Who is liable?

Canonised said:
So guys, be careful, if you are a driver, and always give way .... unless you can afford a good lawyer!

you are wrong. :bsmilie: if you can truly afford a GOOD lawyer, you won't be in that scenario at all. Thus this is a paradox. :bsmilie:

If u are driving a Lexus, u can drive on, as the car is so quiet that u won't hear anything :)
I got what you are referring to. Nice try.

All she got was a S$2,400 fine for taking away a man's life and less than a year later, she'll be on the road again knocking down tree branches.

Where is justice? ;(

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Hi All,

I have checked with my lawyers friends.

Apperantly, your car can run over any human beings and killed them if your car have the transformer Decepticons logo !!!

the driver is at fault

driver's fault.

if a cyclist and a motorcyclist got into an accident, it will be assumed that the motorcyclist is at fault.

if a cyclist and a motor vehicle got into an accident, it will always be assumed that the driver is at fault.

So guys, be careful, if you are a driver, and always give way .... unless you can afford a good lawyer!

you see, drivers/bikers are always the one,even though those cyclist knock into you. i have both fellow biker and driver pals being faulted when such accidents happen. Main reason; failure to keep a proper lookout:sweat:

google said:
Hi All,

I have checked with my lawyers friends.

Apperantly, your car can run over any human beings and killed them if your car have the transformer Decepticons logo !!!

Other cars that don't have the logo will not run over human beings??? :eek: the poor cats!!!

Other cars that don't have the logo will not run over human beings??? :eek: the poor cats!!!

Speaking of cats ....

I saw a cat run over by a car yesterday !

Grusome sight !

if she was overtaking you from the left, while you have given turning signal and slowed down, it is the cyclist that is driving carelessly, but still the bigger vehicle is at fault.. with more power comes more responsibility (and sometimes they are unfair)..

Then PRC jump into MRT track, is MRT company fault?

google said:
Then PRC jump into MRT track, is MRT company fault?

MRT fault because they never put a gate to prevent people from 'falling in'. Unless people climb over, then suay lor. :eek:

Lawyer also hard to fight butyou are right on the "hierarchy" of who is at fault when "who-hit-who" example you gave that is basically given when an accident occurs. The one with the more "powerful" vehicle against another which is slower, smaller and least powered they have that advantage over the other.

As a long time cyclist with 30 odd years of cycling, I know where yappy is coming from and I feel you hit that bugger.. too bad for the cyclist.(BUT yes she will be viewed as victim). She/He deserves it "morally" speaking for being cocky to think they should be seen and avoided and not their problem. Harsh as that sound. I have seen just a many cycling bullies as I have seen car bullies these days. The irony is the guilty ones are the older riders who are suppose to know better and we all know those others who does this in their own home countries and now think they can do the same in Singapore walkway as well. Personally I am all for heavy fines to be impose locally and even getting cyclist licensed. I am sorry.. I just about had enough of it even when I cycle about properly. So many others are making it hard for us and givng us a bad name. I am ashamed for those who ride a bike like that.

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The trouble is you have no time to react.

Cyclist can travel very fast and it is from a opposite direction.

Dont you think they should also follow the traffic rules?

if the cyclist was going againts the rules (say cycling across the road when its red man?)

i was coming from ang mo kio going to turn right onto yio chu kang road last night (extreme right lane), pedestrian is red man, my side the lights has just turn red and the green arrow came out, the car in front of me moved off to turn right and i followed. this 3 prc cyclist, upon seeing the red light on our side, started cycling.

car in front of me high beam them and both cyclist and car stopped.

so the driver in front of me slowly moved off and i followed behind.
once the car in front of me completed the turn while i was about 1 car length behind slowly moving off, they started to cycle again,

i had to jam brake and nearly knocked into them , was very very close.

the first cyclist also nearly got knocked down by the car on my left turning cause its blind spot.

i say touch wood the car moving off, and the cyclist hit the car, say on the side door or something in such situation, who is liable ?

ps: no one got hit that night. in the end all the car let them cycle pass and they had the cheek to stare at us like it was our fault

if the cyclist was going againts the rules (say cycling across the road when its red man?)

i was coming from ang mo kio going to turn right onto yio chu kang road last night (extreme right lane), pedestrian is red man, my side the lights has just turn red and the green arrow came out, the car in front of me moved off to turn right and i followed. this 3 prc cyclist, upon seeing the red light on our side, started cycling.

car in front of me high beam them and both cyclist and car stopped.

so the driver in front of me slowly moved off and i followed behind.
once the car in front of me completed the turn while i was about 1 car length behind slowly moving off, they started to cycle again,

i had to jam brake and nearly knocked into them , was very very close.

the first cyclist also nearly got knocked down by the car on my left turning cause its blind spot.

i say touch wood the car moving off, and the cyclist hit the car, say on the side door or something in such situation, who is liable ?

ps: no one got hit that night. in the end all the car let them cycle pass and they had the cheek to stare at us like it was our fault

sometimes a little tolerance ... can go a long way ....

for me, i just want to go home to be with my kid and wifess


its like a stop and go and stop thingy.

like we see they stop we go then they suddenly go then we stop then they stop then start to go again .

funny how people are willing to risk their lives like that. small roads still aint that bad but on a big major 4 lane road , its seriously dangerous for not only them but the drivers.

Driver's fault.