WARNING to all - leeching of pics (summer breeze deleted!)

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lavenderlilz said:
If you want an audience then either bring a laptop or prints to SEED for fellow clubsnappers to admire lor ........ ;p

In the first place, it's like making full use of IT/Internet against the stone age way of meeting and looking at prints! With a few clicks, hundreds of CSers could see your pic almost instantaneously worldwide, but they could also "share" it somewhere else.

So, despite all the measures and countermeasures, just share those pics that you want to share. And keep those pics that are special private if you're so afraid of leeching.

Humm...good if someone can write a virus which removes all graphic files jpg, bmp etc when a leecher downloads it. :bsmilie: Tat will make him suffer no more pictures to see!!!

gryphon said:
Humm...good if someone can write a virus which removes all graphic files jpg, bmp etc when a leecher downloads it. :bsmilie: Tat will make him suffer no more pictures to see!!!

pray that it doesnt remove your images too :devil:

Zplus said:
Actually, you can make it hard for the leechers by chopping up your pics into small pieces and use code to rearrange them to display them.... example, divide your pics into 10 x 10 squares. Say your image is 600x400 pixels. You chop it into 100 pieces of 60x40 pixels and label them randomly! No way the leecher is gonna take the trouble to download 100 pieces and then link them together again. hahaha!
Except that he could just do a printscreen and crop the picture and still get the image..

willyfoo said:
Except that he could just do a printscreen and crop the picture and still get the image..

well said....

thats what i called "penny wise, pound foolish" so much effort for nothing.

ya la.. i understand this..

just like downloading music.. i mean same thing lor...

not directed to anyone..

i won't do that. i won't say its correct, neither i'll be very angry at this..

Zplus said:
Actually, you can make it hard for the leechers by chopping up your pics into small pieces and use code to rearrange them to display them.... example, divide your pics into 10 x 10 squares. Say your image is 600x400 pixels. You chop it into 100 pieces of 60x40 pixels and label them randomly! No way the leecher is gonna take the trouble to download 100 pieces and then link them together again. hahaha!

i am sorry to disappoint you ....
but nothing beat print screen as far as i know .....

When you post a picture on the Web, it becomes public domain.If you are afraid of seeing others leech your pics, uplink to Sony Imagestation and then it becomes invite only.Problem solved right?

This leeching problem seems pretty serious.

Honestly, I do really wonder at times if those posed models posted on Sggirls, sammyboy, and other local picture and sex forums are really those that are taken by the actual forumites until I came in here.

Of cos, more often then not, I got some good natured rubbing (of cos, it definitely rubs me the wrong way) frm some of my friends and colleagues about model shots on Sggirls and stuff like that. Model shooting is a serious business and of cos, I feel that with ppl leeching photos wholesale like this, it'll not only cheapen the photos and the model but also cheapen the value of photography.

Pardon me if I sound so serious, but this is probably the ultimate scenario all of us photographers have to face if it gets out of hand (we'll probably be accused of something we never did).

actually i don't think it's a biggie. Celeritities get their pictures leeched all the time. And they can't do nothing about it. So i guess just have to take it all in stride if you are a photographer. Unless there's something you can do about it. Then maybe can help all the celebs do something about it also.

benedium said:
actually i don't think it's a biggie. Celeritities get their pictures leeched all the time. And they can't do nothing about it. So i guess just have to take it all in stride if you are a photographer. Unless there's something you can do about it. Then maybe can help all the celebs do something about it also.

Hear hear!We might have a killer app technique on our hands.

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