Telephoto for G2

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Jan 18, 2002
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Just would like to know which Telephoto is good for G2? Users of Telephoto..pls give advise...I am looking for a ~2x telephoto for my G2...2nd hand also can!:)

Originally posted by Paladin
Just would like to know which Telephoto is good for G2? Users of Telephoto..pls give advise...I am looking for a ~2x telephoto for my G2...2nd hand also can!:)

Best choice: Olympus B300 if you still find it.


Originally posted by ckiang

Best choice: Olympus B300 if you still find it.


For that matter..any with 5X?? At price around $200 to $300?

Originally posted by Paladin

For that matter..any with 5X?? At price around $200 to $300?

I don't know of any, though there are 8x monoculars like the Kenko 8x32 and CrystalVue Sharpshooter available which fit the Coolpix 9xx to give a total of 24x zoom. Not sure if it will work on the bigger lens of the G2 though.


I thought the one inside g2 manual which is 1.5x is the only suitable one for canon.
would be great if can get 3x or 4x.

Originally posted by ckiang

I don't know of any, though there are 8x monoculars like the Kenko 8x32 and CrystalVue Sharpshooter available which fit the Coolpix 9xx to give a total of 24x zoom. Not sure if it will work on the bigger lens of the G2 though.


I read that CrystalVue Sharpshooter cannot be used on the G2...what a waste...I wonder what are telephoto lens there is for the G2??:(

Originally posted by Paladin

I read that CrystalVue Sharpshooter cannot be used on the G2...what a waste...I wonder what are telephoto lens there is for the G2??:(

The B300 lor. A bit expensive, but it's supposedly very good. Otherwise, very hard to find a high power and good one.


Originally posted by ckiang

The B300 lor. A bit expensive, but it's supposedly very good. Otherwise, very hard to find a high power and good one.


but the B300 only 1.7x right? so with G2 3x, will be 5.1x only...what is the equivalent on a 35mm lens??

Originally posted by Paladin

but the B300 only 1.7x right? so with G2 3x, will be 5.1x only...what is the equivalent on a 35mm lens??


G2 1x is 34 mm (wide)
G2 3x is 34x3 = 102mm
G2 3x + B300 = 102 x 1.7 = 173.4mm

Originally posted by megaweb

at wide , yes it is very bad .. can see the circle very clearly

at 3x zoom , no vignetting lah

Hey megaweb, I presumed you have it right? any other to recommend?

Originally posted by mpenza
you might be able to stack 2 together.... but it'll be an expensive combination.

Ai ya...cannot lah...i think there is betterway to spend money lah... no way to increase the optical zoom??:(

Yes I second it, the B300 is a very good lens. I ave one and used it on my Pro90 with very good results.

Originally posted by Paladin

Hey megaweb, I presumed you have it right? any other to recommend?

Yes I have B300 but I am using Pro 90 ... see my Homepage (below link) for more detail ...

Originally posted by megaweb

Yes I have B300 but I am using Pro 90 ... see my Homepage (below link) for more detail ...

Well with Pro90's 10X optical would be very sufficient..but G2 3x...I think need a higher multiplier factor...

Originally posted by Paladin

Well with Pro90's 10X optical would be very sufficient..but G2 3x...I think need a higher multiplier factor...

that is the reason I get Pro 90 ... I want a dc with more zoom that can take far objects like animals , birds , etc ...

by adding higher multiplier factor to your dc , the quality of the pic will definitely degrade ... not worth to add TC > 2x ..

As for B300 , i find that it can produce good quality shots under good lighting

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