The most irritating comments?

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ps:dont ask me what does RTFM stand for, google it.

I help... RTFM = Read The F Manual...
And if you can't figure out what the F is, even google will not help you due to legal s***. :bsmilie:

Ahhh! This is what I was going to say... and anything to do with XMM.... "let's go shoot some XMMs"... gives me the creeps!!!

oh one more, this one most people asked before when they were "super noob" :

which camera the best ?????!!!!

:bsmilie::bsmilie: This one is classic line, OK?!!!

I help... RTFM = Read The F Manual...
And if you can't figure out what the F is, even google will not help you due to legal s***. :bsmilie:

I'm not sure what you're talking about. A Google search for "RTFM" gives you the explicit answer as the very first hit. Unless your internet connection is censored, that is.

"I got no experience... Pm me for my rates."





1. your model cio leh
2. can not make it & doesnt work for me.

3. the most irritating one are those who love to comment a lot like prof in portrait section:bsmilie:

this dun work for me

she has nice ass
her boob are huge....


"Oh I got 4 or 5 x 200L drycabi full of equipment"
"Loveeeeeeeeeee my D3/1dsm3/H3D2....."
"I have this, I have that"

I dun like people who comment about rich kid/spoilt kid:thumbsd: just because the kid has some good cam/lens..... Leave the kid alone... :)

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