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But can clear faster....BTW, I will fail my IPPT next month. And going for 2 month RT on sept or oct at Maju. Who want to join me? :)

RT sianz..

2 months for me... :( :(

yea.. but at least get to sweat...

now bedok ipt not like b4 liao... :sweat: :sweat:

i sweat like 'raining'..

now dun know fats or muscle aching..

:bsmilie: :bsmilie:
when fats can ache, please tell me. It will be a medical discovery :bsmilie:

You where RT? :think:

now IPT.... used to go RT when IPT not start..

famous Bedok Camp...

now cluster with many kids for NDP practise...

:confused: :confused:

when fats can ache, please tell me. It will be a medical discovery :bsmilie:


i got more fats than muscle mah.. :sticktong :sticktong

but aching leh.. so wondering which one pain..

:bsmilie: :bsmilie:

only TK foto sells thinktank products?

am lookin @ big stick & lightning fast
realli interesting products they produce :)

Yeap only TK carries Thinktank. Good to see you here, Gabriel, hope to see you poisoned! Hahaha. :bsmilie:

Yeap only TK carries Thinktank. Good to see you here, Gabriel, hope to see you poisoned! Hahaha. :bsmilie:

hahaha yupp!! getting poisoned by u guys here!! :sticktong
so many cool products they have, more interesting than lowepro
especially for their modular system.
will be droppin by TK to check it out soon ;p

anyone have any idea how much is the lightning fast?

only TK foto sells thinktank products?

am lookin @ big stick & lightning fast
realli interesting products they produce :)

you might want to hold out to wait for the Skin Strobe. i might be getting that one, then might be giving up my lightning fast. wait and see first, wont die one. at worst... you save a few dollars from me selling mine off maybe! :D

so far i find my lightning fast a bit... fat haha

Talking about the new products, what's the difference between the belly dancer & pixel racing harness?

cervello, may I know why u prefer the skin version? I'm thinking of getting a modular set and am considering between the regular one or the new skin line.

Talking about the new products, what's the difference between the belly dancer & pixel racing harness?

cervello, may I know why u prefer the skin version? I'm thinking of getting a modular set and am considering between the regular one or the new skin line.

There is a difference between the current modulus and skin. The current modulus have paddings to protect the equipments from reasonable hit and knock during movement, whereas the Skin ones does not have paddings.

Because of the paddings, the modulus are bulky similar to the lowpero belts accessories, which sometimes will occupy space unnessary space issues in the bag you carry. I normally will just put my lens in the moudulus and keep in the camera bags, of course it will occupied more space in the camera bags.

As for Skin, because no padding. It is easier to keep in the bags. Basically, fold and keep. During events just unfold and dump my equipments in. Moreover, you can put others things in beside the lens and cameras. I intended to use skin strobe to hold my big walkie-talkie, which I am currently using lightning fast. Skin Chimp cage pop down for my batteries, blower or even portable harddisk or pocket viewer and other stuffs. This Skins reminds me a similar product from Saffrotto which looks like a SBO.

Both modulus have their pros and cons. It depends on the user's preference and how he/she would like to utilize and organise their equipments. But do remember, for belt system, you need to seek the balance around the belt, or else your waist will suffer injury. :)

Almost forgot, the only difference between the belly dancer & pixel racing harness, it the way how to wear it, other then that they served the same function.

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