time to switch?

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May 10, 2007
i have an aging s3 pro. i love it, period. i was waiting for an s6 pro, full-frame or not, but it seems that fuji is not giving me one. given that the s5 pro is the last one in the legendary fuji line of slrs, would it be time to let my fuji dreams face reality and go nikon? or canon? or elsewhere?

if you dunno what you want, it's harder for us to know what you want. :)

hehe. i know i want to stay with fuji, but they seem to be stagnating. that's the problem.

think a lot of us here in fuji have this same "problem" --- the urge to switch, esp with so many new models with so much good features keep coming out from other brand. i fully understand the temptation and delimma....

and the big worry that fuji finally come up with the next dslr AFTER we switched.....

isn't it?

think a lot of us here in fuji have this same "problem" --- the urge to switch, esp with so many new models with so much good features keep coming out from other brand. i fully understand the temptation and delimma....

and the big worry that fuji finally come up with the next dslr AFTER we switched.....

isn't it?

Yeah .....................:sweat:

think a lot of us here in fuji have this same "problem" --- the urge to switch, esp with so many new models with so much good features keep coming out from other brand. i fully understand the temptation and delimma....

and the big worry that fuji finally come up with the next dslr AFTER we switched.....

isn't it?

exactly. i mean, what would you rather have, a canon 5dmk2, or a fuji s6 pro full-frame? damn! the fuji would eat the canon alive. even without video.

..... and another not so big worry also that if we don buy s5 pro now, it may be out of stock when we realise fuji is not coming out with s6 pro at all eventually.... *sigh* :(

Let me quote George Lam (remember him in the Guinness Stout ad during the 90s): "Those who hesitate is lost".

what im looking to do is wait until my s3 dies a natural death. and then take it from there.

I love the S3Pro too. handles well. But finally bought a S5Pro, which I find to have better ergonomics.

Then the price dropped....

i have an aging s3 pro. i love it, period. i was waiting for an s6 pro, full-frame or not, but it seems that fuji is not giving me one. given that the s5 pro is the last one in the legendary fuji line of slrs, would it be time to let my fuji dreams face reality and go nikon? or canon? or elsewhere?

Since S3pro using nikon lens, why not upgrade on D700?

If Fuji come out with S6pro fullframe, buy it and d700 become ur 2nd backup camera or sell it..i'am sure d700 will still have high value.

or just stick with ur S3pro..it is still one of the best IQ camera. Do you really need FF?

Since S3pro using nikon lens, why not upgrade on D700?

If Fuji come out with S6pro fullframe, buy it and d700 become ur 2nd backup camera or sell it..i'am sure d700 will still have high value.

or just stick with ur S3pro..it is still one of the best IQ camera. Do you really need FF?

missing the point. usually people buy the lens mount. nikon, canon, sony(minolta), etc. i bought the sensor. just so happend that fuji has f-mount.

i dun want d700. i want fuji. but my s3 is getting older, and i don't want to leave fuji camp. when the time comes that my s3 dies, no more fuji slr to follow.

missing the point. usually people buy the lens mount. nikon, canon, sony(minolta), etc. i bought the sensor. just so happend that fuji has f-mount.

i dun want d700. i want fuji. but my s3 is getting older, and i don't want to leave fuji camp. when the time comes that my s3 dies, no more fuji slr to follow.
Hmm.... Make the decision only after ur S3 had taken its last breath and journey?

I was initially mulling over this problem until I came to the conclusion to just be happy with whatever I have for the moment. Mull so much over something in the future, no point also.

Hmm.... Make the decision only after ur S3 had taken its last breath and journey?

I was initially mulling over this problem until I came to the conclusion to just be happy with whatever I have for the moment. Mull so much over something in the future, no point also.

long time no see, bro!

i see ur s3 is still kicking? ;p

just get S5pro first... then wait, next year if there is still no announcement(or better still official announcement of the halt of dslr line)
The S5 was apparently only 1.1k brand new(consumer corner).

missing the point. usually people buy the lens mount. nikon, canon, sony(minolta), etc. i bought the sensor. just so happend that fuji has f-mount.

i dun want d700. i want fuji. but my s3 is getting older, and i don't want to leave fuji camp. when the time comes that my s3 dies, no more fuji slr to follow.

Buy an S5 pro and keep it. Use it only when your S3pro dies.

Buy an S5 pro and keep it. Use it only when your S3pro dies.

wah...if buy s5 pro liao use it lah. keep for what?

that said...why worry about what fujifilm can or cannot deliver? even if the s5 pro is the last fujifilm dslr, doesnt mean that its IQ or colors will start to degrade right? use it until another cam comes along with with much better IQ and colors.

i have an aging s3 pro. i love it, period. i was waiting for an s6 pro, full-frame or not, but it seems that fuji is not giving me one. given that the s5 pro is the last one in the legendary fuji line of slrs, would it be time to let my fuji dreams face reality and go nikon? or canon? or elsewhere?

Do you really need the new features or it's just nice to have? Just hang on to your S3Pro, it's a good cam anyway :thumbsup:

that is what i am thinking too.. but i wonder when will my s3 die. it is a workhorse i tell you. :sweatsm:
i scared after i buy s5, it will sit in the cabin until spoil even before it is well utilise....

I thought if you keep in proper condition, it won spoil if you never use it before?

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