What would happen if .....?

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Senior Member
Sep 1, 2004
Blue/Green Planet
Hi all,

Coral and I were talking about every ones reliance of computers.

And the question came up as......

What would happen if every computer died at the same time ?

Lets say there was some massive electro-magnetic pulse generated by scientists searching for anti-matter.

This massive electro-magnetic pulse killed every chip in every device.

What do you think would happen to the world ? .... mass suicide (no money) ? mass water shortage (water supplies computer controlled) ? No electricity ? no ClubSnap (no life) :bsmilie:

What do yo think would happen if all things electrical stopped working ???

Thanks for any replies, I am looking forward to your opinions :thumbsup:

Cheers, Peter.

Watching too much doomsday movies lately? :D

World will be thrown into chaos, except those societies who are not dependent with technology at all... But eventually, those who will adapt the fastest will survive just fine, as long as people get back to basics.

You've already seen this happen in a much smaller scale during major disasters when power/communication lines are cut for an extended period of time.

We normally send SMS or email to our girlfriends.

On the day of mass computer destruction, she'll get a visit from you eventually. :bsmilie:
My door will be locked :bsmilie: Kidding...

better practise how to walk long distance if u driving.
learn how to swim if you dont know
start to eat raw food (not sushi pls)
start to climb stairs (no more lift even it's working now)
start to blah blah blah.....

When world ends, so does we. What to worry? ;p

better practise how to walk long distance if u driving.
learn how to swim if you dont know
start to eat raw food (not sushi pls)
start to climb stairs (no more lift even it's working now)
start to blah blah blah.....

When world ends, so does we. What to worry? ;p

well. its basically eat **** time lor ~~

tell me a place where u can hunt food for in singapore? ~~ we hardly even have wildlife. wad to do? go zoo eat the new pandas.

If the chips are destroyed, some scientists WILL build them again. And we have solar energy.

If all the electrical things stopped working, it will make this world a better place. :)

If no computer chip works anymore
- Everyone switches back to SLR / film
- looting, since security systems likely is digitized already
- people start to talk to each other again, since no MSN/surfing
- work quality improves, since no more distraction from pesky emails and communications is slow, so people finally can take their time to get their work done properly.

somehow I think no computer is a better way of living.

oh no, I work in semicon industry so I will be jobless!!!!!

Hi all,

Coral and I were talking about every ones reliance of computers.

And the question came up as......

What would happen if every computer died at the same time ?

Lets say there was some massive electro-magnetic pulse generated by scientists searching for anti-matter.

This massive electro-magnetic pulse killed every chip in every device.

What do you think would happen to the world ? .... mass suicide (no money) ? mass water shortage (water supplies computer controlled) ? No electricity ? no ClubSnap (no life) :bsmilie:

What do yo think would happen if all things electrical stopped working ???

Thanks for any replies, I am looking forward to your opinions :thumbsup:

Cheers, Peter.

What do you think would happen to the world ? .... mass suicide (no money) ? mass water shortage (water supplies computer controlled) ? No electricity ? no ClubSnap (no life) :bsmilie:

time to find mechanical camela

No more poll? :bsmilie:

that is a possibility. i guess i dont have to show up for work then.

dude you need to get some air. go watch avatar.

the earth deserves a rest.

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