Which Camera Bag is Faster? Fastpack 250 or Slingshot 200

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Here's how to access camera from fastpack. ;)


To all who have responded to this thread with help and advises, may I say "Thank you" and a special thanks to Israel for the photo.

I checked the fastpack out this afternoon at CP. I must say that the quality, rigidity of the material and paddings is a notch above the compudaypack. It's certainly a very good bag. Anyone knows which shop gives the best price for the fastpack 250?


To all who have responded to this thread with help and advises, may I say "Thank you" and a special thanks to Israel for the photo.

I checked the fastpack out this afternoon at CP. I must say that the quality, rigidity of the material and paddings is a notch above the compudaypack. It's certainly a very good bag. Anyone knows which shop gives the best price for the fastpack 250?


I asked at OP,they quoted me 128 for fastpack 250,somehow,i find 250 doesn't suit my taste,would prefer 350

I own a FastPack 350... in my opnion, one of the best backpack for laptop & camera... own a AW300 before sold it away because the Fastpack is more suitable for me. I don't think the Fastpack is a weekend camera bag. The laptop compartment is pretty useless... but it is ideal if you need to travel for Business trip....

I would normally go for business trip, 2 things that I don't check into lugguage is my notebook & camera/lens... so the fast pack becomes the idea match... On weekends where I get to walk around especially in smaller towns to shot some photos, leaving your notebook in the hotel room can be dangerous, and I bring my notebook along :) with my cameras.

Now, those that carry back pack in foreign country would be know that with the backpack on your back, you are prone to thieves that would unzip the pack and steal the stuffs inside. I encounter that in Bangkok Chatuchat market, my bag pack zipper was all opened and I was lucky that my friend notice that fast enough and the thieves walked away. The fastpack allow the zipper for the camera quick access to be hidden under the flap which make stealing a lot more difficult. Like mentioned, the access to the camera was fast and easy, release the right strap and swing the bag to the front. and the padding for the camera & laptop compartment is very well build.

The padding on the carrying strap of the fast pack looks thin and not as "luxurious" as the other made, I was pleasently surpurise because after lugging the pack (about 10kg) around for 3 days, I did not experience any shoulder aches, until now, I still wonder how can that be possible :p

I would give a big thumbs ups for Lowepro FastPack. for business traveller that need to bring camera & laptop along. cheers

I own a FastPack 350... in my opnion, one of the best backpack for laptop & camera... own a AW300 before sold it away because the Fastpack is more suitable for me. I don't think the Fastpack is a weekend camera bag. The laptop compartment is pretty useless... but it is ideal if you need to travel for Business trip....

I would normally go for business trip, 2 things that I don't check into lugguage is my notebook & camera/lens... so the fast pack becomes the idea match... On weekends where I get to walk around especially in smaller towns to shot some photos, leaving your notebook in the hotel room can be dangerous, and I bring my notebook along :) with my cameras.

Now, those that carry back pack in foreign country would be know that with the backpack on your back, you are prone to thieves that would unzip the pack and steal the stuffs inside. I encounter that in Bangkok Chatuchat market, my bag pack zipper was all opened and I was lucky that my friend notice that fast enough and the thieves walked away. The fastpack allow the zipper for the camera quick access to be hidden under the flap which make stealing a lot more difficult. Like mentioned, the access to the camera was fast and easy, release the right strap and swing the bag to the front. and the padding for the camera & laptop compartment is very well build.

The padding on the carrying strap of the fast pack looks thin and not as "luxurious" as the other made, I was pleasently surpurise because after lugging the pack (about 10kg) around for 3 days, I did not experience any shoulder aches, until now, I still wonder how can that be possible :p

I would give a big thumbs ups for Lowepro FastPack. for business traveller that need to bring camera & laptop along. cheers

Thanks for the info. May I know what is the price of the 350?

n years ago...

Me: Darling, why you have so many handbags?
Wife: Aiya, you men never understand one lah, different bag for different occasion, different bag to match my dress mah.
Me: Oh, I see. But can't you carry one bag for all occasions? They looked the same to me.
Wife: See, I've said you won't understand. Don't waste my breathe on you... hmph!

n years later....

Wife: Dear ah, why you buy camera bag again?
Me: Different bag for different occasion mah. Fastpack 350 for travelling, cos can pack my laptop and camera on board for short trips, Slingshot 200 for all-purpose city walkabout.
Wife: But they all look the same to me leh... all big and black :(
Me: Aiya, you don't know one lah, different bag for different purpose mah.

:bsmilie: That's a good one! Well observed, hilariliously penned and so starkingly true. As a "hitman" it's a "bullseye".

n years ago...

Me: Darling, why you have so many handbags?
Wife: Aiya, you men never understand one lah, different bag for different occasion, different bag to match my dress mah.
Me: Oh, I see. But can't you carry one bag for all occasions? They looked the same to me.
Wife: See, I've said you won't understand. Don't waste my breathe on you... hmph!

n years later....

Wife: Dear ah, why you buy camera bag again?
Me: Different bag for different occasion mah. Fastpack 350 for travelling, cos can pack my laptop and camera on board for short trips, Slingshot 200 for all-purpose city walkabout.
Wife: But they all look the same to me leh... all big and black :(
Me: Aiya, you don't know one lah, different bag for different purpose mah.

haha... very nice one... :) think i'm going into this too... :)

Thanks for the info. May I know what is the price of the 350?

I bought it for about $150, Blue color :p,

BTW, do check the camera compartment between 250 & 350, they are slightly different, IMHO, if you have a 80~200 F2.8 & a camera with Handgrip on, 350 will be a better choice.

I have both a CompuDaypack and Slingshot 200AW. The Slingshot is not as comfortable to carry as a backpack though it is better than a shoulder bag. The CompuDaypack is good to carry for difficult to get the equipment. I use it for business travel which require me to carry the laptop as well. From the photo and description, the access of equipment is not as friendly as Slingshot which open just in front of your chest, but should be much better to carry. Hmmm...

I have a wide screen 15.4 inch notebook, will the Fastpack 250 able to fit it in? Cannot find any spec on the laptop compartment except the 15.4 inch description. My notebook is 35.5cm x 26cm.

I have both a CompuDaypack and Slingshot 200AW. The Slingshot is not as comfortable to carry as a backpack though it is better than a shoulder bag. The CompuDaypack is good to carry for difficult to get the equipment. I use it for business travel which require me to carry the laptop as well. From the photo and description, the access of equipment is not as friendly as Slingshot which open just in front of your chest, but should be much better to carry. Hmmm...

I have a wide screen 15.4 inch notebook, will the Fastpack 250 able to fit it in? Cannot find any spec on the laptop compartment except the 15.4 inch description. My notebook is 35.5cm x 26cm.

Yes! Without doubt.

After much deliberation, I finally bought the Fastpack 250. Quality wise, it is one notch above the Slingshot and 2 notches above the CompuDaypack. The construction is more rigid and material used more robust. It would be perfect if it comes with an all weather rain cover like the SlingShot.

But the SlingShot still beats the Fastpack in whipping the camera out by 2 seconds.
For the SlingShot, all you need is to loosen the strap, swing the bag from the back to the front and you are ready for action, with practice, one second is all it takes. But with the Fastpack you need an additional step: 1.) loosen the right strap, 2.) free the right arm and 3.) swing bag from back to front. Losening the right strap is easy but freeing the right arm may take a bit of time, so at best with good practice and technique it would take at least 3 seconds unless you are a contortionist.

Anyway I highly reccommend it for travel (lower back and shoulder friendly) and travel with notebook (which means one less piece of lugguage to carry). But for walk around Singapore, SlingShot gets the pick. So as "hitman" so beautifully illustrated, we need to learn from the women and own these 2 bags for different occasions.

the olympus free bag is now the fastpack 350. collected mine today. :D


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