Wat would u use for a point & shoot?

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using the Olympus Mju II 35/2.8. very good optics and 2.8 aperature. Pictures taken were brilliant for such a small camera.


XXX Boy said:
Compact cameras are so small and compact and I can bring it along with me all the time. FYI, I am using a Contax T3 and I can tell you the optics of it is very very good. I don't bother to buy any digital cameras as it belongs to the 'throw away culture'. I would prefer to use something that is lasting and would follow me for my life. Pls don't flame me, I am just speaking my mind. :sweat:
Digital cameras of todays are no match to film-cameras in term of image quality.

Many sweeping statements.... facts or opinions??






Not so much "throwaway culture", more like "speak my mind even though I ain't got a clue culture".

film: oly mju II
digital: coolpix 3700 (cos this is wat i hav). sleek m compact with reasonable video capabilities

How about a Leica Minilux PnS 40mm f/2.4? Built like a tank and fine optics :) Wish I had that again... :cry:

rainman said:
care to post some sample shots of the contax T3 since it is highly recommended.



These are the pictures that I took using Contax T3. I had blown up the pictures to 8 X 12 without any quality loss at all, really impressive! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Image quality is important to me or I won't spend so much on a P&S and a rangefinder system.
I did not want to start a film/digital debate over here. So anyone who wanted to start this, start another thread. :devil:

To quote your first post

XXX Boy said:
I don't bother to buy any digital cameras as it belongs to the 'throw away culture'. Digital cameras of todays are no match to film-cameras in term of image quality.

Just insulted every digital user on this forum as a frivolous wastrel with no interest in serious photography or image quality. Maybe you can explain why Leica has gone digital as well?

XXX Boy said:
I had blown up the pictures to 8 X 12 without any quality loss at all, really impressive! :thumbsup: :thumbsup:
Image quality is important to me or I won't spend so much on a P&S and a rangefinder system.

Same with my 300D and 70-200L. Image quality is important to me or I wouldn't have spent so much on a digital system and lenses.

XXX Boy said:
I did not want to start a film/digital debate over here.

Sure you did

XXX Boy said:
Pls don't flame me, I am just speaking my mind.

Just asking for it, so I obliged.

As for the pics, not sure what you are trying to show except low res scans with little detail and lots of grain. I'm sure the T3 is a great camera so please do it some justice and post a link to full sized pics or 100% crops of good high res scans, I will be very interested in viewing.

try digital p&s...

recommend sony T1...best looking digital cam :)

misnomer said:
To quote your first post

Just insulted every digital user on this forum as a frivolous wastrel with no interest in serious photography or image quality. Maybe you can explain why Leica has gone digital as well?

Same with my 300D and 70-200L. Image quality is important to me or I wouldn't have spent so much on a digital system and lenses.

Sure you did

Just asking for it, so I obliged.

As for the pics, not sure what you are trying to show except low res scans with little detail and lots of grain. I'm sure the T3 is a great camera so please do it some justice and post a link to full sized pics or 100% crops of good high res scans, I will be very interested in viewing.

He already aked people not to flame him and you went ahead. What's with you anyway?

XXX, nice pictures.

Minoxman said:
He already aked people not to flame him and you went ahead. What's with you anyway?

XXX, nice pictures.

I must say misnomer is spot on. It's easy to hit and run isn't it :) . Make some inane statement and then say "just my opinion, don't flame me!". I think if somebody wants to say "digital is throwaway, can't match film", then stand and fight your position!


misnomer said:
To quote your first post

Just insulted every digital user on this forum as a frivolous wastrel with no interest in serious photography or image quality. Maybe you can explain why Leica has gone digital as well?

Same with my 300D and 70-200L. Image quality is important to me or I wouldn't have spent so much on a digital system and lenses.

Sure you did

Just asking for it, so I obliged.

As for the pics, not sure what you are trying to show except low res scans with little detail and lots of grain. I'm sure the T3 is a great camera so please do it some justice and post a link to full sized pics or 100% crops of good high res scans, I will be very interested in viewing.

Huh?! Post a full sized pics or 100% crops of good high res scans here? For people to steal my pictures? Are you crazy? :bigeyes:
My defination of 'throw-away culture' means short-lived products. Nowadays, these comsumer-level or prosumer-level digital cameras are short-lived. After just a few years, the manufacturer will not have any spare-parts for repairs at all. My friend bought a Nikon Coolpix 995 for just a few years back then recently, his camera got some problems, so he send it to Nikon for repairs, guess what ---- Nikon Singapore quote the repairs at S$2000!! Nikon had very clearly soon that they are asking my friend to purchase a new camera. Do you think Nikon will produce a 2 mega-pixel CCD specially for you after 5 years? Go figure.
Personally I will not spend too much money on these short-lived products.

Minoxman said:
He already aked people not to flame him and you went ahead. What's with you anyway?

XXX, nice pictures.

Thanks for the kind comments! :)

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