this shop is really "chop" people...

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rncw said:
experienced almost same about a year ago from this shop. never step in ever since.

:thumbsd: :thumbsd: :thumbsd:

I have that experience too, but you cannot really blame them as Ang Moh understands them more. Ang Moh value services over prices, if you give an Ang Moh two shops one cheap one good service, he / she will choose the good service one.

If you give two shops to a Singaporean, one cheap, one good service, chances are he/she will choose the cheap one.

Different mentally. That's why they prefer to serve Any Moh and Regular first. I still go there occansionally, not a regular, but I would not mind going there.

It is often better to see things in big pictures first.

Come to think of it, I had been to one famous shop in Sim Lim Square, just yesterday, and one Ang Moh was asking for how a Minolta camera is compared to a Canon Camera. The shop assistant went on belittling Minolta cameras saying they are lousy, for begineers only, no professional feature, lousy lenses, no third party lenses .... which is all false, I used a Minotla Camera for 7 years, I should at least know it's quality (frankly speaking, I still prefer Minolta over Canon, but too bad they do not have a respectable DSLR with interchangeable lenses).

I guess the Ang Moh knows the shop assistant is bullshitting too, asked me if I shared his view, I just smiled and shake my head a bit. The Ang Moh also smiled and said "I shared your views", and just walk off before an "answer" on Canon .......

Oh, I was there with my 10D trying to get a filter.... LOL....

blurblock said:
I have that experience too, but you cannot really blame them as Ang Moh understands them more. Ang Moh value services over prices, if you give an Ang Moh two shops one cheap one good service, he / she will choose the good service one.

If you give two shops to a Singaporean, one cheap, one good service, chances are he/she will choose the cheap one.

Different mentally. That's why they prefer to serve Any Moh and Regular first. I still go there occansionally, not a regular, but I would not mind going there.

It is often better to see things in big pictures first.

agree. but not only ang moh value good services over prices, i believe many locals do too. if i'm given 2 shops, one with good service but with normal pricing and another with good pricing with lousy service, i would choose the former (and i believe there are other locals would too)...

Originally Posted by: Computertimes said:
With a court order, Internet service providers and forum owners or moderators are obliged to reveal the identities of those who posted defaming remarks or materials online. And as more of such online defamation cases surface, the culture of being able to say anything online, hidden behind a pseudonym, may put a clamp on cybercitizens' free speech.

I urge everyone to practise restraint in their comments. In the event that a defamatory case be brought to the courts, CS will work closely with the authorities as required by law, and I would hate to see that happen here.

The Moderator

Now where did that "ComputerTimes" post appear from? Hehe

anyway as long as the things you say are true and you can back it up, you probably will not have to worry abt defamation.

Larry said:

I urge everyone to practise restraint in their comments. In the event that a defamatory case be brought to the courts, CS will work closely with the authorities as required by law, and I would hate to see that happen here.

The Moderator

In all fairness all shops currently rated good or bad have at some point been a bad shop to somebody. the important thing is we only remember the one bad incident and will not step in again after that. So even if the shop had changed their way it is still bad. Frankly I have purchased many things form all the shops mentioned, I am no loyal customer to any shop and I have encountered bad service from all the shops before. Sometimes it depends very much on the salesman serving you and sometimes you are scared off by the price that they give (mind you even in shops where they are known to give fair price). However I believe in one thing, fair price should be given in all circumstances. Consumers know if the service given by the salesman is good or bad and is more than willing to pay a little extra for good service but not too much. With all this said good services should be a standard and not have a premium. Good services make you have good feeling and return to buy more or have a friendly chat and maybe upgrade in the process, this is the real essence of good service. my 1 cent worth.

Larry said:

I urge everyone to practise restraint in their comments. In the event that a defamatory case be brought to the courts, CS will work closely with the authorities as required by law, and I would hate to see that happen here.

The Moderator

haha - there is the Singapore's freedom of speech:D

anyway - i am one of the Ang Moh's staying here in Singapore for quite a while already. I do not think it's the westerners preference to get a good service, I think singaporeans value it a lot too. The pure consumers, who just buy a camera once in 5/10 years never mind the service, they mind the price. But if you frequent the shops, and need a lot of accessories (as all those serious about photography do), you'd rather go to the place where u r considered a good guest and a valuable customer, rather then treated as crap to be ripped off. So when I just came to Singapore - all the Sim Lim for me were an opportunity to shop cheap (I m from Russia - no cheap electronics, no bargaining there:p). Now - no way, I try to avoid most of them, having just a couple of selected shops, AP for photographic equip - one of them.

Yesterday was looking for Canon A80, one of the normal shops dragged me in and quoted price like $20 lower than the market price. Would I buy it? Never - after that I'd end up with equip missing from the package, GST two times added to my bill, etc. etc.

So kudos for those shops TALKING and LISTENING to the customer, not just pressing the buttons of calculater and declaring the "best price" and "special offer", and immediately looking away if no cash was produced immediately.

Should i give my black list of shops, dear moderator?:D

This thread has served its purpose in sharing ck0112's bad experience, and it's time to close it off.


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