will the transport company do for free for that charity event?
- if material is needed, will some company provide free for this event?
- if electricity and water is needed, will it be provided free bcos it is a charity event?
- if space is needed, will the land owner provide free rental?

No lar.....nothing is free in this world.

All charity organizations or non profit organizations do have a budget for event photography, I ever shot for a few events and projects, low rate but non of them is free, if a event is too long or huge, can consider a few photographers to cover the event, even a well paid commercial event also doing them the same, why would a photographer covering charity event has to be a one man show?

What Wai suggested is the way to go when the photographers are full-timer or seasonal, how would some students or first-timer knows the market rates for shooting events? And it will be too troublesome for both parties.

As for religion's organizations, they also have budgets for every things, you can make a donation on whatever things you wish to make, but bear in mind that no one can force you to donate.

I shoot free for charity but the charity must not give any prize or award to their donator. And the donators must be donate willingly no, the donator should not think of gain anything from his or her donation.

Paul_Yeo said:
I am just thinking aloud....

if someone is willing to shoot for free, what about the other stuff?

- will the food caterer do for free?
- will the transport company do for free for that charity event?
- if material is needed, will some company provide free for this event?
- if electricity and water is needed, will it be provided free bcos it is a charity event?
- if space is needed, will the land owner provide free rental?

share my experience ar... i went to a 'buddhist' activity once... and i can update your checklist...

1) Food caterer do for free... and there is booth even, and u get to eat unlimited amount, there is like ppl cooking different food, free flow of drinks, ice cream, den have pau, noodles, rice all sorts of things... and its like a food court style...

2) same place, transport by buses for ppl who is not driving... think sponsored by the temple or devotees...

3) dunno about it, but i think most devotees shoot for free there...

4) free flow...

5) thats the biggest plot of land i see... and its really big place, heard a rich guy donated the whole plot of land for the temple... talk about generousity...

I got paid to shoot for a charity organisation. 3 times even. It wasn't market rate, but i was pretty happy with it. At the end of the day, its about how the organisation treats people.

Wai said:
Instead of telling the non-profit organisation that u can shoot for free, ask them to pay u according to market rate and then promise that you will donate 100% back to them.

at least this will cultivate the right attitude that photography service is NOT free, and they should set aside a proper budget for photography.
They will take from the profits to pay, I encounter before, because they don't have budget at all, everything is totally out of goodwill/sponsorships.

So end up I take, I put back, it's going no where, might as well just over look it.

Eating the 'rations' is already payment liao. The food is meant to be sold for $, but we're already eating it free.

If it's true charity event and held over weekend I don't mind. I'm no pro, just a casual shooter, so don't expect pro results :bsmilie:

i don't mind shooting 'FREE'** for charity,
But i OWN the Copyright
See no TOUCH
Wanna Touch pls PAY (market rate)$$$

Wai said:
Instead of telling the non-profit organisation that u can shoot for free, ask them to pay u according to market rate and then promise that you will donate 100% back to them.

at least this will cultivate the right attitude that photography service is NOT free, and they should set aside a proper budget for photography.

that's is so very correct :thumbsup:

in fact shooting for a charitable organisation does not equate to performing an act of charity.

catchlights said:
All charity organizations or non profit organizations do have a budget for event photography, I ever shot for a few events and projects, low rate but non of them is free, if a event is too long or huge, can consider a few photographers to cover the event, even a well paid commercial event also doing them the same, why would a photographer covering charity event has to be a one man show?

What Wai suggested is the way to go when the photographers are full-timer or seasonal, how would some students or first-timer knows the market rates for shooting events? And it will be too troublesome for both parties.

As for religion's organizations, they also have budgets for every things, you can make a donation on whatever things you wish to make, but bear in mind that no one can force you to donate.

well said :thumbsup:

I will shoot for free if it is for a worthwhile charitable cause. I recently spent about eight hours shooting for a Tsunami Relief fashion show and sold prints afterwards - so far have made approx $3000 for the charity from my work alone. Feels good to do my bit for this charity and good to use one's skills rather than just donating money.

Phildate said:
I will shoot for free if it is for a worthwhile charitable cause. I recently spent about eight hours shooting for a Tsunami Relief fashion show and sold prints afterwards - so far have made approx $3000 for the charity from my work alone. Feels good to do my bit for this charity and good to use one's skills rather than just donating money.

i won't consider this shooting for free, there is a monetary return for your work and that goes directly to charity. unless you are allowing the organiser to use your pictures for their own corporate publicity outside of the event.

well. to me. i think theres a need to reimburse transporation, time and effort being put in lah. so no matter what. small allowances is still "mandatory".

unless u tell me, u sit in front of the comp for a few hours doing post processing, shooting the "free" event, just for charity ?

sometimes we have to be kind to ourselves than kind to others. when we help others whos going to help us ?

have been approached once by a charity home, and to shoot for their annual fun fair at their home, well at least they reimbursed by transportation and a small ang pao. :thumbsup:

glennyong said:
well. to me. i think theres a need to reimburse transporation, time and effort being put in lah. so no matter what. small allowances is still "mandatory".

unless u tell me, u sit in front of the comp for a few hours doing post processing, shooting the "free" event, just for charity ?

sometimes we have to be kind to ourselves than kind to others. when we help others whos going to help us ?

have been approached once by a charity home, and to shoot for their annual fun fair at their home, well at least they reimbursed by transportation and a small ang pao. :thumbsup:
When doing charity, one side has to 'lose' in order for the other side to gain. Just like when making donations, you give so that others might receive.

I would if it's for charity, like I said, the money might have come from what they've raised to reimburse your transport/ang pao, fun fairs are a joyous ocassions, and a good means to raise additional cash for the home. Hope you enjoy that little money you 'pocketed' from the fun fair now.

You are the photographer, but there are others in the charity organisation who work, organises the event, gives their time, all for free. Do they even think about being paid like us?

It's just like army, you have M203, LAW/SAW, in a charity organisation you have different groups of specialised people. Photographers like us, are just one of them. We have to work together to get things done.

Your thinking of "We help others, who help us?" will not get any donations for the charity totally, because you are too narrow minded to foresee and think more about yourself than the charity. To give is to give, not expecting anything in return. HOWEVER, what goes around comes around. Understand this? You can't balance the scale if you expect to give and want something in return in charity.

Think about it. I'm not advocating we die die all must shoot for free at Charity events, but it's what you DO at charity events that counts. If they pay, good for you.

However, if like the last time I was offered a standard market pay for the fun fair I was to cover, and the money would come from the proceeds of the entire event. I serously doubt I can bear to accept the cash that's supposed to go to the charity fund.

Not to mention, I dragged about 6 other friends along to help me out, we had fun, we met nice charity organisers, Nikon, Epson also sponsored equipment too. Everything was sponsored and out of goodwill donations. This is what I call Charity!

There's a fine line between looking for free photographers and working for free VS looking for photographers to help in charity work.

Just to add on. Which charity organisation is pretty subjective, you know what I mean.

sORe-EyEz said:
god 1 my photos 4 free? :devil:
no... God don't need your photos... You give because you want to give... but if you don't want to give, don't stop other people from giving.

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