Trouble with Night Shoot

Note to all. The manufacturer's class will not turn you into a fantastic photographer overnight

Haha, i think one shldcread the disclaimer n fine prints saying that following the course will not catapult u to pro status in an evening....

Hey, Is any one using sunblitz flast Di TTL 938 AF??
What does SL mean for the flash???
Image Quality is setting to stardard, Find, Raw, Raw & Jepg or Find better?

Hey, Is any one using sunblitz flast Di TTL 938 AF??
What does SL mean for the flash???
Image Quality is setting to stardard, Find, Raw, Raw & Jepg or Find better?

SL Flash? Slow Sync Flash. basically it's for Aperture Priority and Program Auto whereby the shutter speed is prolonged to ensure a properly/better exposed background, while all other settings remain constant. the flash fires at the beginning. with SL Sync, you need to ensure that the camera is stable and your subjects do not move.

for IQ, RAW is basically uncompressed data. i suggest you start with JPEG first. RAW is more for editing purposes.

Is any one know where to get photographer tips on website for more detail. Other them book?


Is any one know where to get photographer tips on website for more detail. Other them book?


CS has lots of tips already.... Please spend some time to read all those sticky....
You will find certain info that you want. Read them. Read one time and you couldn't understand, read second or third time.

If lazy to read... the best is you get ur buddy to explain to u. :)

eric8526 said:
Is any one know where to get photographer tips on website for more detail. Other them book?


U may wish to google photography n u will get alot of resources the

I did dat too and i find exposure very interesting to read n most useful as a beginner

Is those sticky can printed out???

Is those sticky can printed out???

Copy paste into MS Word lor... Or click "print" in your browser...

Please don't tell me you need to be handheld for that too?

Ok. I know how to do. Just need ti know weather can print only thank. Now I know la

Is those sticky can printed out???

Ok. I know how to do. Just need ti know weather can print only thank. Now I know la
you should be asking are you allow to print out, so nobody will misunderstand you.

yes you can print out for your own reading, not for distribution.

Now I can took a nice photo. Thank all of u. I learn alot from you all and youtube. Thank q

Yesterday I went to the Singapore expro for the shoot. Don't no why, alot of photographer like to open their hand and took photo. It make my photo alot of hand and their head. Lol.... :)

Yesterday I went to the Singapore expro for the shoot. Don't no why, alot of photographer like to open their hand and took photo. It make my photo alot of hand and their head. Lol.... :)

shout at them, "you eat glass grow up one is it?!"

I cannot f... Them. They are senior

Well... one thing about photography...

Get to your destination earlier, so you can 'book' a good spot, then you wouldn't have too many hands and head in your photograph...

How many space battery do your all bring for a event flash to use??