WARNING to all - leeching of pics (summer breeze deleted!)

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r52lanc said:
Hello TCC!
Here is the code that I use in pbase. Just paste the code into the tech notes on the edit photo page. Also, you can use the tech notes batch update function on the edit gallery page. You can change the message - notice it appears in 2 places in the code!

<script language="JavaScript"> <!-- 
function click(e) { 
if (document.all) { 
if (event.button == 2) { 
alert("please do not right-click"); 
return false; 
if (document.layers) { 
if (e.which == 3) { 
alert("please do not right-click"); 
return false; 
if (document.layers) { 
// --> </script>

The code is targetting at those using Internet Explorer. Those who used Mozilla Firefox, Netscape, etc will not be able to use this code fully. You can still download the images using the Firefox, Netscape, etc

Try this code


Note: Apart from right clicking and saving, there is a still other method(found in toolbar) that you can leech the images even you disable the right click.

There always ways to beat the system..... Be it flash, right clicking or etc. It minimize your damages and it not full proof, those tech-savvy person will have their own methods to do so :devil:

Cheers!! :)

Guys ... this program placed on a server could be good. But it sure costs. Those who know SWF programming should be able to get something out ;) if you know what i mean.

It definitely prevents leeching that's for sure - check it out

no lah
i already have mental prepare liao

tts why i chose a photo which can only be seen partially..


no use whinning also

its a LEECHing world..

the best thing is DUN POST...

If post.. dun whine...


ransoma22 said:
Note: Apart from right clicking and saving, there is a still other method(found in toolbar) that you can leech the images even you disable the right click.
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar"content="no" />
this is the code to disable the save image toolbar.

sathea said:
<meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar"content="no" />
this is the code to disable the save image toolbar.
it is useless. as long as the photo is displayed, it can be leech. enough said.

* sneaky idea *

Anyone know where to get the .jpg virus?

* blink *

Drudkh said:
it is useless. as long as the photo is displayed, it can be leech. enough said.
Yup ... leecher will just do a printscreen then crop and save the pic again ..

2100 said:
My gosh, do you know when did sammyboy sprout up? I think most if not all of us here not even playing with digital cameras man. :D It came out even before HWZ and the local car club forums on delphi.

that's becos sex is 1 of the basic needs.

anyway there a kind of protection called hotlink protection. that means other pple cannot link to yr site.

there r also other form of protection such that pple cannot printscreen. but it cost $$$ to buy that s/w as far as i know.


hotlink protection is okay... but with winxp sp2 most server side hotlink protections run into some kind of error.. like after i run hotlink protection on my server, a windows 98 to winxp sp1 IE can view the images from my site.. but a winxp sp2 IE can't view the images.. so oh well...

RuthBaby said:
no lah
i already have mental prepare liao

tts why i chose a photo which can only be seen partially..


no use whinning also

its a LEECHing world..

the best thing is DUN POST...

If post.. dun whine...


the best protection is dun post, dun show and dun publish.... keep all to oneself and admire ur own work.. isnt it better ??? hahhaha.. no need to worry about copyright and leeching... :bsmilie:

glennyong said:
the best protection is dun post, dun show and dun publish.... keep all to oneself and admire ur own work.. isnt it better ??? hahhaha.. no need to worry about copyright and leeching... :bsmilie:

hahaha, like what microsoft boss said : if the pirates want to pirate, i rather they pirate M/S software.

look on the bright side, so in 1 way, pple r admiring yr wrk.


pisces25 said:
hahaha, like what microsoft boss said : if the pirates want to pirate, i rather they pirate M/S software.

look on the bright side, so in 1 way, pple r admiring yr wrk.

yes that's true, but for the purpose of this thread, it isn't entirely about admiring the photo, but giving reviews & gradings from another forum as is they are no diff from those in geylang. that is not acceptable at all! :nono:

Drudkh said:
You can't stop people from viewing/copying. Using flash also no use. i can just press the "Print Screen" key on my keyboard and paste the pic in Microsoft Paint, crop it, save and upload to another server.

Wah, like that also can! It looks like anything you see on screen can be downloaded and so, hard to stop anybody from leeching. Me no expert in IT, but now, I learn something from you IT specialists.

RuthBaby said:
no lah
i already have mental prepare liao

tts why i chose a photo which can only be seen partially..


no use whinning also

its a LEECHing world..

the best thing is DUN POST...

If post.. dun whine...

Yeah, well said.

Now, for me, I post mediocre pics only.
Great pics, I keep for myself and my buddies only, just in case someone leech it. :bigeyes: :bsmilie: :cool:

i deeply sympathise with sequitur and everyone else who has their work leeched.

but on a level note, this is the digital world we now live in. alot can be done, and it is also possible to put in place measures to reduce (not eliminate as technological changes will find a way to bypass these measures).

but a balance must be kept between going overboard with the measures and going bankrupt as a result, and also having these measures cause inconvenience to the general (innocent) masses.

pisces25 said:
hahaha, like what microsoft boss said : if the pirates want to pirate, i rather they pirate M/S software.

look on the bright side, so in 1 way, pple r admiring yr wrk.


hahaha...den i rather look at the photos myself den letting others see...... pirate is bad... pirate is evil and if pirate is unstoppable.... den theres pratically nothing we can do about it rite ? :dunno:

glennyong said:
the best protection is dun post, dun show and dun publish.... keep all to oneself and admire ur own work.. isnt it better ??? hahhaha.. no need to worry about copyright and leeching... :bsmilie:

If you want an audience then either bring a laptop or prints to SEED for fellow clubsnappers to admire lor ........ ;p

oo.. good idea. noted... tat will come in 3yrs time.... i guess....

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