We love our manual focus Nikkor lenses!

I never bought into all the "legendary" or "dream" lens talk. I suspect alot of these so called tags and labels are created by second hand dealers to jack up the prices. Different lenses are made for different uses if it suits you great, if not, there are others to choose from.

Having said that, the Noct-Nikkor is a good lens. Contrast and sharpness is as good as it gets wide open at f/1.2. No need to step down and great for shooting wide open. It is also made for night photography and for photographing light so that it actually looks like light and not a blob.

I will post some pics once I have a chance to go out shooting. Sad to say right now it is just looking pretty mounted on my D800E.

Hope to see Singapore at night in NOCT. ;p

I never bought into all the "legendary" or "dream" lens talk. I suspect alot of these so called tags and labels are created by second hand dealers to jack up the prices. Different lenses are made for different uses if it suits you great, if not, there are others to choose from.

Having said that, the Noct-Nikkor is a good lens. Contrast and sharpness is as good as it gets wide open at f/1.2. No need to step down and great for shooting wide open. It is also made for night photography and for photographing light so that it actually looks like light and not a blob.

I will post some pics once I have a chance to go out shooting. Sad to say right now it is just looking pretty mounted on my D800E.

So having said what you said ,,,did you have any particular lens in mind that you have found to not hold true to its legend???

So having said what you said ,,,did you have any particular lens in mind that you have found to not hold true to its legend???

Hard for me to judge because I consider myself the weakest link and not the lens or camera. But I won't label lenses "legendary", "dream", "king" etc.

Also the Noct-Nikkor is really not that rare. Last time I was in Hong Kong, I saw more than 10 copies in different shops. In Tokyo, one shop alone had 6. All the "Legendary" talk only raises the price of the lens.

So having said what you said ,,,did you have any particular lens in mind that you have found to not hold true to its legend???

the couple i ve come across and used seem to hold up to their reputation. but some are just relatively good rather than really good. the latter tends to hold true for the zoom lenses.

Love the second one cichlid! It's like the elderly gentleman is readjusting his glasses to see the blurry background better hehe

Thanks Zichar, it's one of my fav shots.


nikon 24mm f2.8 ai'd


nikon 55mm f2.8 ais


nikon 55mm f2.8 ais

In New York City

Straight from camera except resizing.

D800, Ai 20mm f/4, ISO100, Aperture Priority, f/8, 8s, tripod.

D800, Ai 28mm f/2, ISO800 Aperture Priority, f/2, 1/100s, hand held.

In New York City

Straight from camera except resizing.

D800, Ai 20mm f/4, ISO100, Aperture Priority, f/8, 8s, tripod.

Nice photos. I see you have gotten a 20mm f4 too haha. Great small and handy lens.

Nope, kidnapped from a colleague from auK for a day. Bought the Ai 28 mm f/2, though. Nice for low light work.

ooo nice the 28/2, hard to find nowadays. Diden like it on DX back then, had 2 copies. Recently gotten the 2.8 AIS which I used to like on DX to try on FX.

That's brilliant neoro! Very emotive, it's a perfect moment

D800E, Nikon Noct Nikkor 58mm f/1.2



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