The Singapore Idol!

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oeyvind said:
Come come, go join and be the SG Idol and also

come come, join Clubsnap Idol. Hosted by Tim, judges will be annouced later

Larry said:
acutally some friends of mine were talking about it, and this popped up. in order for Singapore Idol to have a distinct local flavour, we should make it Singapore Hokkien Idol. :D

i think it will be damn hilarious..imagine a ah beng dressed in luminous pink shirt all tucked in with a glossy white belt and super tight jeans....then he start singing our hokkien anthems with all the DDR moves...haaaaa...

Larry said:
acutally some friends of mine were talking about it, and this popped up. in order for Singapore Idol to have a distinct local flavour, we should make it Singapore Hokkien Idol. :D
They have...
Channel 8
Hokkien Pop Karaoke competition... :)

just sit back and njoy the show.... I believe should be entertaining and fun to watch. Wonder if we have our own version of William Hung :cool:

The Singapore Idol should be able to do songs from all our 4 official language, plus singlish.... :bsmilie:

jimtong said:
Wonder if we have our own version of William Hung :cool:

he'll be this weird-looking ang moh guy trying to sing an A-Do song.

ruthbaby and vamptress should go and "dian" the judges since rod monterio is a cheeky guy.. maybe he cannot resist temptation.. den let both of them get into the finals... hahahahaha :bsmilie:

Just came back from Suntec. Lots of pple started camping already :bigeyes:

xmen1977 said:

who could be more worse than Simon? :D :bsmilie: :bsmilie:

Simon's the best... :thumbsup:

semota said:
its American Idol...its German Idol..and then its Singapore Idol...have anyone thought it should be called Singaporean Idol?

so true .. so true , i don't think the producers realised that at all. I hope the stage would be something similar ( i mean singapore is good at copying right ?) and it doesn't turn out to be a bad KTV song and dance competition

semota said:
its American Idol...its German Idol..and then its Singapore Idol...have anyone thought it should be called Singaporean Idol?

I think they did that on purpose? In Singapore, it's not only open to Singaporeans, but to anyone who is in Singapore..or something like that. hence the name.

whenwill they show it on tv? channel 5? :think:

clive said:
whenwill they show it on tv? channel 5? :think:

aug/sep....but its lame lar.....the judges are like sooooo strangers liao...except dick lee lar... waiting to see wat results will come out of this entire production. :cool:

Singapore Idol website


actually im quite amazed at the response. People quitting their jobs to join this competition. Should be quite interesting to watch. :thumbsup:

4th July will be the last day for the Round 2 audition.

jonlou said:
aug/sep....but its lame lar.....the judges are like sooooo strangers liao...except dick lee lar... waiting to see wat results will come out of this entire production. :cool:

Hmm... They're hardly strangers mar...I dunno im only 21 and i've heard of all of them... heh so go figure.

Anyways, I do think that theyve picked the right judges.. Unfortunately, I have also come to accept that Singapore Idol will pale in comparison to American Idol.

I mean... no doubt a lot of ppl will watch, but honestly, who will call? probably the kids and the auntie uncles ahmah ahgong... haha... then they might as well call it singapore dependants idol.

hmm... am i being too abrasive?

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