welcome to the brotherhood III

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The ROYAL MAMASAN has fired her MUA and hired the MUA of the ROYAL MONKEY...:)




The ROYAL MAMASAN has fired her MUA and hired the MUA of the ROYAL MONKEY...:)


this shot is simply jaw-dropping. perfect doesn't even begin to describe it. literally a breath of fresh air wafting through the muck that CS P&P has become. the model is so gorgeous, with ample body mass (and curves hidden inside somewhere) which makes those horrendous stick-thin models look like undernourished stick insects, poor things. not a strand of hair or eyelash is out of place, and the right shoulder is tastefully exposed just right. the designer dress, with its warholian riot of colours, engages in a supreme battle of aesthetic sensibility with the somewhat earthy background. the makeup is in itself another work of art, bringing new meaning to the term, "eye-popping colours in lovely velviac detail". every intricacy in the model's face is gloriously brought into macroscopic view, undoubtedly by the finest sharpest luxurious lenses that money can buy (the undubitable trademark of a master glamour photographer). notice that the crappy rule of thirds has been completely consigned to the rubbish bin in this shot. rules, as they say, are meant to be broken, only by the finest photographers. but surely the master-stroke in this photograph is the subtle inclusion of the indonesian flag in the background, in a subliminal tribute to mas selamat kastari, who, like this image, has succeeded in fleeing the prison of mediocrity and utter banality. finally, no photographic image is complete without the proverbial dotting of the i, photoshop. and in this regard, the shocking pink lips applies the coup de grace to this priceless gem, as any viewer will surely smack their lips and savour the hidden delights of this work of insane beauty, pixel by finger-licking pixel.


my court officials have become a freak show, me included :cry::cry::cry:

this shot is simply jaw-dropping. perfect doesn't even begin to describe it. literally a breath of fresh air wafting through the muck that CS P&P has become. the model is so gorgeous, with ample body mass (and curves hidden inside somewhere) which makes those horrendous stick-thin models look like undernourished stick insects, poor things. not a strand of hair or eyelash is out of place, and the right shoulder is tastefully exposed just right. the designer dress, with its warholian riot of colours, engages in a supreme battle of aesthetic sensibility with the somewhat earthy background. the makeup is in itself another work of art, bringing new meaning to the term, "eye-popping colours in lovely velviac detail". every intricacy in the model's face is gloriously brought into macroscopic view, undoubtedly by the finest sharpest luxurious lenses that money can buy (the undubitable trademark of a master glamour photographer). notice that the crappy rule of thirds has been completely consigned to the rubbish bin in this shot. rules, as they say, are meant to be broken, only by the finest photographers. but surely the master-stroke in this photograph is the subtle inclusion of the indonesian flag in the background, in a subliminal tribute to mas selamat kastari, who, like this image, has succeeded in fleeing the prison of mediocrity and utter banality. finally, no photographic image is complete without the proverbial dotting of the i, photoshop. and in this regard, the shocking pink lips applies the coup de grace to this priceless gem, as any viewer will surely smack their lips and savour the hidden delights of this work of insane beauty, pixel by finger-licking pixel.


zaren -


this shot is simply jaw-dropping. perfect doesn't even begin to describe it. literally a breath of fresh air wafting through the muck that CS P&P has become. the model is so gorgeous, with ample body mass (and curves hidden inside somewhere) which makes those horrendous stick-thin models look like undernourished stick insects, poor things. not a strand of hair or eyelash is out of place, and the right shoulder is tastefully exposed just right. the designer dress, with its warholian riot of colours, engages in a supreme battle of aesthetic sensibility with the somewhat earthy background. the makeup is in itself another work of art, bringing new meaning to the term, "eye-popping colours in lovely velviac detail". every intricacy in the model's face is gloriously brought into macroscopic view, undoubtedly by the finest sharpest luxurious lenses that money can buy (the undubitable trademark of a master glamour photographer). notice that the crappy rule of thirds has been completely consigned to the rubbish bin in this shot. rules, as they say, are meant to be broken, only by the finest photographers. but surely the master-stroke in this photograph is the subtle inclusion of the indonesian flag in the background, in a subliminal tribute to mas selamat kastari, who, like this image, has succeeded in fleeing the prison of mediocrity and utter banality. finally, no photographic image is complete without the proverbial dotting of the i, photoshop. and in this regard, the shocking pink lips applies the coup de grace to this priceless gem, as any viewer will surely smack their lips and savour the hidden delights of this work of insane beauty, pixel by finger-licking pixel.


this is the best critique done so far in the dynasty

I think Zaren should be Minister of Critique

The ROYAL MAMASAN has decided to send her most CHIO gal to serve the Emperlure tonite...:)


i see teebs has been having fun with the bloat tool

appoint you


this shot is simply jaw-dropping. perfect doesn't even begin to describe it. literally a breath of fresh air wafting through the muck that CS P&P has become. the model is so gorgeous, with ample body mass (and curves hidden inside somewhere) which makes those horrendous stick-thin models look like undernourished stick insects, poor things. not a strand of hair or eyelash is out of place, and the right shoulder is tastefully exposed just right. the designer dress, with its warholian riot of colours, engages in a supreme battle of aesthetic sensibility with the somewhat earthy background. the makeup is in itself another work of art, bringing new meaning to the term, "eye-popping colours in lovely velviac detail". every intricacy in the model's face is gloriously brought into macroscopic view, undoubtedly by the finest sharpest luxurious lenses that money can buy (the undubitable trademark of a master glamour photographer). notice that the crappy rule of thirds has been completely consigned to the rubbish bin in this shot. rules, as they say, are meant to be broken, only by the finest photographers. but surely the master-stroke in this photograph is the subtle inclusion of the indonesian flag in the background, in a subliminal tribute to mas selamat kastari, who, like this image, has succeeded in fleeing the prison of mediocrity and utter banality. finally, no photographic image is complete without the proverbial dotting of the i, photoshop. and in this regard, the shocking pink lips applies the coup de grace to this priceless gem, as any viewer will surely smack their lips and savour the hidden delights of this work of insane beauty, pixel by finger-licking pixel.

this is the best critique done so far in the dynasty

I think Zaren should be Minister of Critique

ya, there is no doubt for it!!!! What a classic detailed critique!!!:sweat:

emperor should put up his masterpieces for critique by the master critique...

all his abstract XMM should win awards

The highness having headache what to bestow him! The title must be POWER PWOER TOK GONG one lor!!!! :bsmilie:


I can't believe my eyes.... :bigeyes::bigeyes:



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