Unprofessional photographer

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Is she the 1st time doing lingering shoots?
Doesn't she have another friend (male/female) during the shoot even though she is a professional model.

For your info, not every model will bring a friend for the shoot. I've shot professional/non professional models and talents even for nude shoot, and though I don't stop them from bring a friend, till date only one have bought a friend. The day when every model have to bring a friend for a shoot, that will be a sad day for the image of photographers in SG.

This brings to mind that I have been feeling concerned about such a scenario_Our CS forum
include the Serivices Wanted section where alot of requests looking for TFCD shoots especially in the lingerie,semi nude or even nudes genre.Albeit organized shoots whereby
organisers are around the safety of the models are no doubt protected.

What about individual requests? Of course not everyone is truly a 'predator' out to
do the unthinkable and I believe that serious photogs are genuine in what they intend
to do during such shoots-just to shoot for their love of the hobby. But what if temptation
gets the better of the individual ? Or do the models going for such individual TFCD shoots chaperoned ?

The case here of codyrichards who was alone with the shooter - it's her words against
his. So this's really quite a hard case to pursue.
1 to 1 shoot, anything can happens...
Girl can shout for molest before the shoot and create lots of trouble for the photographer, vice versa.

First, it is TRAGIC to see many responses ranging from 'Learn your lesson' type psuedo advice and downright insulting 'crying over spilt milk' comments. Surely outraging someone's modesty is not to be considered so trivial? Or is this because clubsnap is a community that shoves such cases under the carpet to 'protect our brothers'?

Fair enough, it is only her point of view. But to even see such responses is shocking. Must the model state everything clearly before the shoot to the photographer, and if she skips that step, he has the right to do anything to her? I'm not aware that outright touching of sensitive areas like a woman's breasts is even in the same ballpark as say... touching a shoulder.

'He kissed me': CS response: Did you clearly state before hand that you are uncomfortable with that behavior? Otherwise, remember ok... next time must say then protect yourself... hope you have learnt your lesson little girl... *pat on the head.


For your info, not every model will bring a friend for the shoot. I've shot professional/non professional models and talents even for nude shoot, and though I don't stop them from bring a friend, till date only one have bought a friend. The day when every model have to bring a friend for a shoot, that will be a sad day for the image of photographers in SG.
If the model is doing some "sexy" shoot then don't you think is wise for a friend to come along.
At least can help the photographer to do the adjustments when is not necessary for him/her to do so.

That is to safeguard on both sides.

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1 to 1 shoot, anything can happens...
Girl can shout for molest before the shoot and create lots of trouble for the photographer, vice versa.

This is very true,that's why both the photographer and model have to gauge how comfy they are with doing a 1 to 1 shoot, if not that either don't do the shoot or get another person there.

This is very true,that's why both the photographer and model have to gauge how comfy they are with doing a 1 to 1 shoot, if not that either don't do the shoot or get another person there.
Agreed too. :)
Cause you don't know what the other person are thinking...

I've shot CR before and she's a professional. So I guess when she brings something up like this, the guys had gone way too far for her to be this effected.

Sorry to hear that CR, hope doesn't effect your future shoots and professionalism.

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I don't see any point to position you by touching those parts, except arms or feet. You should have ask a fren to go with you.

Stop him from touching and ask him whether he has the photos to show you what he really wants. If he doesn't have and you feel he went overboard, throw back the money and walk out the room. These people really bring bad reputation to photographers who really love it as art!

totally agree wif sanfong :)

Good point. He touched my bum a lot and boobs. I was scared and got out when I could

Lodge a police report. This is called molesting. You are very brave to stand out and give warning to the other models.

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Do you really think we care to know his name?
A pervert or murderer can pick up a Canon camera with white lens and use it (Dexter, tv series). A photojournalist may use a camera to defend himself from a robber, while an onlooker thinks a murder / an assault is going on.

You lost me there. So what is your point? Molest is a serious offence carrying a jail sentence and caning. This is not a tv show.

Seriously speaking. codyrichards, I personally would call this "crying over spilled milk". As others have recommended, you can go ahead and file a report with the police. But unlikely this can do much justification to you at the moment. Mainly because of the following issue

1) Is there witnesses to ascertain your claim ? If you have, please go ahead and make the formal report to claim justice for yourself as well as for your fellow mates.
2) Did you put across a firm message to the photographer that you are not comfortable with the close intimacy that the photographer has imposed on you ? If you did, this will be a good point because it could easily be a "misunderstanding" on his part that the police will take into consideration based on the excuse of trying to get you into the right posture.

At the moment, what I believe is he will at most get a warning and probably a report that will be against him in the future if there is similar report on him in the future. But for you, it really doesn't give you back the justice you are searching for, unless there is already such a case against him in the past.

Are you a police officer, a DPP or a judge? If not, stop giving such banal advice. How can you dismiss this as "crying over spilled milk" without knowing the full facts of the case? As I've said above, molest is a serious offence.And this makes it even more serious as the photographer is in a position of trust. It is in the interest of all photographers here that if the allegation is true, then this person be brought to justice.

codyrichards, just walk into any police station in singapore and file a report. If a criminal offence has been disclosed, the police will advise you of the necessary action to take. Your identity will be protected if this case goes to court and the offender's identity will be revealed to all.

For your info, not every model will bring a friend for the shoot. I've shot professional/non professional models and talents even for nude shoot, and though I don't stop them from bring a friend, till date only one have bought a friend. The day when every model have to bring a friend for a shoot, that will be a sad day for the image of photographers in SG.

you are in a very dangerous position if you do not insist to have a 3rd party from your side when shooting these type of shots, just a friendly warning to think you are a little native if you are safe not doing any hanky panky.

in my opinion, i strongly urge you to make a police report.
let it be a warning to the others, you got to fend for your own rights.

unless the photographer is reputable or some1 u're closer with, i find no point risking urself to go for sexy shoots for 1 on 1.

well beta be safe than sorry =]

anyway, i feel shd file a report. let this be a warning to lurkers ard here who juz wana seek some cheap thrills.

Do not hesitate to make a police report. There are 1001 ways to direct a shoot and all the other posters here saying there's nothing wrong with him touching have their moral and social ethics blurred..

If you voiced your discomfort with his methods of directions, and he doesn't back off, you have every right to press charges.. you do not need witnesses.
You never know the photographer might have had been reported before for similar incidents and you will have a case.. this also helps the police should such similar incident happen again in CS and if it's serious enough, some form of moderation will be stepped up.

Let this be a reminder to all photographers that shooting a picture is not all about just using a cam and shoot, but knowing how to handle models and directing while respecting each other's personal space..

Just because you have been allowed to physically handle a more open minded model on one shoot doesn't give anyone any rights to handle other model the same way on another shoot.
No 2 models are alike, just like no 2 photographers are alike..

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Sad to hear that....

But my advice to codyrichards,
Stop wasting time and post here telling ppl abt what happen and you should have or shouldn't....

Just go ahead and file a police report.
Again this is to protect you and other models. (most of the CS member advised)

But the most important is protect you. What If the Touchy Photographer turn the table around and reported to the police first and make a statement that you are seducing him first. seem there is no 3rd party around to justify which side is telling the true story..

Not to mention again, CS forums is a open forums there are many ppl reading CS forums.
and may be he is reading it right now.....:think:

So dont wait anymore...
Strikes the iron while is HOT...!!!

to the TS, please lodge a police report as this serves to help yourself and others, take care and hope you emerge stronger from this experience.

need help to report police? afterall, attach this thread to SPF, i believe they will take action...

anybody know what is the sentence for molest?

What If the Touchy Photographer turn the table around and reported to the police first and make a statement that you are seducing him first. seem there is no 3rd party around to justify which side is telling the true story..
good point!!! then what is the sentencing for crying wolf?:think:

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