What kind of DSLR should I get?

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Actually I'm considering 450/500/550 instead, now.
Because some features of 600, i really don't need them :/ and I heard that 600 doesn't have built-in image stabilizer right? It's not worth the $$ then.

No Canon DSLR has built-in image stabilization...

Canon 550d or if u can wait the new 600d for swirvel.
nikon get d3100 or d7000 depending on your budget.
Sony u have to ask other bros here.

Use gears your best friends use so u can borrow or share lens during photo trips.;)

Use gears your best friends use so u can borrow or share lens during photo trips.;)

not many will actually lend you lenses. unless they're from the school club and no one really cares what happens to them.

As a general purpose compact that delivers DSLR-like quality that's light enough for camwhoring, the NEX-5 with a 16mm f2.8 lens should be a pretty viable option.

Canon 550d or if u can wait the new 600d for swirvel.
nikon get d3100 or d7000 depending on your budget.
Sony u have to ask other bros here.

Use gears your best friends use so u can borrow or share lens during photo trips.;)

Canon swivel screen is semi useless since focusing in live view is so slow. D3100 vs D7000, better make sure you know about the lack of built-in AF motor on D3100.

And getting gears from your friends? Everyone always says that's a good reason, but in reality, very few people will lend you their precious gear.

Canon swivel screen is semi useless since focusing in live view is so slow. D3100 vs D7000, better make sure you know about the lack of built-in AF motor on D3100.

And getting gears from your friends? Everyone always says that's a good reason, but in reality, very few people will lend you their precious gear.

I do lend them my friends my gear. Haha and my friends too :thumbsup:
I know girl who do not have a camera for 2 years and borrow different system for her shoot. Well ladies charm:sweatsm:

Swivel is good if u do video.

I am using 2-3 systems now so my report is unbiased in a way.

I do lend them my friends my gear. Haha and my friends too :thumbsup:
I know girl who do not have a camera for 2 years and borrow different system for her shoot. Well ladies charm:sweatsm:

Swivel is good if u do video.

I am using 2-3 systems now so my report is unbiased in a way.

DSLRs will never shoot videos as well as camcorders until you spend a ton of money on the video rigs. You'll have a hell of a time trying to manual focus with the camera LCD, and camera shake will be a huge problem as DSLRs were designed for use with the viewfinder, not the LCD. The grip of DSLRs is not designed for movie recording; you'll need a proper video rig.

For a Canon vs Nikon comparison, you don't have to compare lens lineup and image quality etc, there's quite little difference in those. You'll want to take note of:
-Camera interface: do you prefer Canon's way of changing settings, or Nikon's?
-Camera grip: this one depends on camera body, try to see if it feels comfortable in your hands. If you have the budget, a 60D or D7000 level body would be good, as in a normal shooting position, the D3100/600D level will leave your pinky under the camera, which is very uncomfortable

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actually if that's your thing, then something really portable, shooting on Auto-mode all the way...

you can always look at the Panasonic GF2 or the Sony Alpha NEX3.

they have larger sensors than those on compact cams, and deliver the image quality you desire. one point to note, both offer the use of Manual Focus and changing lenses. but the NEX has the larger sensor, which is the mainstream DSLR sensor size.

(edited in) The Review:
Panasonic GF2
Sony NEX5

my humble 2 cents.
I do think this is a good suggestion.

If one is accustomed to using the LCD display when composing, might as well do away with the VF (electronic or otherwise) altogether ;p
An EVIL kinda fits the bill. Coupled with a pancake lens (eg. 20/1.7), it is:
- portable
- (some say) stylish
- able to capture images of a higher quality compared with PnS cameras
- fits the needs of the family event photog who probably doesn't require fast AF nor rapid burst shooting

Because a Nikon user will say Nikon's system is good, a Canon user will say Canon's system the best ;)

And finally it's not really relevant if the skill set behind viewfinder is at low tide level :sweat:
Those who have the skills are beyond the discussions of gear and specs.

I'm not so sure man... If I would spend the $ on a Sony nex, I think I would rather save a lil more for the canon ones.

Octarine said:
Oh, did Canon introduce the in-camera stabilization secretly to the older models? :bigeyes:
Tell us more :bsmilie:

I didn't see the specs for the rest of the cams. So they do not have image stabilizer in the end. Okay noted :bsmilie:

OH BY THE WAY, I wouldn't have asked for help if I knew everything :bigeyes:
Just in case u didn't quite get that ^^

kei1309 said:
actually if that's your thing, then something really portable, shooting on Auto-mode all the way...

you can always look at the Panasonic GF2 or the Sony Alpha NEX3.

they have larger sensors than those on compact cams, and deliver the image quality you desire. one point to note, both offer the use of Manual Focus and changing lenses. but the NEX has the larger sensor, which is the mainstream DSLR sensor size.

(edited in) The Review:
Panasonic GF2
Sony NEX5

my humble 2 cents.

Thanks :) think I'm gonna go check those, that u mentioned, out in the stores.

Thanks :) think I'm gonna go check those, that u mentioned, out in the stores.

oh.. btw, the NEX doesn't have in-body stabilization :bsmilie:

if that's what you want, then it's the A33 for that price range, the sensor is the same, but the grip is better to hold. better still, it's also considered DSLR-like

I didn't see the specs for the rest of the cams. So they do not have image stabilizer in the end. Okay noted :bsmilie:

OH BY THE WAY, I wouldn't have asked for help if I knew everything :bigeyes:
Just in case u didn't quite get that ^^

Oh I'm sure he knew that, like all new members are expected to know everything.

If you want to do the whole self portrait thing, light and image stabilization is pretty much a must. Most likely a sony or pentax for the lower cost.

Think i remember seeing a white pentax k-x in the B&S? Just don't get sucked into the whole limited lenses thing. Will get expensive, fast.

I'm not so sure man... If I would spend the $ on a Sony nex, I think I would rather save a lil more for the canon ones.

Why so obsessed on Canon? You'd spend more $$$ for a camera with less features and poorer image quality than the competition?

Weird world we live in.

kei1309 said:
oh.. btw, the NEX doesn't have in-body stabilization :bsmilie:

if that's what you want, then it's the A33 for that price range, the sensor is the same, but the grip is better to hold. better still, it's also considered DSLR-like

Without built-in image stabilizer, will the pictures be of much difference as compared to one that has it? I mean, considering that I'm not photographing any moving objects

Rashkae said:
Why so obsessed on Canon? You'd spend more $$$ for a camera with less features and poorer image quality than the competition?

Weird world we live in.

What other important features do the sony ones have in comparison with canon ones then??

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