What culture is it here??!!

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what about the reinventing of the wheel? :confused:

I see, its a figurative speech, using the wheel to illustrate my point. As you know, the wheel is a simple invention thats been made many years ago, so if people says that they don't want to learn from other people's experiences and mistakes, and that they want to experience the pain first hand, then I use this phrase " I'd rather not re-invent the wheel" meaning, I'll use the wheel that's been invented long ago, and make something else more advanced and sophisticated, got it? ;) That equates to me saying that I will use other people's lesson in life, to apply in mine, so I don't have to go through the same process that they went through, its not very efficient to lead life that way, IMHO.

Don't mean to make this sound like teaching you to suck eggs, its just to clarify your questioning. :)

You wrote the above, but your signature is "Break away from the norm, and capture your vision, not just photographs!!"

I cannot imagine a person who do not want to "reinvent the wheel" to "break away from the norm". :bigeyes:

A visionary always want to do things in a different ways.

Your imagination may need some more imaginations ;) know what I mean? Maybe you are suggesting that Van Gogh don't use paint to express his creativity? Get it? Wheels, paint, wheels, paint... ;) I don't understand your point, really.

Nikontiger, you asked what kind of culture is it here...well here's my 2cents and everyone i beg your pardon if this seems like a rant but i think it needs to be said. Its not meant to be an attack on anyone in particular just a statement of what the general environment looks like to me.

This is a culture that's more concerned with materialism: That thinking that having the best toys automatically makes them the best. Buying the best gear and bragging about it just shows that you're materialistic and insecure. It doesn't make you better than everyone else. The best pros out there don't even use some of the high end equipment that's on sale. They have a specific gear box that they stick with for years on end. The thing that makes them great is that they live by 3 creedos:
1. Learn your gear
2. plan your shoot in advance
3. don't be afraid to experiement.

Sometimes having limited gear in my mind is better because it forces you to be more creative and imaginative. Because let's face it photography though very technical in nature is also a very creative field. Technical expertise only gets you so far in an art form. Creativity is what makes you stand out.

Many people take for granted that they can just show up to a shoot and come up with things on the fly. Planning will make the a huge difference. Any pros who aren't based here will tell you this. I suggest you read the magazine Inside Photography to get a feeling for this. The mag isn't circulated here but they have a website you can visit. Google it.

Another thing that everyone here seems to be concerned with is credentials. I think we sometimes forget that the piece of paper only goes so far. What counts the most is experience and knowledge. Anyone can go out and print a cert and claim that they have cred but are unable to back that up when the time comes. What matters is the quality of their output. Stop complaining that some people are vicious with their criticism. By listening to them and challenging them, you're giving them credit regardless if you meant to do so or not. Just ignore them. Also remember that some people are just plain jack@$$es even if they are credible. I think people often don't realize that they should treat other people the way they themselves want to be treated. so its easy to tear down other people. The best people are the ones who remember that and retain an air of humility about them and you can tell that from the way they present themselves and their pov.

That's the end of my rant. Thank you for your patience and i hope i didn't cheese anyone off too badly.

Bro, I couldn't agree more on whats ranted here..hehe. But the paper, to ME is the photo ;)

I see, its a figurative speech, using the wheel to illustrate my point. As you know, the wheel is a simple invention thats been made many years ago, so if people says that they don't want to learn from other people's experiences and mistakes, and that they want to experience the pain first hand, then I use this phrase " I'd rather not re-invent the wheel" meaning, I'll use the wheel that's been invented long ago, and make something else more advanced and sophisticated, got it? ;) That equates to me saying that I will use other people's lesson in life, to apply in mine, so I don't have to go through the same process that they went through, its not very efficient to lead life that way, IMHO.

Don't mean to make this sound like teaching you to suck eggs, its just to clarify your questioning. :)

it is out of context when used as a reply to ortega's post, there's no wheel to reinvent, experience + learn from mistakes -> improvement ... nothing's reinvented (to make it simpler for understanding, no one's telling one to purposefully go make mistakes and learn from them, mistakes or ''mistakes'' will happen all the time, just learn from them)

it'll probably make you sound like trying to make me suck eggs to yourself and some others :)

it is out of context when used as a reply to ortega's post, there's no wheel to reinvent, experience + learn from mistakes -> improvement ... nothing's reinvented (to make it simpler for understanding, no one's telling one to purposefully go make mistakes and learn from them, mistakes or ''mistakes'' will happen all the time, just learn from them)

it'll probably make you sound like trying to make me suck eggs to yourself and some others :)

No no, please read the few threads connected before you make this judgement, I don't think its out of context. :) Oh God, please help me
. I feel like a kindergarten teacher already...I respect those folks now ;)

Slowly, I begin to see some individuals here who feel that I am targeting them, but I am not, it is perhaps there own conscience speaking to them, making them feel that they have been targeted by me. So I am not surprised that Icemocha will feel that he needs to insult me back, as he has stated, that he might be one of those whom I am speaking about.

the reason why i say you're over sensitive is because you already presuppose that there are people trying to read you as targetting them (just like how you worried that you seem to be trying to make me suck eggs) ... well, i don't really think anyone really sees you as targetting them

i suppose you're referring to Icemocha (since you think he is insulting you)

i think it's easy for people to misread you as your statements tend to self-contradict, like how you say don't reinvent the wheel (and pick up from what others have done) and then agreeing that one shouldn't be afraid to experiment. :)

No no, please read the few threads connected before you make this judgement, I don't think its out of context. :) Oh God, please help me
. I feel like a kindergarten teacher already...I respect those folks now ;)

you don't think it's out of context because you assume that ortega is telling people to reinvent the wheel (or the method of learning since ortega is talking about the learning process) ... get it? the problem lies in the fact that you're too quick to make assumptions, as per so many examples here.

the reason why i say you're over sensitive is because you already presuppose that there are people trying to read you as targetting them (just like how you worried that you seem to be trying to make me suck eggs) ... well, i don't really think anyone really sees you as targetting them

i suppose you're referring to Icemocha (since you think he is insulting you)

i think it's easy for people to misread you as your statements tend to self-contradict, like how you say don't reinvent the wheel (and pick up from what others have done) and then agreeing that one shouldn't be afraid to experiment. :)

This is not a good way to moderate anything, the obvious is evident and solid, lets just stop this here, please, its kinda childish , you know? ;) AND DON"T ANYBODY JOIN IN TO STIR THIS SHEAT...LOL :D

This is not a good way to moderate anything, the obvious is evident and solid, lets just stop this here, please, its kinda childish , you know? ;) AND DON"T ANYBODY JOIN IN TO STIR THIS ****...LOL :D

the fact is that you started the finger pointing without explaining yourself, get it? and no i'm not a moderator of this section, i don't moderate this place, see, you're making assumptions again.

the reason why i say you're over sensitive is because you already presuppose that there are people trying to read you as targetting them (just like how you worried that you seem to be trying to make me suck eggs) ... well, i don't really think anyone really sees you as targetting them

i suppose you're referring to Icemocha (since you think he is insulting you)

i think it's easy for people to misread you as your statements tend to self-contradict, like how you say don't reinvent the wheel (and pick up from what others have done) and then agreeing that one shouldn't be afraid to experiment. :)

Firstly, you tend to putforth your thoughts into others also with assumptions thats not based on facts , but your own opinion, like for example, you said that I presume that others think I am targeting them... well, they were the ones who sort of owned up in the post, had you read them?

the fact is that you started the finger pointing without explaining yourself, get it? and no i'm not a moderator of this section, i don't moderate this place, see, you're making assumptions again.

Back to the point you have been trying to say, one who moderates doesn't have to be a moderator, right? ;) Just like a critique of food doesn't have to be a chef. I can't agree more. Is this the contradiction that you are accusing me of? I didn't say you are a moderator, did I? ;) wink wink

Firstly, you tend to putforth your thoughts into others also with assumptions thats not based on facts , but your own opinion, like for example, you said that I presume that others think I am targeting them... well, they were the ones who sort of owned up in the post, had you read them?

you posted the topic here to ask for feedback, feedback is what you got. have you gotten a feedback that insulted you? maybe you want to read again?

Back to the point you have been trying to say, one who moderates doesn't have to be a moderator, right? ;) Just like a critique of food doesn't have to be a chef. I can't agree more. Is this the contradiction that you are accusing me of? I didn't say you are a moderator, did I? ;) wink wink

let's see ...

the reason why i say you're over sensitive is because you already presuppose that there are people trying to read you as targetting them (just like how you worried that you seem to be trying to make me suck eggs) ... well, i don't really think anyone really sees you as targetting them

i suppose you're referring to Icemocha (since you think he is insulting you)

i think it's easy for people to misread you as your statements tend to self-contradict, like how you say don't reinvent the wheel (and pick up from what others have done) and then agreeing that one shouldn't be afraid to experiment. :)

This is not a good way to moderate anything, the obvious is evident and solid, lets just stop this here, please, its kinda childish , you know? ;) AND DON"T ANYBODY JOIN IN TO STIR THIS ****...LOL :D

i'm telling you that you assume too quickly, and that your words do self-contradict. why did you say that what i said was not a good way to moderate anything? (hint hint: i wasn't moderating, i was only telling you what i thought of your postings)

you posted the topic here to ask for feedback, feedback is what you got. have you gotten a feedback that insulted you? maybe you want to read again?

I will not spoon feed you, you need to really read, for your own good.:)

let's see ...

i'm telling you that you assume too quickly, and that your words do self-contradict. why did you say that what i said was not a good way to moderate anything?

You know, and I know ;) nice try buddy

But you are our Superhero. You have more power over our creative souls than a moderator. We look up to you for divine enlightenment.

Please show us The Way.

i can only admire the path of Sion the Guru and will never surpass it, divine enlightenment will not be found in me, but only in our Guru, all hail Sion! :bsmilie:

I will not spoon feed you, you need to really read, for your own good.:)

You know, and I know ;) nice try buddy


well, i'm alright with it if you don't agree, i'm only pointing out the problems in your postings, if you choose not to see them, so be it :)


well, i'm alright with it if you don't agree, i'm only pointing out the problems in your postings, if you choose not to see them, so be it :)

I see through my eyes, and honest about it, its only you who have a problem with those who doesn't see through yours, anyway... sucking eggs comment was meant to be nice to you, to not insult your intelligence, but you quickly turned it around against me, thats not very nice you know?:think:

And your ideology about photography being Western Centric, I respect that as being your idea, even though I don't agree to it, I don't have to force you to agree with me. Don't make me out to be a monster that I'm not.

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