The Pentax K1 Thread! - Post all your K1 picts and impressions

dont have all 3 princess, only have the 31 and 77.
For the PF, i believe is inherent of the lens characteristics and also some lens exhibit lesser of PF..

performance of the 31 and 77 is excellent. The full frame can finally showcase the strength of the lenses. Especially 31, pinholecam has some good shots with it.

My recent photo with the

Very nice examples! :)

The Limiteds are not lenses made to be the 'spec kings' that ppl get so blinded with nowadays with all the paper comparisons on test charts and numerical lens values.
In fact, the Limiteds design concept as mentioned in an interview with the lens designer was one based on 'pictorial analysis' (basically the anti-thesis of the current trend of numbers based designs).

Very nice examples! :)

The Limiteds are not lenses made to be the 'spec kings' that ppl get so blinded with nowadays with all the paper comparisons on test charts and numerical lens values.
In fact, the Limiteds design concept as mentioned in an interview with the lens designer was one based on 'pictorial analysis' (basically the anti-thesis of the current trend of numbers based designs).

I understand about Hirakawa's design (FA43 + FA77 which I owned both)and thats why they are the only two I've got, I've seen film samples with the FA43+Fa77 exhibit much less PF than my K5/APS-C sensor body, and wondering if going FF actually helped to reduce this.

Not to discredit them at all even on APS-C, they both worked very well and I keep missing them when I brought the Canon 6D + 35L out, its really no match to the K5+FA43, the rendering and color even JPEG out.

Very keen in upgrading to the K1 but with insufficient funds... I'll only have to wait..

I understand about Hirakawa's design (FA43 + FA77 which I owned both)and thats why they are the only two I've got, I've seen film samples with the FA43+Fa77 exhibit much less PF than my K5/APS-C sensor body, and wondering if going FF actually helped to reduce this.

Not to discredit them at all even on APS-C, they both worked very well and I keep missing them when I brought the Canon 6D + 35L out, its really no match to the K5+FA43, the rendering and color even JPEG out.

Very keen in upgrading to the K1 but with insufficient funds... I'll only have to wait..

Save up! and hope you will reunite ur FA limited with the K1 soon. :)

Taken at Gadens By The Bay a week after the Pentax Outing.

U got the annual pass? hmm. just saw ur EXIF, 85 1.2? what lens ah?

U got the annual pass? hmm. just saw ur EXIF, 85 1.2? what lens ah?

No annual pass, just shot the flowers outside the domes. Should be 50/1.2 leh. I used A50/1.2, K85/1.8 and Sears135/2.8 to shoot.

So weird 85/1.2. I wish I had that lens with me It's the Zhong Yi Mitakon 85/1.2 in FE mount when I had the A7r/A7II. I just asked OP to check the cost of the 85/1.2 in K mount as I saw on eBay.

I understand about Hirakawa's design (FA43 + FA77 which I owned both)and thats why they are the only two I've got, I've seen film samples with the FA43+Fa77 exhibit much less PF than my K5/APS-C sensor body, and wondering if going FF actually helped to reduce this.

Not to discredit them at all even on APS-C, they both worked very well and I keep missing them when I brought the Canon 6D + 35L out, its really no match to the K5+FA43, the rendering and color even JPEG out.

Very keen in upgrading to the K1 but with insufficient funds... I'll only have to wait..

The 31ltd is a wonderful 'new lens' on the K1.
Its cost and larger size wrt the other limiteds becomes fully justified on FF as the FOV for the same working distance is wider, yet it retains the f1.8 for the shallow DOF (and nice bokeh and drawing style).

Strangely, I had to take the longest time getting used to the 43ltd on FF, as what was a longish normal becomes a wide normal on FF.
The working distance I had got used to for the FOV on apsc was changed with FF.
But this is my go to lens when I want a small wide normal that delivers.

The 77ltd is the only lens that I find has PF when used in strong contrast situations (eg. strong backlight), but thats really rather common on small short telephoto lenses from any make.
For me, the key is to avoid those situations.
Softer light is better than harsh light for portraits most of the time anyway.
Furthermore, the CA is usually correctable in LR which has very good CA correction.
Basically, use with confidence (I've seen worse CA on many other lenses)

FF or APSC won't help with CA.
Film has less CA as its not as sensitive to more acute light angles striking the film.

The good thing about the K1 wrt legacy lenses is that for the old wide angles like the K24/2.8, FA20/2.8, works better on the K1 than they do on the Sony A7 series of cameras due to the thick filter stack of the latter.
Even my modded A7 with thin filter mod does not match the K1 o/p on the edges for the same lenses.

I've not taken macro for a long time.

IMGP7634 by jenkwang, on Flickr

K1+Kiron 28/2 on reverse adapter (that comes with the lens)
Stack of 3 frames
Very strongly cropped.

Yeah with wife. I left by 9 plus. Started from the Promontory and we walked all the way to the MErlion Park. Then left as it was getting too crowded.

Sent from my SM-N910G using Tapatalk

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With Tamron 70 - 200 (image cropped and converted to JPG from PEF using Digital Camera Utility 5):

SuperMoon2 by Jian Wah, on Flickr

With Tamron 70 - 200 (image cropped and converted to JPG from PEF using Digital Camera Utility 5):

wow.. not bad.. nice moon shot.