Time Lapse

@flipfreak - nicely done. virtually no aperture/shutter flicker. Im assuming you shot in M mode.

@flowerpot - Have you tried settings the shots on the Intervalometer to 0. In some models thats required for unlimited shots.

I use Yong Nuo's intervalometer. got it for $75 from the Mass Sales section..(it supports unlmited shots)


serious? for nikon? :think:
actually no, I have no idea, maybe one day I will ask Nikon myself. ;)
but my point is TL is unlike any other shoots, can't afford the camera brake down in the middle of shoot, can't risk all the hardwork will go down the longkang.

@flipfreak - nicely done. virtually no aperture/shutter flicker. Im assuming you shot in M mode.

@flowerpot - Have you tried settings the shots on the Intervalometer to 0. In some models thats required for unlimited shots.

I use Yong Nuo's intervalometer. got it for $75 from the Mass Sales section..(it supports unlmited shots)


thanks. manual is only way to go. any flicker will kill it for me. i normally take a few test shots and check before i let it run. and hope the lighting stay consistent enough for the shoot.

even manual mode will not give you 100% guarantee, this what I encountered, shooting from sunny day to cloudy day, not only exposure value changes, the WB as well. @#%^&^*&

@flipfreak;catchlights -
If you haven't tried it yet the MSU DeFlicker plugin for Virtual Dub does a good job of removing flicker. I prefer manual, but forced to shoot AV (With custom WB & manually disengage lens from contacts) when doing day <-> Night transitions.

Post shoot I run it through DeFlicker to clean the footage. Only con is its 32 Bit. 64 bit version is not out yet :(

even manual mode will not give you 100% guarantee, this what I encountered, shooting from sunny day to cloudy day, not only exposure value changes, the WB as well. @#%^&^*&

everything must manual and hope it doesn't change. wb, focus, mode. haha.

@flipfreak;catchlights -
If you haven't tried it yet the MSU DeFlicker plugin for Virtual Dub does a good job of removing flicker. I prefer manual, but forced to shoot AV (With custom WB & manually disengage lens from contacts) when doing day <-> Night transitions.

Post shoot I run it through DeFlicker to clean the footage. Only con is its 32 Bit. 64 bit version is not out yet :(

virtual dub seems too complicated for me. i downloaded it n was totally lost on how to use it. hahaha. :embrass:

yes, everything on manual is the way to go, my mistake is I didn't check the weather. :embrass:

Virtual Dub is not complicated, in fact, I find it so simple and basic, I only need to put all the images in and plus a few clicks, and that's it..

there is a tutorial here.. Virtualdub HOW-TO?

Thats funny that you double up as their photo man when doing this shoot.
Very good job on these TL vids including the City Hall night shoot.
I have been doing lots of research and will be planing some on my own.
(with a beer in my hand of course!!!)
I am waiting for my Intervalometer from HK and will be doing some test runs.
I hope to learn more from you guys.

Thats funny that you double up as their photo man when doing this shoot.
Very good job on these TL vids including the City Hall night shoot.
I have been doing lots of research and will be planing some on my own.
(with a beer in my hand of course!!!)
I am waiting for my Intervalometer from HK and will be doing some test runs.
I hope to learn more from you guys.

i am still experimenting on the speed to get the look i want. haven't nail it yet due to the weather lately. maybe try again these few days.