The Pentax K1 Thread! - Post all your K1 picts and impressions

Had been reading up on street photography recently , and came across a photographer by the name of Josef Koudelka. Apparently he often utilises triangles in his composition when it comes to shooting multiple subjects. The article I came across mentioned that " What works well when it comes to multiple subjects is when they come in threes". The article then went on to mention examples which comes into mind, such as " the three little pigs, the three blind mice, and so on" . From my personal example would be a threesome lor. :bsmilie:

Well here is my dedication to Mr. Josef Koudelka.

Interesting concept. Think someone also shared before on the triangle thingy which can be also used for Portraits, hope i can find that article..
By the way, which lens u used?

So long not here, really alot nice photos. Thumbs up all...

Joe, for the landscape shot, think 'rules of thirds' or even the triangle that Franz mentioned.

IMO, there is a bit too much empty space of the left now.
2 ideas are :
You can either move to place the puddle into the lower middle of the frame forming a triangle with the sunset on the left and the HDB on the right.
Move the puddle into one of the intersections of the thirds.

Placing the horizon in the center places emphasis on 'balance' (ie. calm, order), placing it off center gives the scene imbalance (ie. often tension )
So take that into consideration as well.

my few cents.

Joe, for the landscape shot, think 'rules of thirds' or even the triangle that Franz mentioned.

IMO, there is a bit too much empty space of the left now.
2 ideas are :
You can either move to place the puddle into the lower middle of the frame forming a triangle with the sunset on the left and the HDB on the right.
Move the puddle into one of the intersections of the thirds.

Placing the horizon in the center places emphasis on 'balance' (ie. calm, order), placing it off center gives the scene imbalance (ie. often tension )
So take that into consideration as well.

my few cents.

Noted and i do agree with u. Like i mentioned it is not the best angle cos i just happened to saw this while sourcing for scape. It abit late when i found this seem interesting angle. Also not much interesting foreground but only this patch of "swamp" haha.
Will go again one of wkend earlier to look for a good angle. Anw your 2 cents is worth a million. Thx jk thumbs up. Alot to learn from guru here

Interesting concept. Think someone also shared before on the triangle thingy which can be also used for Portraits, hope i can find that article..
By the way, which lens u used?

Hi Ranchy,

The picture ws taken with FA 35mm f/2. Perhaps due to its focal length on APSC camera, I hardly used this lens. However now with K1, I find that that i use it more often. I also like its vibrant colour, and certainly its low DOF when shooting at f/2 helps in some situations.

This is a lens which I highly recommend, and we always let the photos speak for themselves. Below is another photo from the same lens.:)

IMGP1572 by maverick_h, on Flickr

Throwback to my previous trip..

View attachment 11959
Always a motivation to find our way to the various huts on the Three Capes Track

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Sun going down fast on final night of Three Capes Track in Tasmania

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Cloudy night on first day of Three Capes Track in Tasmania.. Praying for better weather for day 2

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One of many rocks

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Tessellated Pavement

Lovely pictures! Were you travelling in a group which included Pat Law?

Had been reading up on street photography recently , and came across a photographer by the name of Josef Koudelka. Apparently he often utilises triangles in his composition when it comes to shooting multiple subjects. The article I came across mentioned that " What works well when it comes to multiple subjects is when they come in threes". The article then went on to mention examples which comes into mind, such as " the three little pigs, the three blind mice, and so on" . From my personal example would be a threesome lor. :bsmilie:

Well here is my dedication to Mr. Josef Koudelka.
Like that also can!

Lovely pictures! Were you travelling in a group which included Pat Law?


Nope. On the day of our trek, me and missus were the only ones walking so we had the whole place to ourselves as it was during winter season then

Hi Ranchy,

The picture ws taken with FA 35mm f/2. Perhaps due to its focal length on APSC camera, I hardly used this lens. However now with K1, I find that that i use it more often. I also like its vibrant colour, and certainly its low DOF when shooting at f/2 helps in some situations.

This is a lens which I highly recommend, and we always let the photos speak for themselves. Below is another photo from the same lens.:)

Wow nice.. Cannot buy another lens.. i have enough. kekeke

Recent Studio shot. Trying K-pop style...

K135 F2.5
Collage of the images:

Which style/heart you prefer...


Lovely photos

Thanks Poseur!

A comparison of Pentax K28 F2 and Zeiss 28 F2.. Both with same setting..

Zeiss 28

Was thinking to try to compare the edges, but i felt both perform quite similar.. (Full size is uploaded in Flickr.)

Thanks Poseur!

A comparison of Pentax K28 F2 and Zeiss 28 F2.. Both with same setting..

Zeiss 28

Was thinking to try to compare the edges, but i felt both perform quite similar.. (Full size is uploaded in Flickr.)

I was thinking of a K28/2 and here you post a photo used with it. Nice! the Zeiss I saw on eBay cost $1.5k

Fireworks tonight, shot with FA28


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Thanks Poseur! A comparison of Pentax K28 F2 and Zeiss 28 F2.. Both with same setting.. K28 Zeiss 28 Was thinking to try to compare the edges, but i felt both perform quite similar.. (Full size is uploaded in Flickr.)
the k28 is simply quite exquisite to just touch... :-O

Wow nice.. Cannot buy another lens.. i have enough. kekeke ... Recent Studio shot. Trying K-pop style...
Wow! Ranchy ... great idea.

I was thinking of a K28/2 and here you post a photo used with it. Nice! the Zeiss I saw on eBay cost $1.5k

Lol. you got FA28-70 liao leh..still looking for more lens ah.. kekeke

Fireworks tonight, shot with FA28
Nice. .look like you went to find another spot to take.

the k28 is simply quite exquisite to just touch... :-O

Good to touch. But ppl 15-30 and 24-70 like more powerful.. keke

Wow! Ranchy ... great idea.

Thanks Bernard, it's all thanks to organiser of suggesting and pushing us to try a theme..

voigtlander Color Skopar SLII 20mm F3.5