What kind of DSLR should I get?

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Kenneth67C said:
Oh I'm sure he knew that, like all new members are expected to know everything.

LOL! yea.

Hi cocolates!

It would've been better if you made your thread title "What to choose: 450D/500D/550?" because apparently, most of our very helpful CSers here recommended the NEX system yet you are still inclining on getting the Canon's Mid-level DSLRs. I know, it still comes down to your preference but our CSers' efforts would have been fruitful (not wasted) and the decision on your part would be easier by now, if you only chose the right title for the intention.

Anyhow, since you prefer Canon's system, 550D is the way to go for a budding photographer.

Hmmm...from what i have read so far, I think the ts need to seriously consider the few things,
first why do you wan to get a new camera?? For hobby? If so, he sure are you that you will keep on shooting?
For you to have a keepsake of events? Or just for fun? The ans will define hw much you spent so tat you will save the max amount
Second what is your budget??
Also perhaps you would like to read up more on the diff camera,a prosumer,a Pns etc...don't be in a haste to get one... Or you may regret...
Finally, jus a personal opinion, a Dslr is not for canwhoring but it is a tool for expression

What other important features do the sony ones have in comparison with canon ones then??

Sony and Pentax offer built-in image stabilization - basically, any lens that you attach will have stabilization, which allows you to shoot at slower shutter speeds and still achieve sharp pictures than would be otherwise possible. The Sony cameras can focus quickly while using live view - in other words, if you tilt the LCD screen to face you and camwhore, it can lock on focus and track quickly. Canon can't. Also, if you shoot video, the Sony can focus at full speed. On the Canon, you need to manual focus.

Hello! Im interested in photography & would like to own a DSLR.
Basically, I just wanna camwhore with it, and to take random photos.... when I feel like it.
But then again, I know nuts about DSLRs. one thing for sure: I'm not gonna go for the high-end ones ($$$$). :(:(
Soooooooo, any recommendations on which brand/model should I get? ;)

hi coco,

get this.

$450. cheap and gd. more than enough for your camwhoring needs. and it's a Canon. :)

arjrluap said:
Hi cocolates!

It would've been better if you made your thread title "What to choose: 450D/500D/550?" because apparently, most of our very helpful CSers here recommended the NEX system yet you are still inclining on getting the Canon's Mid-level DSLRs. I know, it still comes down to your preference but our CSers' efforts would have been fruitful (not wasted) and the decision on your part would be easier by now, if you only chose the right title for the intention.

Anyhow, since you prefer Canon's system, 550D is the way to go for a budding photographer.

I did consider sony's nex but looking at its price and features, I would rather add in more $ for a canon Dslr.

I don't mean to sound rude but just because the two cameras are the same price doesn't mean anything since price isn't mapped against the needs ou have indicated.

It's like comparing a Leica m9 against a d3x. Two different cameras around the same price point for different shooting styles and needs

ghoonk said:
I don't mean to sound rude but just because the two cameras are the same price doesn't mean anything since price isn't mapped against the needs ou have indicated.

It's like comparing a Leica m9 against a d3x. Two different cameras around the same price point for different shooting styles and needs

I understand but I would prefer a canon Dslr

Oh, thanks for the recommendation ^^
But the picture quality should be good too right?

Picture quality should not be the main thing you're worried about when it comes to modern DSLRs. They are all pretty good, especially when paired with good lenses. You should be worried more about the whole experience of the camera, as the camera is a tool for you to use. How the camera feels in your hand, how easy it is to change settings, how easy it is to navigate around the camera's menu system are just as important, or if not more important, than image quality.

Take a look at this guy's flickrstream: http://www.flickr.com/photos/36821100@N04/
All his photos are taken with a 1000D and 18-55 IS or 55-250 IS, considered to be "kit lenses". How good the images turn out depends a lot on your skill and creativity, not the camera gear itself. There are exceptions, like in low light situations, but generally, all modern DSLRs offer very good image quality and you should be more concerned about the whole experience that the camera gives you.

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brapodam said:
Picture quality should not be the main thing you're worried about when it comes to modern DSLRs. They are all pretty good, especially when paired with good lenses. You should be worried more about the whole experience of the camera, as the camera is a tool for you to use. How the camera feels in your hand, how easy it is to change settings, how easy it is to navigate around the camera's menu system are just as important, or if not more important, than image quality.

You are right -^^ thanks for the info

Hmm, TS trust me you won't want to use a DSLR for camwhore picture.. Very bulky to do so... speaking from my GF's experience:bsmilie:

I skip quite a few post. But I am just wondering why with the canon brand? I am asking here as I am curious about what is so attractive about the brand camera that can make you aim for a DSLR that actually makes it so hard to take photos of yourself without a tripod support and some extra effort even with the support. While looking into the fact that you lack technical knowledge, lighter choice and ability to cam-whore with the capability of a DSLR APS-C (Canon 450D sensor are actually slightly smaller than Nex, bigger sensor is a good thing), it is obvious in every way that a Nex is a better choice. I cannot psycho you to die die get a Nex, I just feel bad when people makes poor choices due to persuasion from friends and salesman lacking in knowledge or marketing and get a choice that they regretted not heard others who are more experienced.

Seriously I don't know what I am doing except typing what I am thinking when reading your thread.

Get a cardboard Box, poke a teeny hole in the front and create a pinhole camera. Super Cheap, No worries about warrenty but lousy weather sealing. :)

Oh, thanks for the recommendation ^^
But the picture quality should be good too right?

the picture quality is very good. :cool:

TS, getting a DSLR would not ensure better quality pictures. Handshake is more prominent due to the weight, and a DSLR, even with kit lens, can weigh down on your shoulder afer a day out. I'm a small guy, so I know...

I like canon 450D. good and easy to use :D image quality not bad haha

I understand but I would prefer a canon Dslr

Dear t/s, your thread is very entertaining. Looks like canon really brainwash you to the max. I suggest you stop asking for opinions here and just go out there and get yourself the cheap 1000D from canon. Yes the picture quality of canon is so super awesome good that even Avril Lavigne and Ken Watanabe used it, that's why she stop making new albums and he stop acting because now with canon dslr, they have become professional photographers earning millions. No need to buy expensive lens also because canon is so good you can use the kit lens and its more than enough to give you a "dslr effect like picture" for camwhore and when people see your picture anywhere, people 200% guarantee will know its taken with a canon dslr. Then if you bored already and need an accessory to wear on your neck when going places, you can hang canon dslr like Mr T gold chain and look super cool like Avril Lavigne. Don't worry about in body image stabiliser and all these nonsense because if its good, canon will have it first already as they will want to be delighting you always. :thumbsup: :angel:

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