What is your stand on reserving seats using using Tissue in the Food Court etc.

What is your stand on reserving seats using Tissue/belonging in the Food Court etc.

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Got namecard song liao, can report for littering heheheh :)

Why use tissue when it doesn have your name on it? Use a namecard.... i thought it might at least "hey THAT's MY namecard..." and not some generic tissue packet...

Singapore's a happening place! :bsmilie: Love it! :heart::heart:

Anyway I did mention before, I don't use this method. Just that I don't know why so many people is against this method. Anyway just a small issue, its no biggie. I don't think anyone can stop this from happening now, since its becoming a norm these days. If you can't live with it, then probably go for lunch earlier to avoid the crowd? First come first serve is the key word.

Sure, just as you belong to the camp that does not find anything wrong with the practice; there are those who belong to the camp who find something wrong.

Since there are no laws prohibiting or allowing this practice, it will be the law of the jungle. Those anti-tissue people will just remove and site, and those pro-tissue people will continue to put there. It will be survival of the fittest and strongest that's all :)

For your second point, if you want to leave a friend there, the friend can beat off potential table stealers. If you leave your tissue there, then you are expecting that your seat will get stolen and hence, don't cry foul if it does get taken by another person. If you are the type who thinks that everyone will respect your tissue and not take your seat, then why not put something more valuable than a tissue? Leave your bag or laptop there lor! :)

Well, just as there are people against this method, there are those for this method. It's just an issue, not realy a big or small one.

As for stopping it from happening; well you can't stop people from doing it, but you can deal with it by simply removing the tissue. To have to go for lunch earlier because you can't "live with tissue paper reservation" is a misplaced comment. I can easily reverse it to say that the pro-tissue pple, if they cannot live with people taking their tissue; to go for lunch earlier.

You are right, first come first served. To the anti-tissue camp, tissue paper doesn't count as first come, so the physical human body, after taking away the tissue, will be there as "first come" :)

Anyway I did mention before, I don't use this method. Just that I don't know why so many people is against this method. Anyway just a small issue, its no biggie. I don't think anyone can stop this from happening now, since its becoming a norm these days. If you can't live with it, then probably go for lunch earlier to avoid the crowd? First come first serve is the key word.

1 person -> Ask to share seats

Group -> Take turns

My practice anyway.

A letter to ST Forum published on the new generation name card reservation people (upgraded from tissue packets):

They were well-dressed but behaved like louts

ON TUESDAY, I accompanied the wife of a foreign investor and her baby and nine-year-old son to VivoCity to shop. She was full of praise for the service in all the shops she visited. Then we went to Burger King for lunch and managed to find an empty table with six seats. She sat with her children while I queued to buy food.

About five minutes later, six smartly dressed men in long sleeves and ties came to her table with their food, glared at her hostilely and started to sit down. Feeling uncomfortable, she and her child left their seats.

I went over to the six men and asked them why they had done that, seeing that she had a baby and a child with her.

One of the men said rudely: 'We were here first.' It turned out that one of them had reserved six seats by placing a namecard on the table. The namecard was not there when we sat at the table earlier, but the men still thought the table was theirs though they were not physically there.

I asked them why they could not be gracious and let the female tourist with her baby and her child sit down since they were already seated.

I told them Burger King would not allow people to inappropriately reserve six seats with one namecard. It is a fast-food outlet with free seating, and the table was empty when we arrived. The men had no right to pressure the female tourist and her child out of their seats by glaring at them.

One of the men said rudely: 'I don't want to talk to you. Go away.'
They ate their food, oblivious to the stares of other diners.

The female tourist was turned off by the men's arrogance, rudeness and uneducated behaviour. She told me they were all dressed like gentlemen but their behaviour was the opposite.

I doubt her husband and his business associates will invest in Singapore if Singaporeans know only how to dress and speak well at work but have no social graces.

This incident reflects poorly on Singaporeans and I hope we do not see Ugly Singaporeans like these in fast-food outlets or anywhere else in Singapore.

While the Government is trying its best to attract investors to Singapore, Ugly Singaporeans will turn them away with their selfishness.

This is a loss to Singapore.

Singaporeans should improve their social graces at work, as well as outside because because you never know who you will run into.

Bendjenni Udiana Jamalludin (Mrs)

Most of the time people don't want to share seats.

1 person very hard to find seats? I find it ridiculous.

If you're in a group with friends, then people don't want to split up and eat. Of course will wait for a long time.

wow ive been wanting to voice my opinion on tissue paper issues but couldnt find one, until now.

Anyway, although we live in a world with ugly singaporeans (some uglier than others) and we accept/relegate to the fact that it's part and parcel of singaporean culture, that doesn't mean it's right.

As a single person eating, it is usually easier to find seats in foodcourts etc and usually those individuals dont bother with the tissues. Even if they do put tissues on the table, it is more understandable and tolerable. On the other hand, people in a group who chope using tissues are amazingly blatant and inconsiderate no matter which side of the coin you're looking at. If it means everyone can go and buy food at the same time, i don't see the difference in time/resources spent when you have at least someone sitting down on behalf of everyone. Does it mean the group gets to eat that much faster and leave that much faster? Definitely not.

The matter of reserving seats by tissue paper is by no definition, large. It just reflects an aspect on what a uniquely 'ugly' culture we have. Granted, you don't see this around in the world alot.

Anyway, back to being me, i'll just take the tissues and use them. Not guilty. Freebies!

Heheh I love the last sentence best of all. I'll continue to remove tissue paper packets whenever I see them :)

wow ive been wanting to voice my opinion on tissue paper issues but couldnt find one, until now.

Anyway, although we live in a world with ugly singaporeans (some uglier than others) and we accept/relegate to the fact that it's part and parcel of singaporean culture, that doesn't mean it's right.

As a single person eating, it is usually easier to find seats in foodcourts etc and usually those individuals dont bother with the tissues. Even if they do put tissues on the table, it is more understandable and tolerable. On the other hand, people in a group who chope using tissues are amazingly blatant and inconsiderate no matter which side of the coin you're looking at. If it means everyone can go and buy food at the same time, i don't see the difference in time/resources spent when you have at least someone sitting down on behalf of everyone. Does it mean the group gets to eat that much faster and leave that much faster? Definitely not.

The matter of reserving seats by tissue paper is by no definition, large. It just reflects an aspect on what a uniquely 'ugly' culture we have. Granted, you don't see this around in the world alot.

Anyway, back to being me, i'll just take the tissues and use them. Not guilty. Freebies!

Totally against it. :nono:

And I totally agree with that waderbreak says.

Would probably give (i.e. restock) them to the poor uncles/aunties selling tissue paper on the street if the packaging's clean and intact... :p

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I think this is already a standard rule already since everyone in CBD are already doing it for so long.

Its not a "rule". It is as most a "practice" for which anyone minded to do so can simply go against it by either sitting at the seats and eat, or by taking/dumping the tissue paper.

The length of time of a practice does not make it automatically enforceable against detractors of the practice. Since there is no laws on this, then the law of the jungle prevails.

I think this is already a standard rule already since everyone in CBD are already doing it for so long.

Looks like it's becoming a SG culture anyway:


I worked 7 years in the CBD, and never had reason to do that. I either lunch with colleagues and we always leave someone behind at the table, or if I have to eat alone, I'll just share tables with someone else.

Looks like it's becoming a SG culture anyway:



Do you know where to buy it?

I will buy one full Bag of Tissues every day and sell it in the CBD area at lunch time! ;p

Soon or later, I will have enough money to buy a D3X or a 1DsMKIII ;)


My colleague gave me this tissue, and he said he got it free.

There are 2 holders inside the pack, you can refill them, just transfer the tissues from a regular pack into the holders.

As you can see, it's actually an advertisement too.

Every major city in the world are crowded during lunch time, so there is no excuse for this lame practice.

My colleague gave me this tissue, and he said he got it free.

There are 2 holders inside the pack, you can refill them, just transfer the tissues from a regular pack into the holders.

As you can see, it's actually an advertisement too.

:eek:It's free!

:think:Under the Law, free advertisement item can't sell and make money.

Nah.... so my Dream for a D3X and 1DsMKIII is gone! :cry:


Oh well, you can always give out free tissue, and sell non-ad refill tissues! :bsmilie:

I'd do so if it can land me with at D3x too!

:eek:It's free!

:think:Under the Law, free advertisement item can't sell and make money.

Nah.... so my Dream for a D3X and 1DsMKIII is gone! :cry:


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