The Face 2005, Pics on CS? Discuss!

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hazekang said:
wat u waiting for bro, go post ur nice pics again... :)

I will be uploading to my multiply site.. go there and see tml evening.... ;)

Deadpoet said:
this is the BIGGEST crog of sh*t I have heard from the board and the BIGGEST joke also.

first of all, I did not receive the PM, since I don't shoot events and never post, but based on what I read posted on this thread, the event organiser are typical brainless morons who probably thought, if they had a brain they may think, but since I cannot think of a better word, I will use think ... wow, so many photog taking pictures, wow, they did not ask me for permission ... why don't I scare them into giving me the pictures so that I can use them for free ...

if it is true that the only motive is to compare the pictures taken/posted to those that got leeched, why need high resolution/A4 size files/images?

this is a blatant attempt to exercise strong arm tactics where the biggest fist wins mentality. i hope none of the photog that posted abide to this ridiculus request.

I was about to said the same not listen those innocent event organisers....they r simple treat us like sh*t!!!! They can't even give a more sensible excuse to get free photos...really feel sad for those full time photographers who might get their paid check cut....

Sounds like a case of professionalism that is clearly lacking, and a lame effort to rectify some inadequacies of the event organiser.

If it's in public, and there is no sign barring photography, there is no way am I going to give you any pictures for free if I have shot it.The world does not work on false pretenses of friendship and good faith.

And it further exposes the lack of intellect on the part of the people who are making this ridiculous demand that seems to be couched in "polite" terms, just to scare those who are easily spooked,and voila, free pictures.

Just my two cents.

If agencies are TRULY concerned about protecting the models' pictures from being 'exploited', then they should have a clause in their contracts that disallow models from taking part in public events such as this.

The photogs are an innocent party in this whole thing. But in this case, seems like the organizers may be the ones who's behind this & not the agencies.

will try to respond in the morning.

Heard that the "agency" and the "organiser" are one and the same.

However, he/she/it's neither an agency nor an organiser.

nyxx88 said:
If agencies are TRULY concerned about protecting the models' pictures from being 'exploited', then they should have a clause in their contracts that disallow models from taking part in public events such as this.

The photogs are an innocent party in this whole thing. But in this case, seems like the organizers may be the ones who's behind this & not the agencies.

Mmm.. me juz got back.. so much nonsiense here arh??

Me is one of the photographers at the event..

Me have posted photos here in CS and my gallery...

However, Me will not remove the photos or give the organisers a copy of the photos unless there's an infringement somewhere...

1) There's no Sinagpore Law stating that organsing companies got the right to demand photos from photographers and not allowed to post photos online...

2) Show was done at a non-public place or have signs stating no photography allowed or somebody announce no photography

3) Somebody stopping me from shooting during the event..

For Jodie Tan, if you need to pass such messages, please include the person's name, company name, contact info plus the Legal Infringement information.. so that we can clarify the matter if necessary.. if you are not able to provide.. please refrain from making additional comments...

For Posting in CS, I leave it up to the CS Admin to decide if the photos can be posted here or not.. If CS Admin feels that the photos should not be posted here, please feel free to remove or inform me and I will remove them.
Since the forum belongs to the Admin, I will not require any explanations if you decide that the photos should be removed.

before things get carried away..... from what I read, Jodie Tan conveyed requests, rather than demands, from the company (it could be worded better I suppose but still not exactly hostile). Now, it's up to ken111111 to decide what to do and negotiate with them for compensation for the pictures if he wants to give the pictures.

Upon a further reading of the message, it looks like that you are correct. Since the message was conveyed in the form of a "request", all those concerned have to do is to convey a polite declining of the request and the request-maker should have to contend with that, since it is, a request.

mpenza said:
before things get carried away..... from what I read, Jodie Tan conveyed requests, rather than demands, from the company (it could be worded better I suppose but still not exactly hostile). Now, it's up to ken111111 to decide what to do and negotiate with them for compensation for the pictures if he wants to give the pictures.

vince123123 said:
Upon a further reading of the message, it looks like that you are correct. Since the message was conveyed in the form of a "request", all those concerned have to do is to convey a polite declining of the request and the request-maker should have to contend with that, since it is, a request.

Request is for the images you took during the event ... :light:

But asking you to remove pics and closed thread ... hmmm wonder what does it amounted to ... A demand ???? :dunno: :think:

Think we should clarify the matter and dun go overboard before any misunderstanding further arise ... :sweat:

Deadpoet said:
this is the BIGGEST crog of sh*t I have heard from the board and the BIGGEST joke also.

first of all, I did not receive the PM, since I don't shoot events and never post, but based on what I read posted on this thread, the event organiser are typical brainless morons who probably thought, if they had a brain they may think, but since I cannot think of a better word, I will use think ... wow, so many photog taking pictures, wow, they did not ask me for permission ... why don't I scare them into giving me the pictures so that I can use them for free ...

if it is true that the only motive is to compare the pictures taken/posted to those that got leeched, why need high resolution/A4 size files/images?

this is a blatant attempt to exercise strong arm tactics where the biggest fist wins mentality. i hope none of the photog that posted abide to this ridiculus request.

a note to jodie, disassocite yourself from these ppl, will only make you a persona non grata on the board. you are getting there fast already.

this is my opinion, if you don't like it, sue me!
Brutally honest. I love you. :)

First of all, I believe it was a public event attended and witnessed by members of the GENERAL PUBLIC and not restricted to just staff or selected few frm the company (aka Private Event). There are definitely TONS of other photographers holding handphone cams, point and shoot, prosumers, SLR and DSLRs.

The crux... WHY CLUBSNAP? ;)

The highest concentration of noob, serious ameuter, semi-pro and professional photographers gathered here? A good (and cheap) place to look to for underrated photographers? Hoping for free stuff (actually, who doesn't?)? Seriously offended cos photographs took are pictures of the models in EXTREMELY COMPROMISING POSITIONS (aka gay/lesbian pose)? I'm sure CSers have better taste then taking serious gay/lesbian pose shots.

I believe if all photographers to the event are being made to sign some kinda model release form, issued official photographer's pass, being informed prior to the event what they can (and cannot) do with the photos, I'm sure there'll be some kinda positive response here and not a battleground for photographer's rights as we're seeing now.

Its kinda like... "Oh, welcome to our event. Photography is not banned. Feel free to take photos!" and after that, "Hey! You are not allowed to post the images, copyright, etc, etc. Remove it, or else..."

Its like some 'black shops' where they scream, "Eat for free!" only to block exiting patrons and demand for payment for usage of glasses, plates, aircon, etc. :bsmilie:

mpenza said:
Have suggested to Jodie Tan to come in to clarify. Let's hear what she has to say.
Nope, the organisers should do it, else JT might get flamed once more for being a middleman.

espn said:
Nope, the organisers should do it, else JT might get flamed once more for being a middleman.

Agreed, the message in the first place was already distorted and caused such a stir .. :(

espn said:
Nope, the organisers should do it, else JT might get flamed once more for being a middleman.

:thumbsup: ;)

Give 800 by 600. It's good enough lar.... I mean, they scratch your back and you scratch theirs. Put it on pbase or somethin.... If they find it good and within their standards, they can pay for it.

Else next time everybody cannot take already.... :(

If you want to send CD, you must get a bit of bubble-pack and envelope, 50 cents postage. Nah....

If post high-res files, others no need to earn already.... :( Already lost some jobbies coz of this phenomenon.

I tell ya, events co, or any biz in fact, damn smart lar. Last min can fly aeroplane if there is no deposit. Can cut $$, just cut....


mpenza said:
before things get carried away..... from what I read, Jodie Tan conveyed requests, rather than demands, from the company (it could be worded better I suppose but still not exactly hostile). Now, it's up to ken111111 to decide what to do and negotiate with them for compensation for the pictures if he wants to give the pictures.

Actually if they had wanted my pictures, I would have feel very honoured. But after reading through so many responses,it seems that they are using some very illogical reasons and request that I send my picture to them. Now I seriously don't feel like giving them. By the way, I don't know what they see in my pictures, I felt they are very poorly taken... :dunno:

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