Voigtlander Bessa Question...


May 14, 2009
Hi guys...

Thinking of getting a Bessa 2A. Tried it out for a while at Chiff's and kinda liked it.
But read some mixed reviews online, with the cons being:

1. shutter too noisy
2. hard to focus in low light
3. film winder very stiff

Anyone's got any advice/opinion?

Also, what would be the diff between a 2A & a 3A?




IMO, the three points you raised are probably true in comparison with Leicas but not an issue when you are using the camera.

Difference between R2A and R3A are mainly the framelines and viewfinder magnification. The R2A offers 35mm frameline as opposed to the 40mm of the R3A. Magnification wise, the R3A is x1 and the R2A is is 0.7 if IRC.

I just got a R2A, and in real-world, i don't think anyone will notice the shutter noise, shot my family with it and they never noticed at all till u told them :p.
Unless u mainly want to use tele-lens, you should go for the R2a, since it has 35mm framelines, which is good for street and alot of things! But if don't think you will go thats wide, a R3A is better , 1:1 viewfinder too!

started out RF with a R2A,
it is a good camera to start off with..

for the shutter noise, you can hear it when you are shooting streets but your subject wont notice the shutter sound unless it is very quiet there.

for hard to focus in low light? who says that?
i used my previous r2a in low light condition and it did very well, sharp and spot on.

film winder stiff, i think it is the user problem, as i didnt find it stiff at all.

if you wear spec go for r2a if not r3a.
if you wear spec and go for r3a, be prepare as you will not be able to see the 40 framelines, i wore spec and i still cant see 2 frameline for 35 on the r2a but i still can shoot with it by my judgement.

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I am using the bessa R3a for the longest of time. It is one of the better tools I have used without burning a hole through the pocket. It is one of the best built budget m-mount rangefinders you can probably find,... unlike those fixed lens Yashicas. When I take it out, or travel with it,... I am not afraid I will scratch it (as it is hardy for rough use). I am also not afraid I will lose it (if I ever do get mugged), as it is still pretty affordable to replace, compared to a Leica. To me, that makes it one of the better tools for me to use in my photographic work.

The viewfinder is very clear,... maybe sometimes even better than the older Leicas. About the noise,... to be honest,... if you are shooting street in Singapore, it is as stealthy as it gets (when it is drowned by the noise pollution of the city traffic). Unless you are shooting at a near silent room, which is also unlikely.

Out of curiosity, is the short rangefinder base length an issue with focusing accuracy?

Hi guys...

Thinking of getting a Bessa 2A. Tried it out for a while at Chiff's and kinda liked it.
But read some mixed reviews online, with the cons being:

1. shutter too noisy
2. hard to focus in low light
3. film winder very stiff

Anyone's got any advice/opinion?

Also, what would be the diff between a 2A & a 3A?




Those points listed are mainly BS if you ask me. BS raised by people who are too emotionally attached to Leica ;)

Just curious for those that have used the bessa. Is the image quality best served by only voigtlander lens to go with the bessa?

Used to move around with an R2a, the only 2 places i recall where i was really conscious of my shutter noise was -

1. Library

2. Hospital

and i don't think i can recall anywhere else, except for myself being overconscious i'll be heard while im roaming certain seedy streets overseas where the general population may not enjoy the invasion of privacy from street photogging. If it should worry you, i think better techniques for stealthy shooting helps much better than a slightly more quiet shutter.

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Just curious for those that have used the bessa. Is the image quality best served by only voigtlander lens to go with the bessa?

nope. image quality depends on the lens rather than the body.

i'm still actively using my r2a even after getting an m2, mainly due to its AE. between bessa and leica the 3 points you pointed out arent really issues if you are a user. if you are a leica fanboy then its a different story as rwc pointed out.

1. shutter noise - a metallic click, i prefer the softer woosh of cloth shutters but theres really very little separating the 2 in terms of decibel wise.
2. don't notice a difference between my r2a viewfinder and m2 viewfinder.
3. there might actually be a valid point regarding the stiff film winder BUT how often do you rewind film? once every 36 or 24 exposures? compared to say something like the film advance which is once every exposure, its really a negligible issue. and having said that, i don't have any complaints regarding the film advance on the r2a.

best part about getting the r2a would probably be that its brand new, since you are getting from chiif, there should be no problems out of the box. none of the worries that usually comes along with purchasing a 2nd hand camera.

The difference between an R2A and an R3A has been summarised quite well in this article:


I am still using an R3M and on its own, it's a fine piece of instrument. I have no issues with the concerns that you mentioned. Rewinding crank is a bit dainty and as such doesnt impart a sense of sturdiness. Gets the job done nevertheless.

Thanks a lot guys for all the feedback and advice. The temptation is growing and I think I will go ahead with my purchase soon. :)


Oh yeah, one more thing... I'm thinking of the R2A.

Is the 35mm 1.4 classic a good lens? Or is there any other that you think I should consider?


Thanks a lot guys for all the feedback and advice. The temptation is growing and I think I will go ahead with my purchase soon. :)


Nokton 50mm 1.2 and Super Wide Heliar 15mm 4.5 :)

Looks good man... So I guess I'm kinda set on R2A, with the classic 35mm 1.4.


can't go wrong with that combination ;)