[two200] - A Photo a.... my photographic journey

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In view of the largely 'empty' background/foreground with only the head visible, it gives the feeling that he is peeping but was caught in the act. So I named this photo "I can see you..."

January 7 2009

#4 I can see you..

this is hilarious. :)

March 24 2009

Bought a Sigma 20mm f1.8. This is the very first try with this lens. First impression is that the bokeh is nice but hard to do focusing due to the very shallow DOF, which I think is the 'problem' with lens with such big aperture. Most review says that the IQ is not very sharp at f1.8 but to my eyes, it looks OK, but then a lot of things look OK to my eyes :bsmilie:. There is some vignetting at the corners but then if one wants the bokeh, I guess it does not really matter. :think:


Last edited:
March 26 2009

The sigma 20mm has a max magnification of 1:4 and this allows for some nice close-up shots with good bokeh

#50 Cannonball flower

March 28 2009

Did a walkabout in Pasoh Road area and saw this. Thought it showed the internal circulations well, hence the title

#52 Innards


March 29 2009

This is my first real attempt at architecture photography. Found the 2 vertical white lines distracting but if they were to be cropped away, then the green colour 'bottle' railings will also be cropped and incomple. So settle for this

#53 Peranakan windows

March 30 2009

Thought this one looked interesting. It definitely looked a door but then being "floated", it does reminds one of a window.

#54 Door or Window?

March 30 2009

Thought this one looked interesting. It definitely looked a door but then being "floated", it does reminds one of a window.

#54 Door or Window?

Interesting. I can't tell whether it's a door or window.

indeed... quite interesting. :)
but I think visually more intriguing if the bottom is cropped off as well.
March 30 2009

Thought this one looked interesting. It definitely looked a door but then being "floated", it does reminds one of a window.

#54 Door or Window?

April 1 2009

When I saw this row of houses, the first thing that struck me was the colours, but alas, with my 'skill' it did not turn out the way I had wanted :bsmilie:

#56 Colours

April 3 2009

When I saw this park bench, it give me a feeling like that of a faithful dog, eagerly waiting come day or night, rain or shine, just happy to see the owner. Not sure if I captured the effect:think:

#58 The Park Bench

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